
  • 网络informational sovereignty;information sovereignty;information teleocracy
  1. 围绕着信息主权、信息资源的争夺等一系列信息安全问题,成为信息时代国家安全领域中的重大课题。

    Centering on questions of a series of safety of information , such as contention of the information sovereignty , information resources , etc. , will become the great subject in the national security field in information age .

  2. 他们表示,俄罗斯正在一场面对西方的信息战中进行自卫,也就是要保护信息主权。

    They say Russia is defending itself in an information war against the west , and that means protecting so-called information sovereignty .

  3. 信息时代的国家主权

    State Sovereignty in the Information Age

  4. 另一条信息是,欧洲主权债务危机的受害者不只是国家,也包括银行;这场危机不仅将影响某些国家的清偿能力,也会影响某些银行的清偿能力。

    Another is the toll of Europe 's sovereign debt crisis and its implications for the solvency not just of countries but of banks .

  5. 这向潜在债权人传递了一条明确信息:欧元区主权债务不应再被视为一项安全资产,带有全额偿还的隐含承诺。

    The message to potential creditors was clear : eurozone sovereign debt should no longer be considered a safe asset with the implicit promise that it would be repaid in full .