
qū chónɡ
  • Maggot;a shameless/base person
蛆虫 [qū chóng]
  • [evildoers] 蝇类的幼虫;比喻令人厌恶的东西;比喻卑鄙无耻之徒或渺小无用之人

  1. 蜂后产下的每一颗卵都被放入到小的蜡室之中。最初,它们会孵化成像蛆虫那样没有腿的白色物体,这就是幼虫。

    Each egg laid by the queen bee is put into a little wax cell , and changes first into a little white thing like a maggot without legs , which is called a larva .

  2. 蛆虫对脊髓损伤后压疮创面的抗菌作用

    Antibacterial function of maggot for decubitus ulcer after spinal cord injury

  3. 这些蛆虫是用于吃掉死肉防止感染。

    They 're used to eat dead flesh to fight infection .

  4. 五谷虫及活体蛆虫治疗慢性感染创面的研究进展

    Advancement of maggot including living body to treat chronic infected wounds

  5. 伴随最龌龊的蛆虫往另一世界安身,

    From this vile world , with vilest worms to dwell :

  6. 蛆虫可以形成空气进入伤口的原因吗?

    Could maggots forming cause the air to get into a wound ?

  7. 你这个讨厌的蛆虫!我要揍扁你的头!

    You miserable little maggot ! I 'll stove your head in !

  8. 丛林小子拿茶壶去储存他的蛆虫了。

    Jungle boy used the teapot to store his grubworms .

  9. 蛆虫疗法修复严重感染创面的应用体会

    Application of maggot therapeutics for repairing serious infective wound

  10. 为什么空气进入,伤口导致蛆虫形成?

    So why would air getting into a wound cause maggots to form ?

  11. 蛆虫疗法,作为一种生物疗法,具有广阔的应用前景。

    Maggot therapy which serves as a kind of biological therapy is promising .

  12. 象腐肉一样扔给老鼠和蛆虫好了。

    That he be left as carrion for the rodents and the worms .

  13. 结论蛆虫疗法是一种修复严重感染创面安全有效的生物扩创疗法。

    Conclusion Maggot therapeutics is an effective biological therapy for repairing serious infective wound .

  14. 蛆虫一样的鲍曼还是不够满足。

    This did not satisfy the wormlike Bormann .

  15. 蛆虫治疗糖尿病足溃疡的临床与实验研究

    The clinical and experimental study of maggot therapeutics for foot ulcer of diabetes mellitus

  16. 目的探讨蛆虫疗法用于修复严重感染创面的应用体会。

    Objective To research the application of maggot therapeutics for repairing serious infective wound .

  17. 多少蛆虫形成的例子被观察?

    How many cases of maggots forming observed ?

  18. 那块陈干酪爬满了蛆虫。

    The old cheese was crawling with maggots .

  19. 蛆虫孵化后,尸体就会被吃掉。

    At which point maggots would hatch . At which point maggots would devour the body .

  20. 只有伪君子才穿衣服;人们身上往往只有暴躁的巨蟒和肥胖的蛆虫。

    Only hypocrites wear clothes ; fiery serpents and fat maggots are often the only attire .

  21. 让他们吃蛆虫蛋糕

    Let them eat maggoty cupcakes

  22. 或许只有蛆虫才会喜爱你们,因为对我而言你们只是一块腐烂的肉!

    Perhaps the worms still find you sweet . You 're nothing to me but rotting meat !

  23. 几杯酒下肚他感到脑子里有令他激动的蛆虫在爬。

    A few more drinks , and in his brain he felt the maggots of intoxication beginning to crawl .

  24. 您死了,一只绵羊没有灵魂,那些蛆虫已经准备好吞噬你。

    You have died , a sheep without soul , which has already been engulfed by maggot 's worm .

  25. 目的研究蛆虫对糖尿病足部溃疡创面的清创和抗菌作用。

    Objective To research the antibacterial and cleaning function of maggot therapeutics for repairing foot ulcer of diabetes mellitus .

  26. 不要怕恶人的议论,因为他们的光荣要变成粪土蛆虫。

    And fear not the words of a sinful man , for his glory is dung , and worms .

  27. 方法制备糖尿病大鼠模型,在大鼠背部制造创面,实验组创面涂以丝光绿蝇蛆虫的分泌物,对照组不予处理。

    Method Some circle wounds were made in back of diabetes rats , The injured area spreads the maggot secretion .

  28. 尸体狠狠地摔在鹅卵石上,以至于猛地被撞散,溅了她一小腿的内脏和蛆虫。

    The carcass hit the cobbles so hard that it burst open , spattering her lower legs with entrails and maggots .

  29. 目的:观察蛆虫对脊髓损伤后压疮创面细菌感染的抗菌作用。

    AIM : To observe the antibacterial function of maggot therapeutics for decubitus ulcer after spinal cord injury ( SCI ) .

  30. 人的确是疯透了,连一只蛆虫也不会造,却造出好几十个天神地祗来。

    Man is certainly stark mad : he cannot make a worm , and yet he makes gods by the dozen .
