
  • 网络LAVIE
  1. 以农家乐为特色的乡村生态旅游发展规划的研究

    On the Development Project of Rural Eco-Tourism Featuring Farmhouse Resort

  2. 他扎罗汀乳膏(乐为)治疗寻常型痤疮的临床疗效观察

    Efficacy of Tazarotene Cream in the Treatment of Acne Vulgaris

  3. 珠江三角洲大城市郊区乡村旅游发展探讨&以广东省佛山农家乐为例

    Discussion on the Rural Tourism Development of Metropolis Suburb in the Pearl River Delta

  4. 乡村旅游地品牌个性特征研究&以西安长安区农家乐为例

    A Study on Rural Tourism Brand Personality : A Case of " Nongjiale " Xian Chang'an

  5. 城市郊区乡村旅游发展影响因素研究&以成都农家乐为例

    Affecting Factors on the Development of Rural Tourism in the Suburbs : A Case Study of Chengdu

  6. 农资公司在农忙时,乐为农民送货下乡。

    Farming materials company is glad to deliver goods to the countryside for farmers during the farming season .

  7. 您乐为人梯,欣然让后人蹬着自己的肩膀,去摘取胜利的硕果。

    You are ready to be a ladder , letting others step on your shoulders to pick the fruit of success .

  8. 本药房,乐为顾客小病当医生,大病当参谋。

    This pharmacy is glad to act like a doctor for ordinary illness and a consultant for serious illness of customers .

  9. 任劳任怨是他们的工作态度,勤勤恳恳是他们的工作作风,他们乐为他人作嫁衣。

    Hard working is their working attitude , diligent work of their style , they are happy for others to make the wedding dress .

  10. 20世纪以来,中国音乐家创作了大量以唐乐为题材的现代音乐作品,产生了较大的社会影响。

    Since the20th century , Chinese musicians have been created a multitude of modern music which took Tang music as material and had a considerable social influence .

  11. 仙人岛度假村是一个集餐饮、闲、宿、乐为一体的大型项目,其设计和施工全部由我公司完成。

    Xianren Island Holiday Village is a large project integrating restaurants , amusement , accommodation and entertainment . Our company has contracted both design and construction of this project .

  12. 第三部分,总论。以龟兹乐为代表传入中原的西域乐舞,在中原文化艺术中占据了重要地位。

    Music and dance of west part of China represented by Qiuzi music , is introduced to Central China and plays an important role in its culture and art .

  13. 周乐是为周代乐,是中国古代周王朝所建立的音乐。

    " Zhou Yue " means the music in Zhou Dynasty .

  14. 这一以女子十二乐坊为代表的新民乐,人们对此褒贬不一。

    As the representative of the new folk music , 12 Girls Band receives both honor and censure .

  15. 《诗经》乐歌配乐的过程有四:一是词、乐均为新制,同时产生;

    The background music dubbing had four ways : the first , newly-made poem and music were created simultaneously ;

  16. 20世纪80年代以来世界除草剂新品种开发进展及特点(一)5、初步建立了以二甲戊乐灵为主要除草剂品种的大蒜田杂

    Herbicide Metabolism and Creation of Novel Herbicides Developing Progress and Characteristics of Herbicides Novel Varieties in the World from the 1980s

  17. 在街上因酒有悲欢的声音。一切喜乐变为昏暗。地上的欢乐归于无有。

    In the streets they cry out for wine ; all joy turns to gloom , all gaiety is banished from the earth .

  18. 上海JW万豪酒店总经理乔朗臻先生近日宣布任命查乐先生为上海JW万豪酒店新任房务总监。

    John Northen , general manager of JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai is pleased to announce the appointment of Nagesh Chawla as the new Director of Rooms .

  19. 我们在神面前,因着你们甚是喜乐,为这一切喜乐,可用何等的感谢,为你们报答神呢。

    For what thanks can we render to God again for you , for all the joy wherewith we joy for your sakes before our God ;

  20. 浙江农民的流动交易方式与其经济现代化&以浙江省义乌市后乐村为个案


  21. 唐代音乐发达,乐工作为宫廷音乐组织、编排、演奏的主体,在唐代政治生活中扮演了重要角色。

    As the subject in organizing , choreographing and performing the court music , the musicians played an important part in the politics during the Tang Dynasty .

  22. 熟悉酒店的香槟雪茄吧的客人会发现现在的驻店乐队有了改变,不仅仅是乐队成员,而且音乐也由流行乐改为将会以古典乐、爵士乐等为主题。

    Patrons of the hotel 's Champagne & Cigar Bar will be delighted with the new live entertainment , which is available once the renovation is implemented .

  23. 此乃一非牟利团体,主要以传统中国文化如中国舞,杨式太极,书法及中乐等为推广目标。

    We are a non-profit organization , committed to promote the Chinese Culture such as Chinese classical dance , Yang style Taichi , Chinese Musical Instruments and Chinese Writing .

  24. 有两源∶南支乐会水为干流,长109公里,发源于五指山林背村南岭。

    There are two sources of support ︰ South Club for the main stream of water , 109 kilometers long , originates in Mountain Village , Lin Nanling back .

  25. 以拥有美德、仁慈和学识为乐方为真正而长久的乐趣;望你对此始终给予充分认识。

    The pleasure of virtue , of charity , and of learning is true and lasting pleasure ; with which I hope you will be well and long acquainted .

  26. 不同类型冗余资源的来源及其特征:基于决策方式视角的实证分析有限资源的创造性利用&基于冗余资源的商业模式创新:以麦乐送为例

    Source and Characteristic of Different Slack Resource : An Empirical Analysis Based on Decision-making Perspective Slack , Bricolage and Business Model Innovation : A Case Study based on McDonald 's Delivery System

  27. 研究以学生乐学为突破口,注重培养学生综合能力,特别是阅读能力、自学能力和创新思维能力,旨在促进学生语文素养的形成与发展。

    The research makes " students happy to learn " a breakthrough and pays attention to cultivation of students comprehensive abilities , especially reading ability , self-study ability and their innovative thinking ability .

  28. 以及PaulRobeson,以政治激进主义为乐,并为Belafonte打造了一条政治道路。

    and Paul Robeson , whose combination of entertainment and political activism forged a path that Mr Belafonte would follow .

  29. 而最小杯无奶油的黑莓摩卡星冰乐的热量为288卡路里。

    The smallest version , without whipped cream , provided 288 .

  30. 将《秦王破阵乐》改编为一部完整的大型音乐作品。

    And this music was therefore adapted into a large-scale complete musical work .