
  • 网络friendship development
  1. 他们的友谊发展成了爱情。

    Their friendship blossomed into love .

  2. 在这些文化里,友谊发展得慢,因为要持久。

    In these cultures friendships develop slowly , since they are built to last .

  3. 她与戴维的友谊发展缓慢。

    Her friendship with David developed slowly .

  4. 为我们的友谊发展干杯!

    To the development of our friendship !

  5. 然而,我不久之后便意识到他并不想让他们之间的友谊发展为爱情。

    However , I soon realized that he did not want their friendship to grow into love .

  6. 现在是时候联系下了,将以前的友谊发展为专业的社交关系。当他们成为你社交网中的一部分时,你们双方都会发现这对彼此来说都是个很好的机会。

    Now is the time to get in touch and turn those friendships into a professional network . As they climb up the ladder , you 'll both find opportunities to help each other .

  7. 这里的重点是,对于一大群陌生人来说,唱歌可能是最好的打破坚冰的方法(记得办公室卡拉OK之夜吗?),这能够大力促进人们友谊的发展。

    The takeaway here is that singing can be a great icebreaker among large groups of strangers ( remember office karaoke night ? ) , which can facilitate individual friendships down the line .

  8. 我们希望我们的友谊日益发展。

    We hope to see our friendship grow with each passing day .

  9. 初中生友谊的发展特点

    The Developmental Characteristics of Junior High School Students ' Friendship

  10. 友谊的发展需要互相尊重和信任。

    Friendship grows with mutual respect and trust .

  11. 增进友谊,发展合作&记第3次中、日电池工业协会交流会

    Promote Friendship , Expand Cooperation ─ the Third Sino-Japonic Battery Industry Association Interchange Conference

  12. 我对你的友谊已经发展成熟并变成了一种深厚的感情了。

    The friendship I have felt for you has ripened into a deeper feeling .

  13. 他们的友谊渐渐发展成爱情。

    By degrees their friendship grew into love .

  14. 打那以后,它们的友谊迅速发展了。

    After that , the friendship blossomed .

  15. 感谢你和我做朋友,我期待着能够更多的了解你,使我们的友谊得以发展。

    Thank you for being my friend . I look forward to knowing more about you , and develop our friendship .

  16. 通过体育运动达到修身养性,强身健体,增进友谊,发展世界文明,建立和平的国际社会,是竞技体育运动的终极目标和最后归宿。

    Achieve self-support through sports , physical fitness and friendship , the development of world civilization , the international community , the establishment of peace is the ultimate goal of competitive sport and a home of last resort . 2 .

  17. 他们的友谊很快发展成为爱情。

    Their friendship soon deepened into love .

  18. 杜洛瓦同她的友谊很快发展成恋情。

    Duroy 's friendship with her quickly developed into an affair .

  19. 中缅两国之间的胞波友谊不断得到发展和巩固。

    The friendship between China and Myanmar is continuing to deepen over time .

  20. 祝我们两国的友谊进一步民发展和巩固。

    May the friendship between our two countries be further developed and consolidated .

  21. 她跟哈罗德的友谊慢慢地发展。

    Her friendship with Harold developed slowly .

  22. 传统友谊的新发展&论建交35年来的中巴关系

    New Development of Traditional Sino-Pakistani Friendship

  23. 友谊可能经常发展成爱情,但是爱情却永远不会下降为友谊。

    Friendship may , and often does , grow into love , but love never subsides into friendship .

  24. 双方重申,中印友谊和共同发展将对国际体系的未来产生积极影响。

    The two sides reiterate that China-India friendship and common development will have a positive influence on the future of the international system .

  25. 与浪漫感情有关的变数(比如,我们的友谊可能会发展为恋爱)被列为缺点的几率比列为优点大五倍。

    Variables related to romantic attraction ( e.g. , " our relationship could lead to romantic feelings " ) were five times more likely to be listed as negative aspects of the friendship than as positive ones .

  26. 对友谊关系社会认知发展的跨文化比较研究

    A cross-cultural study on social cognitive development for understanding friendship

  27. 他们的友谊正逐渐地发展成爱情。

    Their friendship was growing by degrees into love .

  28. 小学低年级儿童对友谊关系的认知发展

    Social cognitive development on the understanding of friendship in primary school junior class children

  29. 内罗毕大学孔子学院建设理念是“友谊、合作、发展、共赢”。

    The philosophy of CINOU is " Friendship , Cooperation , Development , and Win-Win " .

  30. 会议主题是“交流合作、友谊信任、和平发展”。

    The conference subject is " the exchange cooperation , the friendship trust , peace development " .