
  • 网络cumbria;cumbria county;West Cumbria
  1. 坎布里亚郡为华兹华斯提供了灵感。

    Cumbria was inspirational for Wordsworth .

  2. 来自英格兰坎布里亚郡的一只泰迪熊即将飞入太空,为慈善事业筹集资金。

    A teddy bear from Cumbria is launching into space to raise cash for charity .

  3. 在1957年,全世界首次核电站事故在坎布里亚郡西部的温士盖(Windscale)发生了。

    In1957 , the world 's first nuclear power accident occurred at Windscale in west Cumbria .

  4. 大量高放射性废料已经被储存在坎布里亚郡Drigg的混凝土地下室中了。

    Large amounts of low-level waste are already stored in concrete vaults in Drigg in Cumbria .

  5. 英国坎布里亚郡凯斯维克附近A66公路上一列校车发生车祸,三人死亡,其中包括一男一女两名青少年。

    Two teenagers , a boy and a girl , are among three people killed in a crash involving a school coach on the A66 near Keswick in Cumbria .

  6. 在与西班牙能源集团iberdrola组建的合资公司nugen中拥有控股权的苏伊士环能集团(gdfsuez)上周警告说,2015年之前,不会对是否在坎布里亚郡(cumbria)投资建设新核电站作出决定。

    GDF Suez , which controls the nugen joint venture with Iberdrola , the Spanish energy group , warned last week that it would not make any decision on whether to invest in a new nuclear site in Cumbria until 2015 .

  7. 英国肖像画家乔治·罗姆尼在坎布里亚郡的肯达尔去世。

    1802 George Romney , English portrait painter , died at Kendal in Cumbria .

  8. 西北部经常阴雨绵绵,坎布里亚郡似乎尤其如此。

    It rains a lot in the northwest , and that seems especially true of cumbria .

  9. 62岁的安妮伍兹在她的故乡英国坎布里亚郡举行的比赛中获得27次“世界上最丑的女人”头衔之后,终于被吉尼斯世界纪录组织接受。

    Anne Woods , 62 , was accepted into the Guinness World Record after winning the title of " world 's ugliest woman " in a contest of her hometown Cambria , UK27 times .

  10. 上周末,两对儿来自(英国)坎布里亚郡的新人却不幸在大喜的日子赶上了“前所未有”的洪灾。尽管上涨的洪水淹没了房子、汽车和道路,他们还是决定喜结连理。

    But that 's exactly what happened for two unlucky couples in Cumbria this weekend , who tied the knot despite ' unprecedented ' scenes which saw homes , cars and roads submerged in rising flood waters .