
  • 网络global brand
  1. 这对我们来说是一个巨大的机会,新百伦(NewBalance)全球品牌保护事务负责人丹尼尔·麦金农(DanielMcKinnon)说。这家运动鞋公司总部位于波士顿。

    There is a massive opportunity for us , said Daniel McKinnon , head of global brand protection at New Balance , the Boston-based sneaker company .

  2. 虽然汉德曾在英国石油公司(BritishPetroleum)担任过多年全球品牌、营销与创新高级副总裁,但她现在却在从事更加环保的事业。

    Though Hand was British Petroleum 's SVP of Global Brand , Marketing and Innovation , for several years , she 's on a much more environmentally friendly mission today .

  3. Adidas全球品牌宣传活动,创造了第一个真正的全球性媒体。

    Adidas 's global branding campaign was created for the first truly global media .

  4. 韩国首尔——三星电子(SamsungElectronics)正在放弃自己麻烦不断的盖乐世Note7(GalaxyNote7)智能手机,对这家韩国巨头和它的全球品牌来说,这是一个名声扫地的大反转。

    SEOUL , South Korea - Samsung Electronics is killing its troubled Galaxy Note 7 smartphone , a humbling about-face for the South Korean giant and its global brand .

  5. 谷歌计划发布欧洲版YouTube的举动,反映出该公司决心将YouTube打造成一个全球品牌。

    Google 's drive to launch European versions of YouTube reflects a determination to build it into a global brand .

  6. 电动方程式(FormulaE)锦标赛将于2014年开始,10支队伍、20名赛车手将参赛。该项赛事的目的是吸引传统的F1团队、电动汽车厂商和全球品牌的竞争者。

    The Formula E championship will start in 2014 and involve 10 teams and 20 drivers , the aim being to draw competitors from traditional F1 teams , electric car companies and global brands .

  7. 喜达屋旗下瑞吉、豪华精选酒店(LuxuryCollection)与W品牌的全球品牌主管保罗&12539;詹姆斯(PaulJames)说,过去它基本上就像王室的待客厅。

    In the past , ' it was almost like a regal waiting room , ' says Paul James , global brand leader for Starwood 's St. Regis , Luxury Collection and W brands .

  8. 咨询公司Gartner驻台北分析师TracyTsai认为,问题关键在于宏碁的全球品牌战略。

    The key , believes Tracy Tsai , an analyst with Gartner in Taipei , is Acer 's global brand strategy .

  9. 在将联想打造为一个全球品牌的宏大计划中,此笔交易只是其中一部分,此外还包括赞助都灵冬运会(turinwinterolympics)和北京奥运会。

    The deal was part of a grand plan to turn Lenovo into a global brand , which also involves the group sponsoring of the Turin Winter Olympics and Beijing Olympics .

  10. 可口可乐(Coca-Cola)颇受消费者欢迎的美汁源(MinuteMaidPulpy)果汁最早就是为了迎合中国人的口味而推出的,后来才发展成为年销售额10亿美元的全球品牌。

    Coca-Cola developed its popular Minute Maid Pulpy juice drink first to appeal to Chinese tastes , but it has since gone on to become a $ 1bn global brand .

  11. 三星电子被公认为是发展最快的全球品牌之一,它是数字电视,内存芯片,手机和TFT-LCD的领先制造商。

    Recognized as one of the fastest growing global brands , Samsung Electronics is a leading producer of digital TVs , memory chips , mobile phones and TFT-LCDs .

  12. 作为韩国优秀企业的代表&三星公司(SAMSUNG,以下简称三星)更以惊人的速度连续两年成为全球品牌价值上升最快的公司,其发展速度令世界瞩目。

    As the representative of outstanding enterprises in Korea & Samsung ( SAMSUNG ), whose brand value has ascended with surprising speed for two years in succession , attracts the world attention by its rapid development .

  13. 他曾在2006至2011年间,担任台湾智慧型手机公司宏达电(HTC)的创意长,协助这间公司从代工厂转型成全球品牌。

    He was chief innovation officer at the Taiwan-based smartphone maker HTC from 2006 to 2011 , helping transform the company from one that made products for other companies to a global brand .

  14. 沃尔夫奥林斯的策略师梅勒妮麦柯肖恩(melaniemcshane)表示:“在过去,通过主导美国市场来确立全球品牌的地位是有可能的”。

    " It used to be possible to be a global brand by dominating the US market , " said Melanie McShane , a strategist at Wolff Olins .

