
  1. 社会形成重商风气,商人阶层作为一个新兴阶层,在社会上发生日益重要的作用。

    An ethos of attaching importance to commerce appeared in the society .

  2. 新兴阶层对我国的经济和政治发展的影响越来越大。

    The influence of the economic and political development of newly arisen stratum to our country is more and more big .

  3. 新富阶层是新近崛起的、富有活力的新兴阶层,是社会发展和阶层分化的必然产物。

    The China New Rich Stratum as a new stratum with strong energy , is the inevitable result of the social development and the stratum transformation .

  4. 10年前,没有人会预料到中国城市新兴阶层的闲暇生活中会有如此多的美国特色。

    A decade ago no one would have predicted that the texture of leisure for China 's emerging urban class would have such an American feel .

  5. 北京理工大学经济学教授胡兴东说:矛盾的根本是强大的既得利益与上升的新兴阶层之间的紧张关系。

    At the bottom of the conflict is tension between powerful vested interests and a new rising class , said Hu Xingdou , an economics professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology .

  6. 这一新兴阶层可以说是社会生产力发展和市场取向改革不断深化的必然产物,其构成成分相当的复杂。

    This newly arisen stratum can be treated as the inevitable outcome that the social productivity development and the market mindset reforms turn continuously and deeply , it constitute equal complications of composition .

  7. 于此同时,伴随城市管理体制和住房产权制度的变化,人们之间联系的纽带由单位转向了社会,出现了业主这一新兴阶层。

    Meanwhile , as the changes of city management system and housing property rights system , new owner hierarchy appeared as a key link between people from " unit " to " society " .

  8. 对于伦敦希思罗机场常规航班的过度拥挤以及无可避免的延迟,百万富翁和千万富翁的新兴阶层,包括地产投机商、电子商务创业者、风险资本家和对冲基金交易员等,已经越来越无法忍耐。

    This emerging class of millionaires and multi-millionaires - including property speculators , e-business entrepreneurs , venture capitalists and hedge fund traders - has become ever more exasperated with the overcrowding and inevitable delays on regular flights from Heathrow .

  9. 传统的社会结构出现分裂,新兴阶层的出现重构了社会结构,基于利益至上的社会阶层矛盾丌始突显。群体突发事件的频发、不确定性的社会风险是威胁社会和谐的最大因素。

    The frequent public emergency and uncertain social risks , that caused by the split-up of traditional social structure , the reconstruction coming with new social classes , the appearance of new interest groups , the outstanding transition contradiction , become the biggest factors against social harmony .

  10. 新兴中产阶层是中国购物中心市场大发展的主要动力。麦肯锡(McKinsey)数据显示,到2022年,中国中产阶层数量将达到6.3亿,为美国目前人口的两倍。

    The main engine for the mall surge is China 's emerging middle class , which will hit 630m by 2022 , double the current population of the US , according to McKinsey .

  11. 论中国新兴社会阶层的政治地位

    On the Political Status of New - Rising Social Stratum in China

  12. 如何引导和利用这一新兴社会阶层来为我国的社会主义现代化建设服务?

    How can we utilize this new social stratum and serve for socialist modernization drive ?

  13. 中国新兴富有阶层正不惜代价,强劲而热烈地追逐西方和亚洲的艺术品。

    A growing wealthy class is aggressively pursuing a costly passion for both Western and Asian works .

  14. 民营企业主作为一个新兴社会阶层,其政治参与意识正在逐渐增强。

    As a new social stratum , private entrepreneurs have become conscious of the importance of political participation .

  15. 新兴市民阶层地位的迅速崛起和商业经济的发展,为通俗小说的传播培育了众多的传播者和受众。

    The growing up of the new citizens and the development of the business and economy cultivated more communicators and readers .

  16. 人们大谈特谈亚洲新兴中产阶层,以及发展基于国内消费的新模式。

    There has been much talk about Asia 's rising middle class and the development of a new model based on domestic consumption .

  17. 随着新兴中产阶层越来越意识到保护自身资产的重要性,亚洲地区的保险业务已进入迅猛增长阶段。

    Insurance is a rapidly growing industry in Asia as an emergent middle class becomes more aware of the value of protecting assets .

