
dìng shí
  • at regular time;fixed time;time;definite-time;determinate time;according to the fixed time
定时 [dìng shí]
  • (1) [time]∶按规定时间点火的或定时爆炸的

  • 定时炸药

  • (2) [definite-time]∶具有一个有目的的时滞动作,不论操作力强度的大小,迟延时间是大体相同的,尤其用于继电器

  • (3) [determinated time]∶确定时间

  • (4) [accoding to the fixed time]∶按时,按照确定的时间

定时[dìng shí]
  1. 导航型GPS接收机定时精度的分析

    Measurement and Analysis on Timing Accuracy for Navigation Type GPS Receivers

  2. 基于PLC的简易定时报时器系统的设计

    Design of Simple Timing Controller and Chronopher System Based on PLC

  3. 日益严重的失业问题对政府来说是一枚政治上的定时炸弹。

    Rising unemployment is a political time bomb for the government .

  4. 这定时锁要用特定密码才能打开。

    A special code is needed to override the time lock .

  5. 有班车定时发往机场。

    There is a regular bus service to the airport .

  6. 渡船定时穿越狭窄的海峡驶向海岛。

    Ferries ply across a narrow strait to the island .

  7. 定时浇灌植物以保持土壤湿润。

    Water the plants regularly to keep the soil moist .

  8. 那名患者的血液化学成分受到了定时的监测。

    The patient 's blood chemistry was monitored regularly .

  9. 火车站和市中心之间有定时班车。

    A regular bus service connects the train station with the town centre .

  10. 夜间保安人员定时巡逻。

    Security guards make regular patrols at night .

  11. 暖气靠定时开关自动供热。

    The heating is on a time switch .

  12. 弹药必须定时更换。

    The cartridge must be replaced at regular intervals .

  13. 他被实时监测,定时量血压。

    He is being constantly monitored with regular checks on his blood pressure .

  14. 警方可能对该地区的犯罪活动进行定时的“扫荡”。

    There may be periodic police ' sweeps ' of crime in the area .

  15. 他按了一下定时开关。

    He flipped the timer switch .

  16. 他工作不定时。

    He worked irregular hours .

  17. 有个男人定时来收废品。

    A man comes round regularly collecting scrap .

  18. 警卫人员定时查巡厂房。

    Security guards regularly patrol the factory premises .

  19. 她发现,如果大脑左半球在陌生的环境中为了防卫而保持警觉,那么它会对这种不规律的蜂鸣声有所反应,从而把睡眠中的人弄醒,但是会忽略定时响起且音调不变的蜂鸣声。

    She worked out that , if the left hemisphere was staying alert to keep guard in a strange environment , then it would react to the irregular beeps by stirring people from sleep and would ignore the regularly timed ones .

  20. 渡船定时往返于湖的各旅游景点

    Ferry boats ply regularly between all the resorts on the lake .

  21. (定时十分钟。)

    Set the timer for ten minutes .

  22. 想要花草繁盛就必须定时浇水,依不同的季节和不可预测的气候给予特殊的照顾。

    take into account the seasons as well as any unpredictable weather . New seeds must be sown and weeds must be pulled .

  23. 有人说应该每餐相隔2至3小时,还有人说偶尔禁食对他们有好处,还有人像孩子一样定时吃饭,只要适合你就可以。

    Some people say eating every 2 to 3 hours is the way to go . Others say intermittent1 fasting works for them . Others eat like the kids – consistent eating routine . Whatever works for your body .

  24. 一般建议所有搭乘飞机的乘客,不管是头等舱、商务舱还是经济舱,都要多喝水,有可能时就要走一走活动双腿,定时扭扭脚踝,转转膝盖和臀部,尽量减少患上经济舱综合征的风险。

    It is recommended that all persons traveling on air flights , irrespective of which class they are in , drink lots of water and move their legs by walking whenever possible and by periodically flexing to minimize the risk of economy class syndrome .

  25. GPS共视法定时参数的研究

    Research on Timing Parameters for GPS Common - view Method

  26. 长时间高精度定时在PLC中的实现

    Implementation of the Long Term High Precision Timing by PLC

  27. OFDM系统在多径环境下的定时同步算法

    A new timing synchronization method for OFDM systems under the multi-path channels

  28. TOE中TCP定时机制的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of TCP Timing Mechanism for TOE Network Card

  29. 介绍一种在WIN下使用普通数据采集卡实现精确定时数据采集的方法。

    A accurate timer data acquisition method for A / D board under Windows system is introduced .

  30. 用Turboc实现VGA彩色显示器的自动定时屏蔽

    The Automatic Timing Shielding effected by Turbo C for VGA Colour Display