
  • 网络Joint responsibility;share responsibility
  1. 我们共同负责处理好与客户的关系。

    We share responsibility for customer relations .

  2. Troika三巨头这是一个俄语词,指三人小组或者三国集团,希腊记者将欧盟、欧洲央行和国际货币基金组织合称为Troika,因为这三个组织共同负责监督希腊的紧缩政策。

    A Russian word meaning a group of three , used by Greek journalists and then others to describe the EU , ECB , and IMF - the trinity of institutions responsible for monitoring Greece 's austerity measures .

  3. 此外,摩根大通昨天宣布,前投行业务共同负责人史蒂夫布莱克(steveblack)将成为集团副董事长。

    Separately , JPMorgan yesterday announced that Steve black , the former co-head of the investment bank , would become a vice-chairman .

  4. 加速合伙公司(AccelPartners)和哈里森金属(HarrisonMetal)共同负责了此轮融资,辛格•卡西迪曾进入前者学习并开展过创业活动。

    Accel partners , where Singh Cassidy had been an entrepreneur-in-residence , and Harrison metal co-led the round .

  5. 斯帕克斯生在休斯敦,一直为高盛效力。结构性产品团队的共同负责人迈克尔•史文森(MichaelSwenson)和大卫•莱曼(DavidLehman)稍后也会到公司。

    Michael Swenson and David Lehman , co-heads of the structured-products group , arrived shortly afterward , say people who were there at the time .

  6. 曾在诸多大城市运营公共自行车系统的阿尔塔自行车分享公司(AltaBicycleShare)将与纽约市共同负责该项目的运营,所得利润由该公司与纽约市政府共同分配。

    Alta bicycle share , which runs a handful of systems in major cities , will work with New York officials to run the program , and will split any profits with the government .

  7. 阿里巴巴表示自己雇佣了2000名巡查员,还拥有5400名志愿“影子购物者”,共同负责线上巡查打假。阿里巴巴旗下网站还包括为较大商家提供的零售平台“天猫”(Tmall)。

    The company , which also operates Tmall , a website for larger sellers , says it employs 2000 monitors and has 5400 volunteer " phantom shoppers " to comb through its websites looking for suspicious goods .

  8. 他们与IT部门共同负责管理这些规则。

    They are jointly responsible with IT to manage the rules .

  9. 实行党政共同负责制的思考

    Thoughts on Shared Management and Separate Responsibilities between the Party and Administration

  10. 我们共同负责试验炉。

    We jointly took charge of the experimental furnace .

  11. 正确认识和实行党政共同负责制

    Correct Understanding and Implementation of the Common Responsibility System of Party and Government

  12. 实行党政共同负责正是高校院(系)领导体制长期探索与反复实践的经验总结和必然选择。

    The practice of joint leadership of the Party and government is an inevitable choice .

  13. 会议赞助单位由专委会和上海市无管局共同负责招聘;

    Supporting units will be recruited by both Special Commission and Shanghai Radio Management Bureau ;

  14. 比如,目前减少肥胖儿童的责任由很多部门共同负责。

    Responsibility for , say , reducing childhood obesity is currently spread across many departments .

  15. 他们对损害赔偿金共同负责。

    They is jointly liable for damages .

  16. 共同负责制订、更改和发布经销商责任区域;

    Establish , revise & publish dealer responsible territories in the responsible region together with RBO ;

  17. 高校院系领导体制目前实行的是党政共同负责制。

    Nowadays in China the Party-administrated department and university co-responsibility system is practiced in higher education .

  18. 目前我国高校院(系)普遍实行的是党政班子共同负责的党政联席会议制度。

    Currently , in our colleges and universities , the party-government meeting system is a widespread practice .

  19. 目前弗兰兹·哈拉利已和华厦伟业签约,共同负责梦幻魔术城在中国的落地经营。

    Sino-Grand has signed a contract with Franz Harary to operate the landing of magic planet in China .

  20. 对于省内生态功能区的流域生态补偿资金,由中央和省、市地方财政共同负责。

    As to the inner-province ecological functional area , all the central , provincial and prefectural governments should take the compensation responsibility .

  21. 在企业里面,预算编制工作常常是由预算主管和预算委员会共同负责完成的。

    In a company , a budget officer or director and budget committee usually work together to take the responsibility for budget preparation .

  22. 院(系)党政共同负责制作为高校内部管理的领导体制与工作制度,在高校加强依法治校、大力推进政治文明建设的新形势下,需要从理论与实践的层面上做出新探索。

    New explorations should be carried out from theoretical and practical aspects into the Party and administration sharing responsibility system on the college or department level .

  23. 贯彻落实院系党政共同负责制,要抓好领导班子的协调配合、完善制度及提高效率等工作。

    With the view to accomplish the Party-administrated co-responsibility system , the leader group must coordinate with each other internally and perfect the mechanism to enhance the working efficiency .

  24. 国民大会只应当按照政治协商会议的决议由各党派共同负责去召集,否则我们将采取坚决反对的态度。

    The National Assembly must be convened jointly by various political parties , in line with the resolutions adopted by the Political Consultative conference ; otherwise we will firmly oppose it .

  25. 里昂证券的中国相关业务主要集中在在投行、经纪业务及私人股本方面。此前,这些业务由该集团董事长、首席执行官和一个业务发展小组共同负责。

    CLSA 's China-related businesses – primarily in investment banking , brokerage and private equity – were previously overseen by the group 's chairman , chief executive and a business development group .

  26. 外双方在合作设计后期,中、外双方共同负责与本方案设计有关的表现图制作、展示板及商务文件等的包装配合工作及制作现场的人员跟踪。

    At the later phase of the design work , both parties should continue the packaging work , such as photographs , presentation board and files , and also the follow-up on the site .

  27. 新部门由移动通信、上网本、移动无线和超便携英特尔原有的四大部门合并而成、并由麦克•贝尔和赫尔曼•尤尔(他俩均是英特尔现任高管)两人共同负责。

    The group will be led by Mike bell and Hermann Eul ( two current Intel executives ) , and is made up of four existing divisions : mobile communications , netbook and tablet , mobile wireless and ultra mobility .

  28. 假如签订担保合同时约定,当丙造成丁企业的损失而自己无力赔偿时,由其家长和企业承担,那么就由乙和甲共同负责。

    If sign , assure the agreement when the contract , oneself are faint when the loss that third causes fourth company when compensation , assume by its parent and enterprise , so be in charge of jointly by second and armour .

  29. 柏林电影节的共同负责人玛丽特·里森贝克和卡洛·查登在一份声明中说:“不按性别区分表演奖蕴含着一个信号,意味着电影界的性别敏感意识增强了。”

    In a statement , the co-heads of the festival , Mariette Rissenbeek and Carlo Chatrian , said " not separating the awards in the acting field according to gender comprises a signal for a more gender-sensitive awareness in the film industry . "

  30. 高校院(系)党政共同负责制不仅有利于加强和改善高校院(系)党的领导,而且也有利于调动院(系)行政的积极性和发挥院(系)行政的作用。

    The common responsibility system of the Party and administration , it is not only advantageous in strengthening and improving the Party 's leading in universities and departments , but also in stimulating the administrative enthusiasm . Moreover it brings into play the administrative function .