
  • 网络Website Ranking;seo;alexa
  1. 他表示,如果谷歌能在网站排名时调查得更深入些,察看网站内部的单个页面,可能会对打击恶意链接有所帮助。

    He said Google could help by digging deeper into the websites it ranks , looking at individual pages within them .

  2. 比如说主页、主要服务或产品的网页和其他对产品作网站排名补充或是附属的网页。

    For example , home , main service or product pages and other add on products for the site 's ranking or affiliated website .

  3. 基于这一模型提出了两种不同的方法计算网站排名,一个是集中式的,一个是分散式的。

    Based on this model , we propose two different approaches for computation of ranking of Web site , a centralized one and a decentralized one .

  4. 所以当谷歌修改算法,导致某个或某类网站排名下滑时,那种痛苦可能是巨大的。

    So when Google changes its algorithm in a way that results in a single site , or a whole class of sites , being pushed further down the rankings , the pain can be significant .

  5. 与委员会有接触的人士透露,监管者对于谷歌在搜索结果中调低一些竞争网站排名,而调高自身服务排名的做法给予了特别的关注。

    People who have been in contact with the Commission say regulators are paying particular attention to ways in which Google downgrades some rival websites in its search results , while playing up its own services .

  6. 谷歌(Google)本周将修改其搜索引擎在移动设备上对网站进行排名的方式,这一算法上的调整可能会让很多网站受到惩罚,包括微软(Microsoft)和欧盟(EU)的网站。

    Google will this week overhaul the way its search engine recommends websites on mobiles , an algorithmic shift that is likely to penalise many sites , including those of Microsoft and the European Union .

  7. 然而aol已经是最大的线上内容创作者之一,拥有70个在同类网站中排名前五的网站。

    Yet AOL is already one of the biggest creators of online content , with 70 websites that are within the top five in their categories .

  8. 你很快将会发现你的网站的排名有所提升。

    Soon you 'll find yourself moving up the rankings .

  9. 值得一提的是,《阴阳师》在许多游戏预约网站上排名都很高。

    It is worth mentioning that Onmyoji has been ranking high on many game pre-registration websites .

  10. 的网站,排名第一的在线目的地大学生,允许用户创建个人资料页的个人资料。

    The site , the number one online destination for college students , allows users to create profile pages with personal details .

  11. 我们将导入链接作为对网站进行排名的一个重要组成部分。

    We use inbound links as a major component of evaluating how to rank sites in response to a particular user query .

  12. 它是社交媒体网站上排名前十的宠物之一,也是榜单上唯一不是狗或猫的宠物。

    She 's one of the Top 10 Pets on the social-media site and the only one on the list that 's not a dog or a cat .

  13. 1996年,他获得了他称之为链式分析的专利,一种根据收入大小来进行网站搜索排名的方式。

    In1996 he received a patent related to what he called link analysis , a way to rank search listings by the number of incoming links to sites .

  14. 不管你是一个新手,还是一个技术熟练的老手,从区分哪个网页是你最重要的网页开始,并进行优化。你很快将会发现你的网站的排名有所提升。

    If you 're new to website optimization , or even a well seasoned veteran , begin by prioritizing which pages are most important to you and go from there .

  15. 一个网站的排名好坏,除了网站本身的结构外,就是依靠这三点来说的,下面我来具体说说这三个方面。

    A site 's ranking , good or bad , in addition to the structure of the site itself , rely on the outside for three , below I talk to specific the three aspects .

  16. 每个人都喜欢榜单,有很多网站也是基于排名而设立。

    Everyone loves lists . There are even websites based on the idea .

  17. 据此网站统计,排名第二的慈善明星是前迪斯尼明星后转型歌手的麦莉塞勒斯。

    Former Disney star-turned-wild child singer Miley Cyrus followed as the number two ' celeb gone good ' , according to the website .

  18. 例如,一个网站可能不排名,如果你的服务器停止服务的网页爬虫,或如果您已经改变了的网址,有很大一部分你网站的页面。

    For example , a site may not rank well if your server stops serving pages to Googlebot , or if you 've changed the URLs for a large portion of your site 's pages .

  19. 哈佛商学院(Harvardbusinessschool)副教授迈克尔o卢卡2011年发表的一篇论文称,一家餐馆在点评网站Yelp上的排名每增加一颗星,收入就会提高5%到9%。

    Michael Luca , an assistant professor at Harvard Business School , released a 2011 working paper that found that a one-star increase on Yelp leads to a 5-9 % increase in revenue for restaurants .

  20. 销售的提高意味着电商网站上更有利排名,进而会带来更多销售。

    Higher sales mean better placement on ecommerce websites , leading in turn to more sales .

  21. 网站的权重高低排名是根本,要想网站获得稳定可靠的排名,权重提高不容忽视。

    The weight of high and low ranking web site is fundamental , to web site for stable and reliable rankings , improve the weight should not be ignored .

  22. 谷歌是全球覆盖范围最广的搜索引擎,其将从周二开始修改其搜索排名的算法,新的算法将青睐那些“移动友好”网站,同时那些未能满足标准的网站的排名将出现下滑。

    The world 's most popular search engine will on Tuesday start updating its secret formula for ranking sites to favour those are " mobile friendly , " while demoting sites that fail to meet its criteria .

  23. 这几个网站正是凭借自身强大的搜索能力而始终处于全球网站点击量排名的前茅。

    These sites is by virtue of its powerful global search ability is always in the forefront of website traffic ranking .

  24. 据北京娱乐信报报道称,该网站将像美国时代周刊刊登年度人物那样按照网民在其网站上搜索排名挑选出该网站的封面人物。

    Beijing Daily Messenger reported that the website will chose the logo person based on search rankings by netizens on their engine , like Time Magazine 's Person of the Year .

  25. 许多网站管理员已商定的相互联系交流,以加强与入站链接数量之多,其网站的排名。

    Many webmasters had agreed upon reciprocal link exchanges , in order to boost their site 's rankings with the sheer number of inbound links .

  26. 掘客是指网络用户自己提交网站信息内容并进行投票和评论,从而通过网络用户投票量决定信息在网站首页上的排名的网站。

    DIGG refers to the website on which all the information or news are submitted by netizens themselves and ranked automatically on the home page according to the comments or voting results made by the users or browsers .