
  • 网络poisonous mushroom;Poison mushroom;toadstool;Amanita
  1. 首相威廉•皮特(WilliamPitt)化身毒蘑菇,插在一坨粪中;

    William Pitt , prime minister , as a toadstool growing out of a dunghill ;

  2. 但是他永远不会爱上一颗毒蘑菇。

    But he would never love a toadstool .

  3. 我们所有的人立即赶往急诊室,并告诉医生我们吃了毒蘑菇。我们都被洗了胃。

    We all went to the emergency room in a mad rush , and had our stomachers pumped after telling them we had eaten poisonous mushrooms .

  4. 我国南方地区1994-2002年毒蘑菇中毒情况及其研究

    Investigation of mushroom poisoning cases occurred in South China in 1994-2002

  5. 8个毒蘑菇菌株培养特性及生理学习性

    Cultural and Physiological Characters of 8 Strains of Toxic Mushroom

  6. 提高洋葱另一方面,毒蘑菇降低能量的洋葱。

    On the other hand , poison mushrooms decrease Onion 's energy .

  7. 你能说出毒蘑菇和食用蘑菇之间的不同吗?

    Can you tell the difference between poisonous mushrooms and edible varieties ?

  8. 伞菌是对“毒蘑菇”的俗称。

    Toadstool is slang for " poisonous mushroom " .

  9. 不幸的是有些毒蘑菇看上去像可食用的一样。

    Unfortunately some poisonous mushrooms look like edible mushrooms .

  10. 吉林省产致死和易误食的毒蘑菇

    Deadly and easy poisoning mushroom of Jin Lin

  11. 广东已知毒蘑菇种类

    Species of Poisonous Mushrooms Known in Guangdong Province

  12. 由于没有药物,那两个吃了毒蘑菇的人几天后就死了。

    Without remedies , the two men who ate poisonous mushroom died within days .

  13. 毒蘑菇菌株及其提取物对樟子松枯梢病病原菌的影响

    Effects of Toxic Mushroom Strains and Their Extractions on Pathogen of Shoot Blight on Pinus Sylvestris Var. Mongolica

  14. 现在,有些前往西欧和中欧的难民还面临着另一个顾虑:毒蘑菇。

    Now some of the asylum seekers headed toward Western and Central Europe face another worry : toxic mushrooms .

  15. 白毒伞蘑菇含有毒伞肽,会侵入用来从DNA读取信息的酶,扰乱酶的正常活动,使得细胞无法按照DNA信息进行活动。

    Amanita mushrooms contain amatoxin , which binds to an enzyme that is used to read information from DNA . It hobbles the enzyme , effectively interrupting the process by which cells follow DNA 's instructions .

  16. 最毒的蘑菇是什么?

    Which is most poisonous fungus ?