
  • 网络webcast
  1. 明天,我将在家中进行网络直播。

    I 'll be doing a live webcast tomorrow at my house .

  2. 在10月22日《新英格兰医学杂志》举行的网络直播电话会议上这位专家谈到了当前在西非肆虐的埃博拉疫情。

    He talked about the current Ebola epidemic in west Africa during a conference call webcast produced by the New England Journal of Medicine on October 22nd .

  3. 事实上,是一个不太知名的乐队SevereTireDamage于1993年6月24日进行了第一场网络直播演唱会。

    Actually , it was a little-known band called Severe Tire Damage , who played live on the Internet for the first time on June 24 , 1993 .

  4. 本文探讨了网络直播方案的构建方法,提供了一种基于Internet和Web平台,采用流式媒体实现全球现场直播的技术方法。

    In this paper a method of construction plan of direct cast in the internet is discussed , and a technique way is provided , which based in internet and web platform realize with stream media .

  5. 在Windows操作系统上的网络直播系统主要包括:音、视频的采集,音、视频的编码,音、视频的存储和网络传输以及音、视频流的管理。

    The system of network living broadcast in Windows operating system mainly includes collection , coding and storage of the audio and video frequency , internet transmission and the management of the audio and video frequency currency .

  6. 当天晚上主持人KatieCouric还会在和记者及评论家一起进行网络直播,网上观众能进行提问。

    Katie Couric will also host a special Webcast that night with reporters and punditry , for which viewers can submit questions .

  7. “阳光动力2号”项目的发起人、董事长和副驾驶贝特朗·皮卡尔(BertrandPiccard)在阳光动力电视的网络直播中表示,很可惜天气变恶劣了,尽管飞机一直飞得很好。

    Bertrand Piccard , Initiator , Chairman and Co-Pilot of Solar Impulse 2 , told the organizer 's live feed , Solar Impulse TV that it was unfortunate the weather turned bad when the flight was going very well .

  8. 视频网络直播与流媒体的融合

    Convergence of video network live - broadcasting and streaming media

  9. 那么是1993年的哪位巨星进行了第一场网络直播音乐会呢?

    So what music superstar of 1993 played the first online concert ?

  10. 网络直播教室的设计原则与配置方案

    Design Principles and Configuration Scheme of Network Broadcast Classroom

  11. 比如说,视频会议、远程教育、网络直播等。

    For example , video-conferencing , distance education , network multicast and so on .

  12. 庭审通过网络直播展现。

    The trial was demonstrated by live webcast .

  13. 苹果拟定于当日下午5点的电话会议上与分析人士讨论这些数据,电话会议的网络直播可点击这里。

    Apple is scheduled to discuss those results in a5 p.m.conference call with analysts that the company will webcast here .

  14. 实验结果证明,该网络直播平台传输效果较好,并且其稳定性和负载均衡性均达到设计要求。

    Experimental results show that this platform transmission works well , system stability and load balance have a good performance .

  15. 我猜没有人真的感到意外,因为可能还有人记得,奥斯卡颁奖典礼的网络直播就崩溃过;

    I 'm guessing nobody is really surprised , given , as some might recall , the Oscars livestream crashed ;

  16. 此外,该规定还要求直播网站应配置管理员来监督网络直播,及时中断和禁止违规表演。

    The guidelines also require live-streaming websites to employ supervisors to monitor online performances and cut off the broadcast of prohibited activities .

  17. 提出了设计网络直播教室应遵循的原则,并结合实际提供了配置方案。

    This article brings forward that designing network broadcast classroom should followed the principles and provides the configuration scheme combining with facts .

  18. 我们诚邀您观看网络直播,共同期待雪佛兰新赛欧的成功上市!

    We cordially invite you to watch the live broadcast through the websites and witness this exciting launch ceremony of Chevrolet New Sail .

  19. 该篇新闻报道指出,那些一旦上了黑名单的主播,不但将被禁止网络直播,也会禁止其他盈利活动。

    Those on the blacklist will not only be banned from online performance , but also from other for-profit activities , the newspaper reported .

  20. 蒙特菲奥里上周在网络直播中表示,“‘德尔塔’不仅更容易传播,而且会加重病情。”

    Montefiori said on a webcast last week , " It ( is ) not just easier to transmit , it makes you sicker . "

  21. 中国网络直播服务协会的数据显示,2018年中国短视频市场同比增长744.7%,达到467亿元人民币(折合68亿美元)。

    Statistics from the China Netcasting Services Association showed China 's short video market increased 744.7 percent year-on-year to 46.7 billion yuan ( $ 6.8 billion ) in 2018 .

  22. 这就意味着我们需要帮助,需要今天在座的各位、观看网络直播的各位以及在脸书或推特上参与的各位的帮助。

    That means we need help from all of you sitting here today , or watching this webcast , or hearing about it over Facebook , or in a tweet .

  23. 正如马丁在《帝国杂志》的网络直播中所解释的那样,尽管他留着很多内容可以写,但他还是安排了一个相对简单的结尾。

    As he explains on Empire Magazine 's webcast , he 's already written himself an easy exit even though there 's a lot more he has left to write .

  24. 网络直播电视已在我的主页中实现,现在你可以方便地在播放器中切换直播频道了。

    What you have to learn is that this NTV is only for the users from CNC network , and you must have300Kbps of bandwidth available for a best TV-quality .

  25. 据相关负责人表示,自从2015年下半年开始,网络直播的性暗示节目已经使其成为头条,并对打击网络色情活动提出了新的挑战。

    Since the second half of 2015 , live streaming coverage of sexually suggestive programs have made headlines and posed new challenges to the campaign against online pornography , said officials .

  26. 网络直播系统采用流媒体技术将直播现场的景象以数字媒体流的形式通过网络传送,实现了在网络上进行实况转播。

    By employing the streaming media technology , network living broadcast system converts the live vision into data media stream , and transmits the date through network , thus realizing the living broadcast online .

  27. 如今,该内衣秀每年举办一次,都有数亿人通过电视转播或网络直播观看“维多利亚的秘密”内衣发布会的整个过程。

    Today , the lingerie show held once a year , there are hundreds of millions of people watched via live television or network ," Victoria 's Secret " lingerie conference , the entire process .

  28. 根据艾媒咨询的数据显示,2015年中国在线直播平台数量接近200家,网络直播平台用户数量已经达到两亿--这几乎相当于中国总人口的七分之一。

    According to data from consultation company iResearch , there were nearly 200 live streaming platforms for a total of 200 million users in 2015 . That 's almost one seventh of the country 's population .

  29. 自上周一起,新浪、百度、搜狐等20家国内网络直播平台实施网络主播实名认证,同时承诺不为18岁以下网络主播提供注册通道。

    Since last Monday , 20 Chinese live-streaming sites , including Sina , Baidu and Sohu , have implemented real-name registration for webcasting anchors and promised not to register Internet anchors under the age of 18 .

  30. 提出一种基于C/S构架的“网络直播试验”新概念,主要介绍了系统的组成和数据传输的方法,并展望了新构架下的试验工作模式的应用前景。

    Based on the C / S data transfer framework , a new concept of " testing live via net " is brought forward , and the system structure and data transfer method are mainly introduced .