
  • 网络concertmaster;concert master
  1. daSilva就在她的脸谱上发状态说道“今天发生了不可思议的事:我和柏林爱乐乐团首席低音提琴手一起演奏了。这太让人难以置信了!”

    As Ms da Silva posted on Facebook : " The unthinkable happened today : I played with the principal bassist of the Berlin Philharmonic . I still can 't believe it ! "

  2. 过去34个演出季里,纽约爱乐乐团首席小提琴手的位置一直属于格兰·迪克特罗(GlennDicterow),他也是这个位置上呆得最久的人。周三,乐团宣布,现任休斯顿交响乐团首席小提琴手的黄欣将接任迪克特罗。

    Filling the chair that for 34 seasons was occupied by Glenn Dicterow , its longest-serving concertmaster , the New York Philharmonic on Wednesday announced the appointment of Frank Huang , currently concertmaster of the Houston Symphony .

  3. 翌年当该剧院需要一位第三指挥时,他承担了这一职位,同时继续担任乐团首席。

    A year later the company needed a third conductor and Kamu took up the position along with his tasks as a leader .

  4. RichardWatkins--爱乐乐团前首席号角手--时任皇家音乐学院教授,在他的激发下,英国乐手独霸乐团的铜管乐部。

    Britain dominates the orchestra 's brass section , inspired by Richard Watkins , the Philharmonia 's former principal hornplayer , who is now a professor at the Royal Academy of Music .

  5. 管弦乐团的首席演奏者通常都是第一小提琴手。

    The concertmaster of an orchestra is usually the first-chair violinist .

  6. 几年前,香港管弦乐团的首席指挥就将妻儿从香港迁到了美国威斯康星州。这位指挥当时给出的搬家理由是香港的空气令人窒息。

    A few years ago , the director of the city 's Philharmonic Orchestra had his family do just that , packing them up and moving them to Wisconsin , citing frustration with the city 's lung-choking air .