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yuè fǔ
  • Yuefu;a government office in the Han Dynasty for collecting folk songs and ballads;such folk songs and ballads, or their imitation written by scholars;official conservatory in the Han dynasty (206B.C.-A.D.220)
乐府 [yuè fǔ]
  • [official conservatory in the Han ynasty (206B.C.-A.D.220)] 古代主管音乐的官署,后世把采集的民歌或文人模拟的作品也叫做乐府

  • 许用德制乐府。-- 清. 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》

乐府[yuè fǔ]
  1. 中国脍炙人口的南北朝乐府民歌《木兰辞》被美国迪斯尼公司搬上了银幕,制作成了大型动画片《Mulan》,在全球赢得了票房佳绩。

    The Chinese popular ballad Ode of Mulan was shot by Walt Disney Company as a cartoon Mulan , which gained great success in the world .

  2. 《乐府传声》的歌唱发声理论

    On Singing Theory in the Book " Music of Ballads "

  3. 其次是拟乐府诗创作传统使然。

    Secondly , there is to be Yue-fu Poetry traditional impact .

  4. 而中唐元和时代的新乐府运动,则部分地继承了杜甫以新闻性为诗的精神。

    New Music-Bureau Movement partly inherited Du Fu 's journalistic style .

  5. 第二章是七言乐府研究。

    Chapter two was the study of Yue Fu with seven characters .

  6. 论建安作家对乐府民歌的继承与发展

    On Jian'an Writers ' ? Inherit and Development to Han Dynasty Ballads

  7. 汉代贵族乐府研究

    Research on the Aristocratic Musical Conservatory in the Han Dynasty

  8. 汉唐乐府诗题目的创制

    Exploring into Subject Creation of Yue-fu Poem in Han and Tang Dynasty

  9. 试论李白乐府诗歌的思想风格

    On thoughts and style of Li Bais Yue Fu poetry

  10. 第二章论述了汉代贵族乐府的文化精神。

    Second chapter elaborated the Han Dynasty aristocratic musical conservatory 's culture spirit .

  11. 艳体乐府诗是指内容香软、风格艳丽的乐府诗。

    On the Style of Fu Xuan s Yuefu Poems and its Cause ;

  12. 汉代文人的乐府歌诗创作及其意义

    The Creation of Yue Fu Poems Written by Han Scholars and its Importance

  13. 原诗确实是感情真挚、音韵和谐的“乐府”佳作。

    The original version was one of the best emotional , harmonious poems .

  14. 再次与当时的乐府诗研究风气有很大关系。

    At that time , again with a research trend in the poetic verse .

  15. 从汉乐府诗看秦汉婚恋中的妇女

    Study On Women in Love and Marriage Qin-Han Dynasty From the Collections of Poems

  16. 这说明南朝的边塞乐府诗为唐音之始。

    That means in the frontier fortress poems is the beginning of Tang Yin .

  17. 是的,乐府诗的特点就是有强烈的现实感。

    Tom : Yes , it is characterized by a strong sense of reality .

  18. 晚唐艳情诗与艳情词南朝文人艳情诗与乐府民歌产生背景的比较分析

    A comparative study of the loving poems and folk songs in the Southern Dynasties

  19. 乐府诗创作上具有新乐府精神。

    Has new spirit in Yue-fu poems .

  20. 试论《乐府传声》对当代民族声乐演唱的借鉴意义

    The Effect of " YUE FU CHUAN SHENG " on the Contemporary National Vocal Singing

  21. 在其有限的建置时期内,乐府的职能处于不断的演变、扩张之中。

    The function of Yue-fu was evolving and expanding continuously during its limited existing period .

  22. 这说明,南朝边塞乐府诗是沿袭了乐府诗的创作传统而来的。

    This shows that in the frontier fortress poems is tradition the creation of poems .

  23. 从汉乐府民歌看汉代女子对美的追求

    Women 's Pursuit for Beauty Embodied in Folk Songs of Music Bureau in Han Dynasty

  24. 论少数民族音乐文化对乐府诗史的影响

    A Study of the Musical Culture of the Minority Nationalities Impacting on the History of Yue-Fu

  25. 目前,学术界关于唐代乐府制度的重要成果不多,对与唐代乐府制度相关的一些重要问题尚认识不清。

    Currently there are not many significant achievements concerning the conservatory system in the Tang Dynasty .

  26. 乐府搜集的最有名的歌曲形式叫“相和歌”。

    The most famous form of songs collected by the Music Conservatory was called Xianghe ge .

  27. 再论汉乐府音乐的分类及雅、俗关系

    Classification of the Folk Music in the Han Dynasty and the Relationship Between Elegance and Popularity

  28. 电场计算的边界配点法和边界元法及其比较初唐边塞乐府与南北朝边塞乐府之比较

    The Point-matching Method and the Boundary Element Methods in Calculating Electric Field and Comparison Between Two Methods

  29. 鲍照所有的乐府诗作均是自我观照,自述情怀之作,诗的主体色彩强烈而浓厚。

    All of Baozhao s Yuefu Poems are filled with self-reflection and self-expression with sufficient subject color .

  30. 这一时期是汉乐府诗的产生期与初始传播期。

    The ballads , folk songs and their imitations was generated and spread initially in this period .