
hánɡ kōnɡ yóu jiàn
  • airmail;airpost
  1. 他们用航空邮件通知澳大利亚的银行支付一千英镑。

    By airmail they notify the bank in Australia that $ 1000 may be withdrawn .

  2. 教师的辅导可以通过定期的航空邮件、电话、传真和电话会议以及因特网等方式进行。

    Tutorial assistance may be available via regular airmail , telephone , facsimile machine , teleconferencing and over the Internet .

  3. 我认为这太重了,用航空邮件寄不了。

    I think it 's too heavy to send by airmail .

  4. 以后所有报告必须用航空邮件寄澳大利亚

    In future all report must be send to australia by air

  5. 寄往欧洲的航空邮件马上就会到达。

    A letter sent by airmail will get to Europe quickly .

  6. 是的,中国寄来的航空邮件是每盎斯40美分。

    Yes , airmail from China to us forty cents per ounce .

  7. 1921年的今天,纽约城和旧金山间开通了航空邮件。

    1921-Air mail service begins between New York City and San Francisco .

  8. 你可以用航空邮件把这个送到日本吗?

    Will you send this to Japan by air mail ?

  9. 通过航空邮件发这个包裹要多少钱?

    How much is this package to send by air ?

  10. 寄航空邮件到日本邮资是多少?

    What is the postage to Japan by air mail ?

  11. 第一个航空邮件服务没有启动,直到1918年。

    The first airmail service didn 't start until 1918 .

  12. 通过分批的航空邮件,我们已向你方向前推动了儿童帽的反样品。

    We have forwarded you by separate airmail counter-samples of Children 's Hat .

  13. 航空邮件线路和邮资的说明以参展商自身的研究为基础。

    Description of airmail routes and rates are based on Exhibitor own research .

  14. 请用航空邮件寄包裹。

    Send the parcel by air mail , please .

  15. 寄往英国的航空邮件的邮资是多少?

    Whats the postage for an airmail to UK ?

  16. 不好意思,我想寄封航空邮件。

    Excuse me . I would like to send this letter by airmail .

  17. 用航空邮件寄要花多长时间?

    How long will it take by air mail ?

  18. 请给我用航空邮件寄到日本的一封信的邮票好吗?

    May I have postage stamps for a letter to Japan by airmail ?

  19. 订购航空器的汇票用航空邮件寄给了航空公司。

    The draft for AI lcraft is sent to the airline by airmail .

  20. 维克多:我想把这个寄航空邮件。

    VICTOR : I want to send this airmail .

  21. 请告诉我寄往国外的航空邮件价目好吗?

    Can you tell me the air-mail rate abroad ?

  22. 你能把这个用航空邮件寄到日本吗?

    Can you send it to Japan by airmail ?

  23. 航空邮件的邮费是平信的2-3倍。

    Airmail charges almost twice or three times that of a normal mail .

  24. 航空邮件的邮资是多少?

    How much is the postage by airmail ?

  25. 通过航空邮件到日本需要几天时间?

    How many days does it take to arrive in Japan by air mail ?

  26. 相关的航空邮件的签收单和邮件追踪号码单请随附在正本单证后面。

    The relevant courier receipt and transmission activity report should accompany the original documents .

  27. 航空邮件或普通邮件哪个比较好?

    Which is better airmail or surface mail ?

  28. 能把这些信发航空邮件吗?

    Would you send these letters by airmail ?

  29. 航空邮件的费用上涨了15%。

    Air mat charges have rise by15 % .

  30. 到日本的航空邮件多少钱?

    How much is the airmail to japan ?