
  1. 科技情报信息出版物有效性评价指标分析

    Analysis on Effective Evaluation Index of Science and Technology Information Publications

  2. 出售公司部分业务的目的是将公司重新定位为以商业信息类出版物为主的出版商。

    The sell-off is aimed at repositioning the company as a publisher principally of business information

  3. 本文摘自美国国务院国际信息局出版物《媒体法律手册》(MediaLawHandbook)。

    This essay is excerpted from Media Law Handbook , published by the Bureau of International Information Programs .

  4. 关于审议国际标准化组织/国际电工委员会信息中心出版物的决定

    Decision on review of the iso / iec Information Centre publication

  5. 介绍牙科的教育状况,新产品,协会,病人信息,出版物等。

    Dental X Change-features include education , new products , associations , consultants , patient info , classifieds and publications .

  6. 此网站提供该协会的简要介绍、会员信息、出版物等内容。此外,还提供了一个相关资源的链接列表。

    The site provides information about the association , including its introduction , memberships , publications and a link-list of related resources .

  7. 您应在新的出版物中而不是在要添加合并信息的出版物中启动“邮件和目录合并向导”。

    You should start the mail and Catalog Merge Wizard in a new publication , and not in the publication to which you plan to add the merged information .

  8. 出版物总发行企业、批发企业可以通过互联网等信息网络从事出版物发行业务,无需审批。

    An enterprise engaging in general distribution of publications or a wholesale enterprise may engage in publication distributing business through Internet or other information network without any approval .

  9. 若要将收件人信息添至出版物中,请单击希望该信息出现的地方,然后再单击下列的一个项目。

    To add recipient information to your publication , click where you want the information to appear , and then click the item you want to insert below .

  10. 申请设立通过互联网等信息网络从事出版物发行业务的企业申请通过互联网等信息网络从事出版物发行业务。

    Entity applies to establish an enterprise that engages in the publication distributing business through Internet or other information network that applies to engage in the publication distributing business through Internet or other information network .

  11. 试论信息时代印刷型出版物长期存在的可能性

    Discussion on the Possibility of Long-term Existence of Printed Publications

  12. 纸质信息媒体与电子出版物的比较研究

    A comparative study of the information media in paper with electronic publications

  13. 试论信息时代我国出版物呈缴制度的完善

    China 's Legal Deposit System : Improvement in Information Age

  14. 其它提供信息或指南的出版物已列入参考文献中。

    Other publications that provide information or guidance are listed in the Bibliography .

  15. 由信息服务谈电子出版物采访

    Discussion on Covering Electronic Publications from Information Service

  16. 这两个条文旨在保护知识产权中的信息技术及音频出版物。

    The two treaties aimed to protect intellectual property rights in the fields of information technology and audio publications .

  17. 相关的信息在各种公开出版物中早已有详尽记载,内阁会议纪要无论如何也披露不出什么新东西。

    It is unlikely in any event that the minutes would reveal much that is not already in the public domain .

  18. 事实上,技术方面的大量信息在公开的出版物上都能够得到,这些信息不仅中国能够得到,任何国家都能够得到。

    In fact , large quantities of technical information can be gained from openly published publications either in China or anywhere else .

  19. 这包括访问在线书店和读取新闻、订阅信息以及关于主要出版物和杂志的信息。

    This includes access to the online book shop , news , subscription information , and information about major publications and journals .

  20. 信息资源包括网络信息资源、电子出版物、传统印刷型文献。

    Information resources include network information resources , electronic publishment , and traditional printing articles .