
  • 【计】global system
  1. 第四,一个全球系统必须始终展现合理性。

    Fourth , a global system must continually demonstrate legitimacy .

  2. 全球系统科学若干问题

    Some problems in the global system science

  3. 论述有关城市在这个更大范围的地区和全球系统中的位置,以及这些系统对城市和城市居民健康的影响。

    To expound the city place in wider scope and global system , which affect on citizen 's health and the city .

  4. 我们认为,对于很多全球系统重要性金融机构而言,这一战略最有可能在撤消纳税人支持的同时保持金融系统稳定。

    We believe that , for many gsifis , this strategy holds the best possibility of preserving stability while removing taxpayer support .

  5. 指出大气科学应该成为全球系统科学中有机的组成部分,并积极发挥主导作用。

    It is indicated that the atmospheric sciences must be a closely integrated component and actively play the leading role in the global system sciences .

  6. 随着知识经济在发达国家逐步成为现实的经济形态,全球系统将面临一次新的国际分工,竞争胜负的决定性因素将不仅是劳动资源和物质资本,其关键将取决于人力资本的开发和利用。

    As the knowledge economy in the developed countries gradually comes into the economic state , the global system will face with a newly international division .

  7. 最近,该委员会将9家保险公司列入全球系统重要性金融机构名单&这些机构属于应密切监控的对象,并应满足更高的资本充足率要求。

    It recently included nine insurers among its list of globally systemic financial institutions that should be closely monitored and held to higher levels of capital adequacy .

  8. 这种全球系统性风险的形成将进一步削弱金融市场的横向风险分担功能。

    The formation of such a global systemic risk will also weaken the horizontal risk-sharing of financial markets . Inter-temporal risk sharing and horizontal risk sharing function has been weakened one by the other .

  9. 全球定位系统(GPS)技术已经在许多领域得到广泛的应用

    Global Positing System ( GPS ) technology has been widely used in many field .

  10. 全球卫生系统都急需呼吸机来帮助治疗最危急的新冠患者。患者的肺部严重发炎或者充满黏液无法自主呼吸时,主要依靠呼吸机辅助呼吸,从而在病人康复期间确保有足够的氧气持续在体内循环。

    Health systems around the world are in dire or full to work by themselves and thus ensure enough oxygen is continuing to circulate around the body as the patient recovers .

  11. 以Internet为代表的计算机通信网络正在成为全球信息系统越来越重要的基础设施。

    Internet is becoming one of the most important infrastructures in the global information system .

  12. 主要讨论GPS(全球定位系统)技术在铁路上的应用。

    It was discussed the application of GPS technique in railway .

  13. 车辆导航系统是集地理信息系统GIS、全球定位系统GPS和无线通信技术于一体的综合车辆管理系统。

    It 's integrated GIS , GPS and wireless communication .

  14. 全球定位系统(GPS)与林业工程

    The Global Positioning System ( GPS ) and Forestry Engineering

  15. 你是应该听从全球定位系统(GPS)的指示,还是另一半的?

    Should you take directions from the GPS system or your spouse ?

  16. 全球定位系统(GPS)误差源预测/硕士论文

    Global Positioning System ( GPS ) Error Source Prediction ; Master 's thesis

  17. 全球定位系统(GPS)的最新进展(下)

    Recent Advances in Global Positioning System ( GPS )

  18. 全球定位系统(GPS)作为一种通用的定位系统具有许多其他导航设备无可比拟的优越性。

    Global Positioning System as a general navigation device has many incomparable superiority .

  19. GPS(全球定位系统)在水下地形测量的应用实践

    The Application of GPS ( Global Positioning System ) to Underwater Topographic Survey

  20. 出租车司机洪材道向他装在汽车仪表板上的GPS全球定位系统里输入一个地址。

    Taxi driver Hong Jae-do punches an address into his dashboard-mounted GPS navigator .

  21. 全球定位系统(globalpositionsystem)的出现,为车辆速度的测量提供了一种全新的技术途径与实用方法。

    The emergence of GPS ( Global Position System ) provides an entirely new technical approach and practical methods for the measurement of speed .

  22. 全球定位系统(GPS)能够提供全天候,实时的绝对位置定位,其误差不会随时间而累积。

    Global Position System ( GPS ) can provide 24-hour , real-time absolute localization .

  23. 针对非专用全球定位系统(GPS)导航型接收机,利用零空间约束动态求解GPS初始整周模糊度。

    This paper proposed an efficient on-the-fly ambiguity resolution algorithm using non-dedicated GPS receivers .

  24. 地理信息系统(GIS)与全球定位系统(GPS)在游客调查中的应用&以长春净月潭旅游度假区为例

    Using GIS and GPS for tourist investigating

  25. GPS或全球定位系统正在变得越来越并提供给一般人。

    GPS or Global Positioning Systems are becoming more and available to the average person .

  26. 分析了全球定位系统(GPS)的静态绝对定位原理。

    The static absolute position principle of Global Position System ( GPS ) is analyzed .

  27. 全球定位系统GPS在实船试航中的应用

    The Application of GPS in Ship Trial

  28. 全球定位系统(GPS)的发展及其在地震研究中的应用

    Global Positioning System ( GPS ) technique 's developing and its application in seismic study

  29. 然而,成熟的GPS(GlobePositioningSystem,全球定位系统)不能用于室内环境。

    However , the mature GPS ( Globe Positioning System ) can not be applied in indoor environment .

  30. 多通道全球定位系统(GPS)卫星信号模拟器用来为GPS接收机和导航系统提供逼真的测试信号。

    Multi-channel GPS satellite signal simulator provides realistic test signals for GPS receivers and navigation systems .