  18. 《凤凰周刊·珠宝》优秀的编辑记者以坚定的创新精神和激情,为中国新兴富裕阶层提供关于新奢华主义最瑰丽的梦想实现途径。

    Our brilliant editorial team offers , with passion and creative spirit , the new affluent generation a way to realize the dreams of new luxury .

  19. 在中国北方城市大连,大约有2109套高档住宅于上周开盘发售,以迎合新兴中产阶层的旺盛需求。

    Some 2,109 premium residences went on sale this week in the northern Chinese city of Dalian , catering to buoyant demand from a rising middle class .

  20. 新兴商业阶层接受了它,贵族也接受了它。他们节省了在法庭玄衣的时间而将更多的精力放在治理国家的土地上。

    The emerging mercantile class adopted it , as did landed aristocrats , who spent much of their time on their country estates rather than at court .

  21. 以富裕阶层及有丰厚积蓄的新兴中产阶层为主要目标,百货公司的业务从销售商品发展至商业文化。

    They aimed at the rich people and the new middle class that had plenty of savings , therefore the operation developed from goods distribution to commercial culture .

  22. 交易员们尤其担心植物油的价格。植物油在中国等发展中国家是一种重要食品,这些地区的新兴中产阶层越来越多地购买煎炸油。

    Traders are particularly concerned about the cost of vegetable oil , key for developing countries such as China where an emerging middle class is buying more frying oil .

  23. 这个时期实现了充分就业、工资上涨,生活消费品更便宜了,艺术的发展也在酝酿之中,新兴工人阶层开始在小说、戏剧与电影中发出自己的声音。

    It was a period of full employment , rising wages , affordable consumer goods and artistic ferment , as new working-class voices made themselves heard in fiction , drama and film .

  24. 徐波或许并不符合西方对于中产阶层的认识,但在中国的环境里,他和2.7亿名像他一样的进城务工人员属于一个向上移动的新兴消费者阶层。

    Mr Xu may not fit the western idea of middle class , but in the Chinese context he and 270m migrant workers like him are part of a new category of upwardly mobile consumers .

  25. 在国内,中国孕育了一个新的富豪阶层、一个集中在沿海大城市的新兴中产阶层,以及一个苦苦挣扎、越来越难以驾驭的农村下层和城市贫民阶层。

    At home , China has spawned a new caste of millionaires , an emerging middle-class centred in large cities on the coast , alongside a struggling and increasingly fractious rural underclass and urban poor .

  26. 但尼日利亚也是一个教科书般的典型案例,反映出了非洲新兴中产阶层的脆弱性。在尼日利亚的1.7亿人口中,目前仍有超过60%的人生活在极度贫困中。

    And yet Nigeria , where more than 60 per cent of its 170m population still lives in extreme poverty , is also a textbook example of the fragility of the emerging middle class in Africa .

  27. 日前,瑞士瑞信银行发布了一份报告称,中国财富总值增长迅速,已成为全球新兴财富阶层的主力。

    Recently , a recent report released by the UBS ( Credit Suisse ) that China 's total national production has increased so rapidly that China has become one of the big members in wealth class globally .

  28. 同时,十六大还突破传统所有制理论,充分肯定了非公有制经济及新兴社会阶层在现阶段的重要地位和作用。

    At the same time , the congress surpassed the traditional theory about the public sectors and confirmed the important role of the non-public sector of self-employed , private and other forms of ownership of the economy .

  29. 经济发展导致社会结构变迁,奠定了以中央谷地为核心的现代城市格局,中产阶级和工人阶级两大新兴社会阶层崛起。

    Economic development led to changes in social structure . The pattern of modern urbanization with the Central Valley at its core had been formed . The middle class and working classes grew up as the emerging social classes .

  30. 但是,新兴富裕阶层与时尚的年轻艺术家的结合并不出人意料,这完全不等于中国文化将肯定能为世界带来一些新鲜、独特或前卫的元素。

    But the predictable symbiosis between a new affluent class and young , fashionable artists is one thing to wonder whether there is anything fresh , distinctive or radical in what Chinese culture has to offer is quite another .