
gòng chǔ
  • coexist
共处 [gòng chǔ]
  • [coexist] 相处(如在一项活动或经历中)

共处[gòng chǔ]
  1. 这其中包括:世界范围内UWB规程的批准;能够大规模生产的低价位低功耗UWB芯片的设计:既能与现有窄带通信系统和平共处,也能避免多用户干扰。

    Among these , the most important issues are : the world 's authorized UWB regulations , the designing of low-price and low-power UWB CMOS chip that can be large-scale manufactured , a new UWB system structure which can coexist with narrowband communication systems and maximize its own capacity .

  2. 资本主义国家不得不与社会主义国家和平共处。

    The capitalist countries have to coexist with the socialist countries peacefully .

  3. 这些国家和平共处已有一个多世纪。

    The countries have been at peace for more than a century .

  4. 他喜欢与那些智力水平不如他的人共处。

    He preferred the company of those who were intellectually inferior to himself .

  5. 在一场日益严峻的危机面前,本应和睦共处、通力合作的这两个男人却势同水火。

    There was no love lost between the two men who were supposed to be working in harmony on a mounting crisis .

  6. 对于和平共处五项原则,我国一贯是恪守不渝的。

    Our country has always adhered faithfully to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence .

  7. 共处必需是任何国家都决不干涉别国的内部事务。

    Coexistence necessitates the total noninterference by any power in the internal affairs of another .

  8. 换句话说,当青少年和同龄人共处时,奖励对他们而言作用更强烈,这促使他们去追求可能会带来巨大回报的高风险体验(比如,在信号灴变红之前冲过去所带来的兴奋)。

    In other words , rewards are more intense for teens when they are with peers , which motivates them to pursue higher-risk experiences that might bring a big payoff ( such as the thrill of just making the light before it turns red ) .

  9. 西蒙·戴尔说:"我们努力与自然世界和平共处,"为此他显然已经尽了自己的最大努力。

    Simon Dale says , " We try to live in peace with the natural world , " He has certainly done his best to achieve that .

  10. 她是除了你的家人以外和你共处时间最长的人。

    She is the one that spend most time with you besides your family .

  11. 她希望该地区不同的种族群体能和平共处。

    She hoped the different ethnic1 groups in the area could live together in peaceful co-existence .

  12. 若想与敌和平共处,就要与敌并肩作战。

    If you want to make peace with your enemy , you have to work with your enemy .

  13. 不过在这部电影中,亚历克西斯的画外音警告我们,大卫命不久矣,因此在两人共处的时光中,关于大卫死亡的谜团一直笼罩在我们心头。

    But in this case , as Alexis 's voice-over warns us , David doesn ’ t have long to live , so the mystery of his death looms17 over their time together .

  14. 我对这个鬼魂的来历和他的故事知道的不是很多,但我深信他跟着我回了我家,并且和我共处了一段时间,厨房里的怪事就是他所为。

    I never got a full story on who the ghost was or anything about the ghost , but I am fairly certain that the ghost followed me home and vacationed with me a while and tried to make its presence known in my kitchen .

  15. KB楼宇服务公司(KBBuildingServices)是位于美国奥马哈的一家商业清洁公司,其创始人D.J.瑞扎克说,每周会议可以让家庭关系更密切,也使他有时间与妻子丽莎共处。

    D.J. Rezak , founder of KB Building Services , a commercial cleaning company in Omaha , credits weekly meetings with keeping the family organized and freeing up time for him to spend with his wife , Lisa .

  16. 我都希望我们可以和平共处。

    I would like to believe that they could co-exist peacefully .

  17. 小学生共处状况调查报告

    A Survey of Primary School Students ' State of Living Together

  18. 我将永远记住你我共处的那一段美好日子。

    Ll always remember the wonderful time I had with you .

  19. 我们就装作友好共处怎么样?

    How about we just pretend to be comfortable and friendly ?

  20. 和平共处是我国的一贯政策。

    Peaceful coexistence have be a consistent policy of our country .

  21. 协同可以等同于跟自己和平共处。

    Synergy can be equated to being at peace within oneself .

  22. 这个垃圾置埋场正在努力和生态自然和平共处。

    This landfill tries to live hand in hand with nature .

  23. 与家人共处的时间开始显得更加重要。

    Time with the family has started to assume greater importance .

  24. 如果我跟另外三个人共处一室。

    When I was in a room with three other people .

  25. 起码我们有五分钟一起共处。

    Then we 'll have a nice five-minute ride together .

  26. 有没有让它们和平共处.办法?

    Are there no panaceas that would enable them to co-exist peacefully ?

  27. 但我想他和神终于和平共处。

    But I think he made his peace with god .

  28. 我们应当用和平共处五项原则作为指导国际关系的准则。

    We should take them as norms for international relations .

  29. 因为这可能是你们一生中最后的共处。

    It may be the last time you see them .

  30. 告诉他我想和他和平共处,明白吗?

    Tell him I want to live in peace understand ?