
miǎo biǎo
  • stopwatch;chronograph
秒表 [miǎo biǎo]
  • [chronograph;stopwatch] 体育运动、科学研究等常用的一种计时表,测量的最小数值可达1/5秒、1/10秒、1/50秒不等

秒表[miǎo biǎo]
  1. 基于VHDL语言的数字秒表的实现

    Realization of Digital Stopwatch Based on VHDL

  2. 本文详细介绍了一个EDA教学实验的设计实例&电子秒表电路的设计。

    A design example of EDA teaching experiment & the design of the electronic stopwatch circuit is detailed .

  3. 他用秒表测定每组动作所花的时间。

    He timed each performance with a stop-watch .

  4. 方法选胸腹部CT检查的病人(志愿者),进行呼吸训练,用秒表测量A组与B组的屏气时间;

    Methods The patients that were selected by volunteer with performed chest and abdomen CT were trained breath and measured the breath holding time in A and B group .

  5. 在某种程度上,ARM的工作类似于一个功能强大的秒表,并提供了一个包含start()和stop()条目的接口,就像教练使用的秒表一样。

    To some extent , ARM works like a powerful stopwatch , providing an interface that contains start () and stop () entries just like the stopwatch that a coach uses .

  6. 基于QuartusⅡ的带计时器功能的秒表系统设计

    Design of Stopwatch System with Timer Based on Quartus ⅱ

  7. 该模型包含流程及其子流程中的所有已定义的业务度量(指标、KPI、计数器和秒表)。

    The model contains all the defined business measures ( metrics , KPIs , counters , and stopwatches ) in the process as well as its subprocesses .

  8. 介绍了在Max+plusⅡ的EDA软件平台上,一种基于FPGA的数字式秒表的设计方法,给出了顶层电路图和各模块的设计。

    This paper introduces a method of the design of stopwatch based on FPGA on the EDA software platform of Max + plus ⅱ, and provides circuit diagram of the top layer and the design of each module .

  9. 你所需要的是剪刀、纸、美国国家航空航天局打印的PDF模板(我们在描述中链接了它)、秒表或时钟,以及一个成年助手。

    All you 'll need are scissors , paper , a printed PDF template from NASA , which we 've linked in the description , a stopwatch or clock to time your copter , and a grown-up helper .

  10. 给药20min后,将小鼠放置在密封的含钠石灰的广口瓶中,秒表记录存活时间。

    Twenty minutes after administration , the mice were put into hypoxic wide-mouthed bottles of 250 mL volume with sodalime for recording survival time with stopwatch .

  11. 用20倍解剖显微镜直接观察气管片,用秒表及两脚规测量墨汁运行速率,每次观察1min。

    20-time amplification anatomy microscope was used to observe the trachea directly , and the speed of ink movement was tested with stopwatch and compasses for 1 minute .

  12. 同时还发现当操作员的工作熟练并且标准时,用MTM-UAS分析的结果接近于秒表法测定的结果。

    Also found that when the operator proficiency and standards of work , with the MTM-UAS results of the analysis method for the determination of the results close to the stopwatch .

  13. 在热缺血期间内用秒表进行监测。

    The duration of warm ischaemia is monitored using a stopwatch .

  14. 秒表是一个原理和功能舆真正的秒表相同的实用程序。

    StopWatch is an application that functions like a real stopwatch .

  15. 扔下气压表,用秒表测出它降落的时间。

    Drop the barometer and time its fall with a stopwatch .

  16. 我用秒表给他400米跑计时。

    I timed him running four hundred metres with a stopwatch .

  17. 八秒表设置在磁带的最开始。

    Set the counter to000 at the beginning of the tape .

  18. 这个教师还通过秒表和蜂鸣器验证了这个事实。

    The teacher also demonstrated with a stopwatch and a buzzer .

  19. 裁判长:请做记录,并开秒表计时。

    Referee : Please take a note and star the stop-watch .

  20. 液压顶轴秒表法找平衡工艺及实践

    Balancing Process and Practice for Stopwatch Method of Hydraulic Shaft-raising

  21. 新型X线数字毫安秒/秒表的研制

    The development of a new type X-ray digital mAs / s meter

  22. 将电气插头插入秒表,直至感觉接合。

    Insert electrical connector into stopwatch until it is felt to engage .

  23. 电子计数器检定电秒表的分析

    Analysis of Verificating the Electric Stop Watch by means of Electric Counter

  24. 还有游戏、行事历、秒表、定时器等功能。

    Games , calendars , stopwatch , and lap timer .

  25. 手头准备一块秒表以便进行以下测量。

    Keep a stopwatch to hand for the following measurement .

  26. 如果裁判这次游泳比赛你将需要一块秒表。

    You 'll need a stopwatch if you judge this swim meet .

  27. 将秒表插入保持架并固定。

    Insert the stopwatch into the holder and attach it .

  28. 他告诉我说最后一局用秒表计时。

    He told me that the last round would be against the clock .

  29. 如果把新闻比作一场马拉松比赛,那么记录成绩的秒表已经被发明出来了。

    If journalism is a marathon , the stopwatch has just been invented .

  30. 上海生产的秒表质量高。

    Stopwatches made in Shanghai are of high quality .
