
  • 网络New route;new sea route
  1. 哥伦布开辟新航路的历史考察与思考

    Historical review and Reflections on Columbus ' opening of the new sea routes

  2. 新航路开辟对西欧资本主义发展的影响

    Influence of Opening of New Sea-route to Development of Capitalism in Western Europe

  3. 他在寻找与东方国家进行利润丰厚的香料贸易的新航路。

    He was looking for new routes for the profitable spice trade with the east .

  4. 为新航路的开辟和宗教改革提供了必要的条件。

    For the new air route opened up and religious reform provided the necessary conditions .

  5. 本文介绍了长江安徽段新航路规则的基本内涵,阐述了与此相关的航法改革的必要性;

    This article introduces abstract of reforming Fairway of changjiang s anhui area ; illustrates the necessity of reforming navigational method ;

  6. 16&18世纪,在地理大发现和新航路的推动下,国际贸易快速发展。

    In 16-18 centuries , international trade developed rapidly under the promotion of the discovery of new land and new sea-lane .

  7. 新航路的开辟缩小了这个世界,使得世界上更多的人看到了其他国家的商品。

    The new air route opened up narrowing the world , making the world more and more people see the other countries of commodities .

  8. 漆器作为东方的手工艺品,在西欧人开辟新航路之前就已经存在,并且在亚洲内部已开展了漆器贸易。

    Oriental lacquer handicrafts , as Western Europe were to open up new routes existed before , and lacquer trade has been carried out within Asia .

  9. 在欧洲人发现新航路之前,东南亚的香料主要输送到威尼斯,然后远销欧洲各地。

    Before the discovery of new routes to east , the spices of Southeast Asia mainly transported to Venice , and then exported to entire Europe .

  10. 近代史以新航路的开辟为出发点,包括文艺复兴、宗教改革和反宗教改革等阶段,而这个视野涉及经济、宗教和艺术等方面。

    The modern history includes the Opening of the New Route , Renaissance , Reformation and Ant-Reformation and this view about economy , region and art .

  11. 《马可·波罗游记》是西方人感知东方的第一部著作,激起了欧洲人对东方的热烈向往,对新航路的开辟产生了巨大影响。

    The book instilled in many Europeans an interest in the Orient , and had a strong impact on the discovery of new travel routes in the world .

  12. 提要:郑和下西洋与西方航海家开辟新航路,同为15~16世纪人类“大航海时代”最主要的事件。

    Zheng He 's voyage and westerners'opening up new routes , both as major events in the " Great Discovery " of the15th and16th centuries , had much in common .

  13. 新航路开辟后,美洲丰富的自然资源吸引了大量欧洲人涌入新大陆,移民们开始了开发利用自然的征程。

    After opening up the new routes , The American rich natural resources have attracted a lot of Europeans into the New World , the immigrants started to exploit the nature .

  14. 西方航海家开辟新航路产生了巨大的远期效果,欧洲人沿着新航路到达美洲、非洲、亚洲,建立殖民统治,促进了欧洲资本主义的发展。

    Europeans , however , opened up many new routes and they , along these routes , arrived in America , Africa and Asia , and established colonies there , which greatly promoted the capitalist development .

  15. 随着新航路的开辟、工业革命的进行与资本主义的殖民扩张,西餐作为西方文化的重要部分,逐渐在全球推广开来。

    With the exploring of the great discoveries of geography , industrial revolution and the colonial expansion of capitalism , as an important part of western culture , Western-style food has gradually been spreading in the globe .

  16. 本文认为,新航路开辟后,虽然澳门与广州都是中西文化交流的窗口,但由于种种原因,两者在当时中西文化交流中的地位与作用均存在着一定的差异。

    Although Macau and Guangzhou both were " windows " of cultural exchange between the West and China after opening of new sea mutes , there have been certain differences between the two cities in their orientation and roles in the cultural exchange because of various backgrounds .

  17. 新航路开辟后,随着大发现时代北极探险的发展,北极在地图上逐渐摆脱了地理盲区的地位,人们逐渐转向对北极更为全面深入的研究与预测。

    After the new sailing routes opened up , with the development of the arctic exploration in the big discovery age , the arctic had gradually got rid of the position of geographical " dead zone ", people turned to comprehensive research and prediction on arctic little by little .

  18. 机长,站调有几个新的航路点的变化,请按照此变化飞行。

    Captain , according to Air Traffic Control , there are several changes to the flying route . Please follow the new route .

  19. 仿真系统航路数据库建立方法的研究本文尝试一种新的航路数据库解决方案。

    The study of setting up a flight route database with flow emulate system This paper presents a new flight route database solution on the basis of analyzing and studying the domestic airspace structure , air traffic control ( ATC ) area partition and flight control handover characteristics .

  20. 浅谈高中历史新教材内容的增删&以开辟新航路为例

    From the " Opening up New Routes " to See the Senior Middle School 's New History Textbook Content Additions and Deletions