
  • 网络Prince Henry;Prince Henri
  1. 英格兰人对亨利亲王权势日增感到不安,便派突袭队到苏格兰除掉他。

    The English , worried by the growing power of Prince Henry , sent a raiding party to Scotland to kill him

  2. 历史上,真正意义上的航海探索是在葡萄牙“航海家亨利亲王”的领导下开始的。

    It was in Portugal , with the guidance of Prince Henry the Navigator , that exploration and discovery began in earnest .

  3. 他现在是苏格兰亨利亲王了。

    He was now henry , king of scots .

  4. 亨利亲王,抓住你的妻子,快点!

    Henry , hold your wife , please !

  5. 他得出来,女人!鲁斯温勋爵说。亨利亲王,抓住你的妻子,快点!

    ' He goes out , woman ! 'Lord Ruthven said . ' King Henry , hold your wife , please ! '