
yǒu shàn
  • friendly;amicable;goodwill;cordial
友善 [yǒu shàn]
  • [friendly;amicable;cordial] 朋友之间亲近和睦的

  • 与亮友善。--《三国志.诸葛亮传》

  • 温和,友善,总是那么容易接近,并且爱好社交

友善[yǒu shàn]
  1. 他不太友善,但也不像别人说的那么坏。

    He 's not very friendly , but he 's not as black as he 's painted .

  2. 村里的部落很友善,他们会和你一起分享水源。

    The village tribe is friendly and they share their water supply with you

  3. 一个年纪大些的女孩对我很友善。

    An older girl befriended me .

  4. 他们的友善态度只不过是装出来的。

    Their friendliness was only pretence .

  5. 我到学校后不久便得到了一位年龄较大的女孩友善对待。

    Shortly after my arrival at the school , I was befriended by an older girl .

  6. 他是我所见过的最友善、最真诚的人。

    He 's the kindest and sincerest person I 've ever met

  7. 他从没见过他如此健谈,如此友善。

    He had never known him to be so chatty and cordial

  8. 他们俩都很不友善,让我非常难过。

    They have both behaved very badly and I am very hurt

  9. 我请他们吃饭以示友善。

    I invited them to dinner , a gesture of goodwill

  10. 迈克尔的室友表面上还算友善。

    Michael 's roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level

  11. 巴黎街上的路人往往看上去忧心忡忡、匆匆忙忙而且不太友善。

    Parisians on the street often looked worried , hurried and unfriendly .

  12. 他在这件事情上态度友善,没有大吵大闹。

    He was good natured about it , he didn 't fuss .

  13. 就算在监狱里,狱友们对我也很友善。

    Even in jail , my fellow inmates treated me with kindness .

  14. 他是个非常友善、古道热肠的人。

    He is an extremely pleasant and obliging man .

  15. 他很大方而且,你知道,很友善,很有礼貌。

    He 's generous and , you know , very nice , very polite

  16. 他的声音里充满了友善和敬意。

    His voice was warm with friendship and respect .

  17. 保罗是一个羞怯、友善、惯于独处的男人。

    Paul was a shy , pleasant , solitary man

  18. 在这些集会上,主管们和其他银行的重要人员友善往来。

    At these conventions , executives fraternized with the key personnel of other banks

  19. 他是个热心的朋友,也是友善待客的主人。

    He was a warm-hearted friend and genial host .

  20. 用友善和富有同情心的倾听来重拾她的信心。

    Build her up with kindness and a sympathetic ear

  21. 电影讲述的是一位老太太和一个待她友善的年轻护士的故事。

    The film 's about an elderly woman and a young nurse who befriends her

  22. 人们总是抱怨大银行和大公司不友善、不愿提供帮助。

    People always complain that the big banks and big companies are unfriendly and unhelpful

  23. 这是一个典型的不友善回复。

    This was a typically ungenerous response .

  24. 他是一个温和友善的人。

    He 's a nice quiet man .

  25. 他为人友善,而且彬彬有礼。

    He was a kind and courteous man

  26. 戈弗雷一度对我很友善。

    Godfrey had been friendly to me .

  27. 我们雇佣友善的、在行的员工。

    We employ friendly and knowledgeable staff .

  28. 肯尼思满怀友善好客之情。

    Kenneth overflowed with friendliness and hospitality

  29. 鲍勃总是那么友善热情。

    Bob was always genial and welcoming

  30. 他态度冷漠、很不友善。

    His manner was cold and unwelcoming