
  • 网络news resources;news sources
  1. 新世纪媒体新闻资源的共享与争夺

    Sharing of and Fighting for Media News Resources

  2. 论滨海新区新闻资源的传播特性及开发模式

    The Trait of Communication and the Pattern of Development on News Resources in Binhai New Area

  3. PlanetPHP是PHP开发人员社区新闻资源站点。

    Planet PHP is the PHP developer community news source .

  4. 一些网络广告收入被搜索网站,如:IE和谷歌,划分的同时,过剩的新闻资源也使降低了广告本身的价值。

    Online advertising money has moved to search ie , Google and excess supply has depressed prices of display advertisements .

  5. 新闻资源的深度开发对城市电视台广告经营的影响&苏州台现象对城市台发展的启示

    Influences of the Deep Exploitation of the News Resources on the Ad Operation of the City TV Stations

  6. 城市电视台对城市新闻资源的开发深度,决定着城市电视台在媒介生态中所处的位置。

    The degree , to which a city television station exploits news sources , determines the place it occupies in the media circle there .

  7. 我一直是个比较热衷政治活动的人,虽然我人在中国,可仍会通过网上新闻资源关注华盛顿的一举一动。

    I have always been a bit of a political junkie , and I still track the ups and downs of Washington through online news resources .

  8. 它的优势在于:拥有政府所给予的特殊政策、拥有丰富的新闻资源与人力资源、拥有比较完备的软硬件系统的支持。

    Its advantage includes special policies administered by our government , abundant news and manpower resource and the support from comparative self-contained software and hardware system .

  9. 但是因为各家报纸利用的是相同的新闻资源和受众,所以在新闻采编体制上不能从根本上改变。

    However , the news collecting and editing process cannot be fundamentally changed because all newspaper station use the same news resources and face the same audience .

  10. 城市台必须改变传统的粗放式营销,向集约式营销过渡,提升经营质量,提高城市新闻资源的有效利用。

    City television station must change its traditionally extensive marketing into intensive marketing to raise the quality of operation and to optimize the use of news sources .

  11. 传媒市场化运作以来,对争议性新闻资源的占有与开发是媒体获取受众注意力、占有传媒市场的重要构成。

    Since the start of market-oriented media , sharing and developing controversial news resources is the important component of getting audiences ' attentions as well as occupying media market .

  12. 通过资源库技术、信息挖掘和信息处理技术探讨了新闻资源标准化问题,提出了新闻资源的技术规范。

    With the help of database of resource , information excavating and information disposing techniques , it raises the technical standardization after discussing the standardization of online news resource .

  13. 从新闻资源整合和报纸自身品牌的提升等角度具体揭示它给传统报业带来的生存机遇;

    The paper also points out the opportunity news report planning brings to the traditional newspaper from the perspectives of news resources integrity and brand enhancement of the newspaper itself .

  14. 基于以上分析,本文在论述如何确立新闻资源系统定位之后,从内容取向和内容构成探讨了新闻资源的内容规范;

    Based on the analysis , this paper discusses content standardization of online news information resource from both content tropism and content composing , after stating how to establish the orientation of news resource system .

  15. 人口少于100万的小城市,由于新闻资源的相对狭窄和地方人际关系的复杂,往往在度过一个高峰期后,进入难于突破的平台期。

    For example , owing to the relative limitation of news resource and the complex personnel relationship , a small city with its population less than one million , after its peak , it is hard to break through its terraced period .

  16. 在媒体竞争越来越激烈的今天,对新闻资源的争夺也越来越呈现白热化的的局面,合理开发和利用内部新闻资源是报业进一步增加媒体影响力的重要途径。

    With the increasing competition of media industry , the situation of capture for news resources has also increasing . Therefore rational development and utilization of internal resources is an important way of further step to enhance the media effect for newspaper industry .

  17. 要按照传播媒介市场规律经营党报独有的新闻资源,解决党报遵循市场规律实现全媒体生产经营的市场赢利模式的问题。

    In accordance with the rules of the media market operating the unique party newspaper " News of resources ", solving the problem that party newspaper should follow the rules of market to find the solution for market profit model of omnimedia production and management .

  18. 网络作为第四媒体对电视媒体的冲击是最大的,其中有对受众和新闻资源的争夺,专门人才的流失,广告客户的分流,电视媒体影响力的削弱。

    The network , as the 4th media , brings the great shock to TV media in some respects which includes the audiences , the news resources , the running off of specialized person , the advertisement customers and the reduction of television media 's influence .

  19. 深入挖掘民族新闻资源,造就民族地区本土新闻传播人才;大力加强人文素质教育,培养具有真正新闻精神的从业人员。

    Make full use of the network news resources , expand news practice teaching field of vision in nation district , develop the national news resources , bring up native news communication personnel , strengthen the education of humanity character and cultivate journalists with genuine news spirit .

  20. 本研究旨在探讨我国媒体频道在面临新闻资源衰退及萎缩的情势下,如何透过多元化经营型态让地方频道的营收结构呈现多样化,并同时开创出新成长机会的现象。

    This study aimed to explore media channels in China in the face of recession and shrinking situation of news resources , and how through the patterns of diversification diversified revenue structure of local channels , and at the same time created new opportunities for growth phenomenon .

  21. 名记者在新闻资源的利用、新闻理论和新闻业务的发展,以及新闻职业道德的建设等方面,都以自身的努力体现了他们在新闻传播领域的独特价值。

    Moreover , a famous journalist embodies his or her peculiar value in the realm of news dissemination by exerting special effort in the aspects of utilizing the news sources , developing the news theory and news business and constructing the moral principle of the news profession .

  22. 与此同时,媒体却缺乏报道真正新闻的资源。

    Meanwhile , the media lack resources to cover actual news .

  23. 下载的会员数据库,新闻和资源。

    Downloadable membership database , news , and resources .

  24. 信息经济时代新闻信息资源开发研究

    Research and Development on the Information Resources of News in Information Economy Epoch

  25. 正是因为美国有着极其丰富的新闻教育资源,才培养了一大批一流的新闻人才,造就了美国新闻业今天的地位。

    The success of American media attributed to the plentiful resources in education of journalism .

  26. 媒体数字资产管理视野下新闻信息资源价值形态分析

    On the News Information Resources Value Forms with the Context of Media Digital Property Management

  27. 本文还就如何加强和完善中国高校新闻教育资源提出了一些自己的观点。

    The thesis also give some advices to improve the situation of colleges of journalism 's resources in China .

  28. 新闻信息资源是新闻网站发展的基础,也是新闻网站长期积累的宝贵财富和优势,因此从新闻信息资源方面探讨新闻网站的发展具有相当重要的现实意义。

    Since the news resource is the treasure and superiority for news websites , it is significant to explore news resource .

  29. 而展会宣传作为展会操办的重要一环,举办方深谙焦点造势和舆论宣传之道,且具备广泛的新闻发布资源。

    As a crucial part of the exhibition operation , the publicity job is so realized by the organizer and they have extensive news release resource .

  30. 它不仅拓展了新闻信息资源,推动新闻传播的知性化,还进一步彰显新闻专业主义,实践着娱乐化浪潮中新闻从业者的人文关怀。

    History-oriented journalism not only expands the information resources and promotes enlightenment of intelligence , but also displays the journalistic professionalism , practicing journalists ' humanity in the trend of entertainment in communication .