
lè ɡuān pài
  • Optimist
  1. 你是一个现实主义者故意装作愤世嫉俗,然而暗中是个乐观派。

    A realist masquerading as a cynic , who is secretly an optimist .

  2. 乐观派可能认为,中国西部水泥的故事将鼓励其它中国企业把aim作为进一步做大的跳板。

    Optimists may believe that its story will encourage other Chinese companies to use aim as a jumping-off point to bigger things .

  3. 《只有人类需要求职》(OnlyHumansNeedApply)可以归入“技术乐观派”的类别,书架的另一端则有马丁•福特(MartinFord)较为悲观的著作——《机器人时代》(RiseoftheRobots)。

    Only Humans Need Apply falls into the sub-genre of techno-optimism , at the opposite end of the bookshelf from , say , Martin Ford 's doomier Rise of the Robots .

  4. 市场上的乐观派即那些喜欢鼓吹v字形复苏的人认为,在实体经济和金融领域,这种反弹都还可以持续很久。

    Optimists in the market or those who like to parade the " V " scenario argue that this rebound has a long way to run in both the real economy and financial sphere .

  5. 耶鲁大学(YaleUniversity)经济学教授滨田宏一(KoichiHamada)等乐观派人士认为,通过合并这些协议,可以使双边协议这碗细面条变为(地区性的)宽面条。

    Optimists such as Koichi Hamada , professor of economics at Yale University , believe merging them would turn the bilateral spaghetti into a ( regional ) lasagna .

  6. 巴西人可能天生就是乐观派,就像斯利姆所说的那样。

    Brazilians may have an innate optimism , as Mr slim said .

  7. 不过,即使是乐观派,也在变得越来越精明。

    Even the optimists are becoming more discerning , though .

  8. 而与愤世嫉俗相反的则是近乎天真的乐观派。

    The opposite of cynicism is optimism tinged with naivety .

  9. 就连乐观派也认为,这样的增长率无法继续。

    Even the bulls do not think this rate of growth can continue .

  10. 而在乐观派看来,则是机器。

    for the optimists , it 's the machines .

  11. 这是因为,开发商们都是乐观派,他们本质上而言都是销售人员。

    Developers are optimists and salesmen by nature .

  12. 让乐观派扫兴的是,学者们认为,这种势头即将终结。

    Unfortunately for the bulls , academics think this is coming to an end .

  13. 与此同时,非洲的乐观派让人们看到一线希望。

    In the meantime , Africa 's optimists point to a ray of hope .

  14. 2011年伊始,我为全球的乐观派提供三个理由,来反驳怀疑论者。

    In 2011 , against the sceptics , I point to three reasons for global optimism .

  15. 顽固的乐观派可能坚称不会。

    Diehard optimists might insist not .

  16. 乐观派注意到房价的减速至今还未对消费支出造成巨大冲击。

    Optimists note that the housing slowdown has so far had scant impact on consumer spending .

  17. 新兴经济体遭受的打击要大于乐观派的预期,但是做出的回应要优于悲观派所担忧的。

    Emerging economies were hit harder than optimists expected , but responded better than pessimists feared .

  18. 潘基文从来都是乐观派,可是这次就连他也承认,消除塞浦路斯分裂的进度,太过缓慢。

    But even he acknowledges progress in healing the divisions of the island is far too slow .

  19. 对现代技术的反思大致可分为三派:乐观派,悲观派和辩证派。

    Reflections on modern technology can be divided into three factions : optimists , pessimists and dialectical school .

  20. 乐观派会认为,世界已经在朝着全球化进程的一个新阶段进发。

    The optimists will argue that the world is already moving towards a new phase in the story of globalisation .

  21. 你知道吗?例如,乐观派的心脏搭桥手术者重返医院的是悲观状态的一半?

    Did you know , for example , that * optimistic heart-bypass patients are half as likely as pessimists to be re-hospitalized ?

  22. 意大利如果想把悲观派变成乐观派,仅仅满足像样的预期还不够。

    If Italy wants to convert those pessimists who want to be optimists , it is not enough to meet exalted expectations .

  23. 加州的技术乐观派认为,我们身上作为消费者的这一部分将迎来进一步繁荣,很大程度上借助于我们口袋里具有超级计算机功能的智能手机。

    The techno-optimists of California promise a further bonanza for our inner consumer , largely powered by the supercomputer smartphones in our pockets .

  24. 乐观派还谈到了制造业&在过去18个月里,美国制造业已有近50万个就业岗位回归。

    The optimists also point to manufacturing , where almost half a million US jobs have come back in the past 18 months .

  25. 至少,少数乐观派任然对六国会谈旨在解决北朝鲜核武器问题抱有希望。

    At any rate , little optimism remains for the future of six-nation talks aimed at getting rid of North Korea 's nuclear weapons .

  26. 当时怀疑论者远要大于乐观派,认为这是注定要失败和崩溃的,但事实情况却恰恰相反。

    With sceptics far outnumbering optimists at the time , it was destined to disintegrate and collapse , but the reality was very different .

  27. 乐观派会认为,美国不可能在不久的将来面临欧洲式的债务危机,但这条缓慢燃烧的导火索本身就是一个问题。

    Optimists will point out that America is unlikely to face a European-style debt crisis in the near future , but the slow-burning fuse is itself a problem .

  28. 80%的人会选择看事物的光明面而不是阴暗面,尽管他们可能不认为自己是乐观派。

    about 80 % of people have a tendency to see the glass as half-full , not half-empty , even if they don 't consider themselves to be optimists .

  29. 乐观派可以指出一些暂时因素,如能源价格飙升导致近期需求下降,因此对经济在短期内复苏仍怀有信心。

    Optimists can point to temporary factors , like the surge in energy prices , as the cause for recent weakness in demand , and express confidence that growth will pick up shortly .

  30. 让乐观派感到不安、让我们所有人感到可悲的是,全球化发展正强劲的亚洲各国的所思所为却仍十分类似过去的那种民族国家。

    Disconcertingly for the optimists , sadly for us all , the states of Asia that are growing strong on globalization are nonetheless still acting and thinking very much like the nation-states of old .