
dú jiàn
  • poisoned arrow
毒箭 [dú jiàn]
  • [arrow full of deadly poison;poisonous arrow] 箭头有毒的箭

  1. 整个国家就像这个中了毒箭的人。

    This whole country is the same as that poisoned man .

  2. 土著用毒箭射杀大猎物。

    The natives use poisoned arrows to kill big game .

  3. 找出谁放的毒箭更重要。

    Finding out who shot the arrow is more important .

  4. 男人中了毒箭的故事。

    There 's a story about a man shot by a poisoned arrow .

  5. 他们向我们发射毒箭。

    They fired poisoned arrows at us .

  6. 而后王子将毒箭放在弓上,对直朝怪物射去。

    Then he put a poison arrow in his bow and shot it straight at the monster .

  7. 我只用前面的两个武器&弓和毒箭,就能轻而易举地杀了你。

    I will kill you easily with my first two weapons & my bow and poison-tipped arrows .

  8. 这个埃及人非常狡猾地利用了伊俄涅的主要弱点,极其巧妙地用毒箭射中了她的自尊心。

    Most cunningly had the Egyptian appealed to Ione 's ruling foible and most dexterously had he applied the poisoned dart to her pride .

  9. 这个毒箭越尖锐,越危险,被风水毒箭伤害的后果越可怕。

    The sharper and more threatening the Poison Arrow , the more dire are the repercussions of being " hit " by these Poison Arrows .

  10. 关羽攻打樊城时,被毒箭射中右臂。那笑话是对我的恶毒攻击。

    Guan Yu was hit by a poisonous arrow in the right arm while attacking Fancheng City . That joke was a nasty hit at me .

  11. 保护你外在的身体不被毒箭射到很容易,但如果要防护你的心智不受你自己里面的毒标就几乎是不可能的事了。

    It is easy to shield the outer body from poisoned arrows , but it impossible to shield the mind from poisoned darts that originate within oneself .

  12. 爱心指数:当然,这类雌性毒箭蛙并不多产,一次仅能产五个卵子。

    The Care Factor : Granted , females of this species aren 't very productive , since they can only lay up to five eggs at a time .

  13. 他们一度曾决定把我饿死或者用毒箭射我的脸和手,马上就可以把我处死。

    Sometimes they determined to starve me , or at least to shoot me in the face and hands with poisoned arrows , winch would soon dispatch me .

  14. 由这样的毒箭造成的厄运会带来生病,错失机会,法律纠纷,吵架,金融损失或者其他形式的不幸。

    Misfortune caused by such arrows take the form of illness , missed opportunities , law suits , quarrels , financial losses , and other forms of bad luck .

  15. 野生动物官员透露,有着几乎长及地面长牙的萨韬,在五月底被毒箭射中后死亡。

    Wildlife officials revealed that Satao , a giant elephant with tusks that nearly reached the ground , has died after being shot with poisoned arrows in late May .

  16. 致力于查沃地区野生动物保护的非营利性机构查沃信托称,偷猎者们用毒箭放倒了萨陶,随后砍下了它那传奇性的象牙和大部分面部。

    Once Satao was in their clutches , the poachers hacked off his legendary tusks and much of his face , the Tsavo Trust announced on Facebook and Twitter .

  17. 后来特洛伊王子帕里斯得到神示,用毒箭射中阿喀琉斯的脚后跟,才使他丧命。

    As Achilles led the Greeks to the walls of Troy , he died from a heel wound caused by an arrow shot by Paris , the prince of Troy .

  18. 他们的舌头是毒箭,说话诡诈。人与邻舍口说和平话,心却谋害他。

    Their tongue is as an arrow shot out ; it speaketh deceit : one speaketh peaceably to his neighbour with his mouth , but in heart he layeth his wait .

  19. 此外,她还必须离猎人们远远的,因为她强大的能量会降低他们武器和毒箭的力量,让猎人们变得懒惰、昏昏欲睡。

    Also , she must be kept away from hunting men , as her powerful energy would reduce the power of their weapons and poison arrows and make the hunters lazy and lethargic .

  20. 在木桶最终停在大门口时(这在书中是没有的情节),奇力试图拉起吊闸,而受到了半兽人毒箭的攻击。

    After the barrels are eventually stopped at a gate , which is something that doesn 't happen in the books , Kili attempts to raise the portcullis and is shot with a poison arrow from an orc .

  21. 然而,它们会弥补自身与其他平常的蛙类的不同:雌性毒箭蛙会将每一个卵子分别放置,过一段时间再来看它们,给它们喂食未受精的卵子。

    However , they make up for it with parental habits unusual for frogs : The mother deposits each egg at a separate location , comes back to them every few days , and feeds them unfertilized food eggs .

  22. 向导说她死前曾遭到偷猎者疯狂的追捕,尽管为自己寻得一片隐匿的丛林,却仍被毒箭所伤。

    Poachers had hunted down this magnificent animal before piercing her tough hide with poisoned spears . As if she already knew her fate , the elephant had walked through the bush , the toxins coursing through her veins , until she found a quiet place to lie down .