
  • 网络information selection
  1. 基于公共卫生服务公平性的信息选择机理探究

    Study on Information Selection Mechanism Based on Fairness of Public Health Services

  2. 本论文以科技传播中的信息选择问题为研究对象。

    This dissertation studies the problem of information selection of scientific and technical communication .

  3. 在TextColor中为进度信息选择最喜欢的颜色。

    Select your favorite color in Text Color for the progress message .

  4. 基于Web的扩张性信息选择方式

    Expansive Choose Information Methods Based on Web

  5. 同时,利用启发式信息选择复杂度较高的节点变量进行量化,进一步减小二叉决策图(BDD)的内存要求。

    And at the same time according to the heuristic information , we select more complex variables for quantification .

  6. 私家车出行者ATIS信息选择影响因素研究&以大连市为例

    Factors Influencing Private Car Travelers ' Choice of ATIS Information : a Case Study from Dalian

  7. 在NBA中文官网中,出现了两个官方微博站点,分别是新浪微博和腾讯微博,这将增加受众信息选择的难度。

    In the NBA Chinese official website , there are two official Weibo site link , which will make it more difficult for the audience to choose between the two .

  8. 目的:研制和测评癌症患者信息选择问卷(IPQCP)。

    Objectives : To develop and evaluate Information Preference Questionnaire for Cancer Patients ( IPQCP ) .

  9. 依信息选择策略的随机对策方法

    A Random Method to Choose Strategy by Using Information

  10. 大学生信息选择引导的原则和机制初探

    Guideline and Mechanism for Students ' Information Retrieval

  11. 可以为需要显示的信息选择适当的格式。

    Pick the appropriate format for the type of information that you need to present .

  12. 编辑信息选择论

    On the Editing Theory of Information Selection

  13. 目的:分析癌症患者的信息选择情况及影响因素。

    Objectives : To study information preference of cancer patients and factors influenced their preference .

  14. 信息选择与获取;

    Selection and access of information ;

  15. 信息选择问题的辅助求解

    Aided Solution of Information Selection Problems

  16. 信息选择与经验价格

    Choice Information Selection and Experienced Price

  17. 该研究得出如下结论:1.在不同的认知资源下,人们对不同群体(内群体和外群体)刻板印象的信息选择加工过程确实存在不同。

    People in different cognitive resources did have different selective processing about in-group and out-group stereotype .

  18. 提高信息选择能力,是编辑选择并创新信息的有效途径;

    Raising ability of choosing information is an effective channel for editor to choose and create information .

  19. 受众信息选择理性的成熟有一个生成的过程。

    The rational choice by the receiver of the message needs to be realized through a formation process .

  20. 在此中介中,根据乘客频繁飞行信息选择适当的航空服务。

    In this mediation , the appropriate airline service is selected based on the passenger 's frequent flyer information .

  21. 无论你走到哪里,都能听到有关互联网瞬时成为美国人媒体信息选择的故事,发展趋势自然是朝着这个方向的。

    Everywhere you turn , there are stories about the rapid ascent of the Internet as Americans'information medium of choice .

  22. 您可以从以上步骤看到,这个优化器基于可用的统计信息选择了最优的存取计划。

    As you 've seen in the steps above , the optimizer selects the optimal access plan based on available statistics .

  23. 在此基础上,运用信息选择或然率公式对信息传播的供给者的信息传播行为和需求者的信息接收行为进行了分析。

    Based on the above , information choice probability formula was used to analyze the actions of information suppliers and demanders .

  24. 关于媒体与民意的理论大部分提出于1930到1980年之间,这是一个仅仅拥有传统信息选择方式的时代。

    Theories about the media and public opinion were developed primarily from 1930 to 1980 , an era of traditional information choices .

  25. 而当公共突发事件发生时,公众在政务微博和草根媒体间的信息选择问题也是本文探讨的一个重点。

    Another focal point of the article would be the information choice problem of the public between the government micro-blogs and the grassroots media .

  26. 回顾了文本分类技术的研究状况,分析了网页的结构特征,难点在于结合网页的结构信息选择合理的表示方式和分类算法。

    A review of various text classification techniques showed that the main difficulties in web document classification are the page representation methods and the classification algorithms .

  27. 就新闻传播的本质而言,很重要的特性就是传播者与受众对信息选择指向的契合性。

    As far as the nature of news communication is concerned , an important feature lies in the agreement of communicators with audience on information choice .

  28. 调控策略是生物学习的主要影响因素,注意策略(信息选择策略)是生物学科学习策略的特殊策略;

    Regulative strategy is the main factor that affects biology learning . Noticing strategy ( Information choice strategy ) is a special strategy in biology learning ;

  29. 此模式用于地理位置分散的中心中承载的服务提供者的多个实例的情况,将基于帐户详细信息选择相应的服务。

    This pattern could be used where multiple instances of a service provider are hosted in different geographical centres and the appropriate service is selected based on account details .

  30. 提出的方案以跨层设计为基础,系统可以依据最新的信道状态信息选择更加有效的中继节点;拥有具体的发射功率分配方案,能够更有效的利用发射功率。

    The program can select the relay effectively by the latest channel state information for it based on cross-layer thought and it can use the transmission power more efficiently for the specific distribution of transmission power .