
  1. 曾在哥伦布手下干过差事的航海探险家皮松。

    The Explorer pinzon , who had served under columbus .

  2. 哥伦布,麦哲伦等伟大的航海探险家

    Columbus , Magellan , and other great navigators

  3. 马来西亚马六甲&郑和是中国明朝的宦官,也是一位航海探险家,他率领着满载瓷器的船队抵达了非洲和阿拉伯半岛,把长颈鹿带回了中国,同时也在东南亚航道的沿岸修建了城寨。

    MALACCA , Malaysia & When Zheng He , the seafaring eunuch explorer of the Chinese Ming dynastic court , guided boats packed with porcelain to Africa and the Arabian Peninsula , he brought giraffes back to China and founded stockades along the shipping lanes of Southeast Asia .

  4. 没有可靠的经度测量,航海探险家、海军和商船船长在几个世纪内都无法确定自己在远海的准确位置,无数生命和船只因此魂断汪洋,直到哈里逊突破性地发明了航海天文钟。

    Without a reliable measure of longitude , seafaring explorers , naval and merchant vessel captains had for centuries never been sure of their exact location while on the high seas . Thousands of lives and many vessels were lost as a result , until Harrison 's breakthrough invention of the marine chronometer .