- 名associated metal

Milling practice in the treatment of integrated gold - antimony - tungsten ore
And biodegradation was active . Paragenesis of lead , zinc and heavy oil , bio - sulfur feature of metal sulphide , and strong mineralization in areas rich in organic matters all indicate that organic matters had played a role in metal mineralization .
Dump slags from copper smelting prove to be a valuable source of base and rare metals . A typical copper slag may have the composition of 40-50wt % iron , which is much higher than the 29.1wt % average ore grade for iron smelting .
Combined with the mining technical-economical indexes and cost database and the dynamic intelligent calculation procedure of cut-off grade , this paper has developed a mining industrial indexes dynamic calculation and management software .
A trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group ; occurs with yttrium . Beijing Non-ferrous Metals & Rare Earth Research Institute