  15. 第二个令人瞩目的事情是,沃尔沃在上周一签下了23岁的纽约尼克斯队(Knicks)篮球明星、台湾移民的后代林书豪担任全球品牌代言人。

    In a second remarkable development , the companies Monday signed Lin , the 23-year-old New York Knicks basketball star and son of Taiwanese immigrants , to help market Volvo globally .

  16. 作为合作伙伴,ChannelAdvisor将帮助商家处理天猫上中国消费者的订单。目前天猫已经拥有超过70000个全球品牌,比如耐克(Nike)以及最近进驻的苹果(Apple)。

    ChannelAdvisor , for its part , will help retailers process orders from Chinese consumers on Tmall.com , which has more than 70000 global brands like Nike and , more recently , Apple .

  17. “孩之宝非常高兴能够联手与惊奇漫画无限数字为这个独家赠品,说:”比利拉戈尔,高级孩之宝公司的全球品牌战略与营销,Marvel公司董事。

    " Hasbro is very excited to be teaming up with Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited for this exclusive giveaway ," said Billy Lagor , Senior Director of Hasbro 's Global Brand Strategy & Marketing , Marvel .

  18. 曹嘉泰说,姚明在打造他个人全球品牌方面有其独到的经验,很多公司会发现这一点很有用,如果他能盖大鲨鱼的帽,我相信他也能与固执的CEO们周旋。

    ' He 's got personal experience in building a global brand [ his own ] that many companies will find useful . And if he can dunk over Shaq , I 'm sure he can handle a stubborn CEO , ' said Mr. Tsao .

  19. saffron品牌顾问公司董事长沃利奥林斯(wallyolins)认为,印度和中国在创建全球品牌方面只发掘出了表面的能力。

    Wally Olins , chairman of saffron brand consultants , argues that India and China are only tapping the surface of their ability to create global brands .

  20. 标志性的美国牛仔裤企业LeviStrauss今年8月中旬在上海发布了新的全球品牌,该公司表示,这是其首次在美国之外发布新品牌。

    Levi Strauss , the iconic US jeans company , launched a new global brand in Shanghai in mid-August , the first time the company said it had done so outside of the US .

  21. 我有很多的灵感来自于他的话关于LRG以及它是如何成为一个如此巨大的全球品牌在那些看起来很短一段时间内。

    I have a lot of inspiration comes from his words about LRG and how it into such a huge global brand in those looks very short period of time .

  22. 面对一群来自北美、欧洲和亚洲的记者,阿迪达斯全球品牌总裁埃里克·里德克(EricLiedtke)宣称这将是跑鞋领域新篇章的开始,这双鞋将完美地平衡舒适度和能量。

    To a horde of journalists from North America , Europe and Asia , global brand chief Eric Liedtke proclaimed the start of a new chapter in running shoes , one that perfectly balances comfort and energy .

  23. 他是时装零售商美特斯邦威(Metersbonwe)的主席,该公司因获研究机构华通明略(MillwardBrownOptimor)评选为最具增长潜力的全球品牌之一,而在时尚界脱颖而出。

    He is chairman of Metersbonwe , the fashion retailer that arrived on the map when Millward Brown Optimor , the research agency , selected it as one of the global brands with the most growth potential .

  24. 面对一群来自北美、欧洲和亚洲的记者,阿迪达斯全球品牌总裁埃里克·里德克(EricLiedtke)宣称这将是跑鞋领域“新篇章”的开始,这双鞋将完美地平衡舒适度和能量。

    To a horde of journalists from North America , Europe and Asia , global brand chief Eric Liedtke proclaimed the start of a " new chapter " in running shoes , one that perfectly balances comfort and energy .

  25. BrandZ表示,这些品牌靠近国内市场,这帮助它们从全球品牌手中夺取市场份额,它们还在新地区赢得市场份额。

    These brands are close to their domestic markets , helping them to gain market share at the expense of global brands , and they are also winning share in new regions , according to BrandZ .

  26. 品牌-全球品牌网-互动之类的话题。

    Media reps love to talk about impressions and brand interactions .

  27. 英国曼联足球俱乐部全球品牌的成功要素

    Successful Elements of Global Brand Management of Manchester United Football Club

  28. 中国推出了全球化的产品,但没有全球品牌。

    China has launched global product offerings but not global brands .

  29. 我们的扩张计划将令我们的品牌成为一个全球品牌。

    Our expansion will make our brand a global brand .

  30. 正如两者价格差距所显示的那样,哈瓦那是一个极为成功的全球品牌。

    As the price difference suggests , havaianas is a highly successful global brand .