
  • 网络credit company;commodITY credIt corPoration;CCC;financial company
  1. 商业信贷公司(贴现公司)

    Commercial credit company ( discount company )

  2. 孟加拉银行是小额信贷公司的典型,是专门针对收入较少的穷人设计的,已经被多个国家模仿,非常适合发展中国家。

    Bangladesh Bank is the typical small credit company . It is specifically designed for poor people and there has been a number of countries imitating it . It is very suitable for developing countries .

  3. 这项调查声称信贷公司专对那些已经负债的弱势家庭下手。

    The survey claims loan companies prey on weak families already in debt .

  4. 从信贷公司借钱利息非常高。

    It 's so expensive to borrow from finance companies

  5. 一家信贷公司出价全部买下了这家公司。

    A finance house made a bid to buy up the entire company .

  6. 假如你不能按时付款,信贷公司就可能扣你的车。

    If you fell behind in your payments , the finance company may seize your car .

  7. 在美国,信贷公司capitalone的业务就依赖于通过跟踪购买习惯和进行信用评分来获得丰富的消费者档案数据。

    In the US , the lender capital one built its business on rich consumer profiling through tracking buying habits and credit scoring .

  8. 印度最大的小额信贷公司是SKS小额贷款机构。

    India 's biggest microfinance company is SKS Microfinance .

  9. 保罗担任“回收人”的CIT信贷公司将他调到了帕洛奥图的办事处,

    The finance company where Paul worked as a repo man , CIT , had transferred him down to its Palo Alto office ,

  10. P2P网络借贷不同于银行和小额信贷公司,而是致力于为有融资需求和投资意愿的人牵线搭桥,为闲置的民间资本寻找投资出口。

    P2P Loan is different from banks and microfinance companies , but is committed to provide a channel for who needs financing and who has willings to invest . It also provides investment outlets for idle private capitals .

  11. 贷款给制造商和批发商的信贷公司。

    A finance company that makes loans to manufacturers and wholesalers .

  12. 从信贷公司的再三借款令我陷入困境。

    Repeated loans from the finance company got me into trouble .

  13. 信贷公司的业务受法律制约。

    The activities of credit companies are regulated by law .

  14. 其他名称有私人信贷公司或消费者信贷公司。

    Other names for them are personal finance companies or consumer finance companies .

  15. 从信贷公司的贷款卡可以用来买东西,几乎任何地方。

    Credit cards from credit companies can be used to buy things almost anywhere .

  16. 在那里,她创办了一家非营利性小额信贷公司,最终扩张到了92名员工。

    There , she started a microfinance nonprofit , expanding it to 92 employees .

  17. 住宅信贷公司在争夺客户。

    Housing finance companies are vying for customers .

  18. 购买零售商的部分销售合同的信贷公司(以一定折扣)。

    A finance company that buys ( at a discount ) the installment sales contracts of retail merchants .

  19. 贷款领域的这种缺口,为一种新型贷款机构提供了机会:小额信贷公司。

    That gap in lending has opened the door to a new breed of lenders : microcredit companies .

  20. 如何挖掘这一潜力市场成为众多银行和信贷公司的共同问题。

    How to excavate the potential of the market is primary issue in many banks and credit companies .

  21. 这些公司的商业模式或许可以说明:为什么主流信贷公司难以发展次级贷款业务。

    The way they operate may explain why mainstream lenders find it hard to descend the credit ladder .

  22. 该行业利润非常高,伸缩性很强,我们将会看到一些小额信贷公司的年增长幅度达到100%。

    It 's very profitable and highly scaleable and we 'll see some of these microfinance companies growing 100 per cent year-on-year .

  23. 因此,如果你想从信贷公司的信用卡,你通常要作出一个银行的申请。

    So if you want a credit card from a credit company , you generally have to make an application at a bank .

  24. 从小额信贷公司借款可能要比向放债者借款便宜一些。对穷人而言,放债者往往是唯一的另一个资金来源。

    It may be cheaper to borrow from a microfinance company than the moneylenders that are often the only other source of funds for the poor .

  25. 该铁路的主要股东成立了美国信贷公司以转移利润,并藉由赠送或卖股票给政客以获取支持。

    The railroad 's major stockholders created Credit Mobilier of America to divert its construction profits and gave or sold stock to influential politicians in return for favours .

  26. 这也意味着要解雇能力不够的临床医务人员、改革工作实践、运转不佳的信贷公司将不需要中层管理人员每场仗可能都是卫生部长不愿打的。

    That would also mean getting rid of underperforming clinical staff , changing working practices and making middle managers in underperforming trusts redundant-fights the health secretary may be loth to pick .

  27. 保罗在一家信贷公司找到了一份“回收人”的工作----撬开不能偿还贷款的车主的车锁,将车拖回,重新处置。

    and he took a job working for a finance company as a " repo man , " picking the locks of cars whose owners hadn 't paid their loans and repossessing them .

  28. 福特还将通过福特汽车信贷公司为某些车款提供零利率的贷款。

    Well , it is now borrowing a page from Hyundai 's playbook . It will cover up to one year of payments on any new Ford , Lincoln or Mercury vehicle if the buyer is . The automaker is also offering zero-percent financing on some of its cars .

  29. 看跌者:美国农业银行信贷证券公司(CreditAgricoleSecurities)分析师迈克•梅奥

    The bear : Mike Mayo , analyst , Credit Agricole securities

  30. 为吸引最终投资者,该银行劝说独立信贷顾问公司acamanagement让这宗交易使用其名称。

    To entice in end investors , the bank persuaded an independent credit adviser , ACA management , to lend its name to the transaction .