
  1. “天问一号”计划于2021年5月至6月间择机实施火星着陆。

    It is expected to land on Mars in May or June .

  2. 2021年的其他任务还包括:今年,火星探测器天问一号计划实施中国首次火星“绕、落、巡”探测。

    China 's Mars probe Tianwen-1 is designed to complete orbiting , landing and roving this year .

  3. 天问一号于2020年7月23日发射,有望在2月份左右进入火星轨道。

    The spacecraft , launched on July 23 , 2020 , is expected to enter the Mars orbit around February .

  4. 之后,天问一号将用2-3个月的时间考察可能的着陆地点,为5月份着陆火星做准备。

    Afterward , it will spend two to three months surveying potential landing sites to prepare for its landing in May .

  5. 2020年7月23日,“天问一号”任务成功发射,迈出中国行星探测的第一步。

    China 's Tianwen-1 mission was launched on July 23 , 2020 , the first step in China 's adventure in planetary exploration .

  6. “天问一号”、“嫦娥五号”、“奋斗者”号等科学探测实现重大突破。

    China has seen breakthroughs in scientific explorations like the Tianwen-1 ( Mars mission ) , Chang'e-5 ( lunar probe ) , and Fendouzhe ( deep-sea manned submersible ) .

  7. 天问一号探测器着陆火星,在火星上首次留下中国人的印迹,这是我国航天事业发展的又一具有里程碑意义的进展。

    The Tianwen 1 mission has left the nation 's first mark on the Red Planet and is another landmark , China is now among the leading countries in planetary exploration .

  8. 视频片段记录了天问一号着陆巡视器开伞和下降过程、祝融号火星车驶离着陆平台及火星表面移动过程。

    The clips recorded the Tianwen 1 's landing rover deploying to the Martian surface , and its Mars rover Zhurong driving away from its landing platform and moving over the surface of Mars .

  9. 当“天问一号”在停泊调相轨道上再次到达近火点时,需要再次刹车,进入停泊轨道,并在该轨道上进行多次调整,保证着陆器和巡视器在预先设定的时间、地点着陆火星。

    When the Chinese probe reaches the periareion for the second time , it will brake again to perform an orbital maneuver and make sure the lander and rover of Tianwen-1 can complete the landing on Mars at the scheduled time and place .

  10. “天问一号”火星探测器完成第二次轨道中途修正。

    Mars probe Tianwen-1 has completed its second orbital correction .

  11. 着陆后“天问一号”将释放火星车,开展科研探测工作。

    After the landing , it will release a rover to conduct scientific exploration .

  12. 中国表示,“天问一号”探测器将于2月10日进入火星轨道。

    China says its Tianwen-1 probe is due to enter Mars orbit on February 10 .

  13. “天问一号”在7月下旬发射。

    Tianwen-1 was launched in late July .

  14. 天问一号着陆器于周六上午着陆。

    The Tianwen-1 lander on Saturday morning .

  15. “天问一号”飞行超3亿千米

    Mars probe travels 300M km

  16. 天问一号火星影像发布

    First high-def pictures of Mars

  17. 自今年7月发射以来,中国“天问一号”火星探测器已飞行了3亿多公里。

    China 's Tianwen-1 mars probe has traveled more than 300 million kilometers since it was launched in July .

  18. 若“天问一号”成功,将成为首个一次性完成“绕、落、巡”三大任务的火星探测器。

    If Tianwen 1 succeeds , it will become the first Mars expedition accomplishing all three goals with one probe , the company said .

  19. 据国家航天局消息,9月20日晚,我国的“天问一号”火星探测器完成第二次轨道中途修正。

    China 's Tianwen 1 Mars probe carried out its second midcourse correction maneuver on Sunday night , according to the China National Space Administration .

  20. “天问一号”计划于2021年2月到达火星引力势场,开始做降落的相关准备,预计2021年5月着陆火星表面。

    The spacecraft is programmed to reach the Martian gravitational field in February and then begin to prepare for landing , which is expected to take place in May .

  21. 截至9月21日上午,“天问一号”探测器已经在地火转移轨道上飞行了1.6亿公里,距离地球约1900万公里,仍在继续飞向火星。

    By Monday morning , Tianwen 1 had traveled 160 million kilometers in an Earth-Mars transfer trajectory toward the red planet and was nearly 19 million km from Earth , it added .

  22. 一份官方报告显示,中国空间站的建设将在今年进入关键阶段,中国火星探测器“天问一号”将完成在轨、着陆和巡视作业。

    An official report says the construction of China 's space station will enter a crucial stage this year and China 's Mars probe Tianwen-1 complete its orbiting , landing and roving operations .

  23. 截至11月17日,“天问一号”已在地火转移轨道上飞行了116天,距离地球约6380万千米,仍在奔向火星的途中。

    By Tuesday morning , the robotic probe had flown 116 days in an Earth-Mars transfer trajectory toward the red planet , about 63.8 million km away from the Earth , it noted .

  24. 国家航天局9月21日上午发布声明称,9月20日晚11时许,在收到地面控制团队的控制信号后,“天问一号”探测器四台120N发动机同时点火,工作20秒,完成了轨道修正任务。

    The robotic spacecraft ran its four 120-Newton thrusters for 20 seconds at around 11 pm after receiving control signals from its ground controllers , the administration said in a statement on Monday morning .

  25. 7月23日,我国首次独立火星探测任务“天问一号”探测器在海南省的文昌卫星发射中心成功发射,开启了我国行星探测任务的序幕。

    China launched Tianwen 1 , the country 's first independent Mars mission , on July 23 at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province , opening the nation 's planetary exploration program .

  26. 国家航天局发布声明称,截至11月17日凌晨,我国的“天问一号”火星探测器飞行里程突破3亿千米,探测器各系统工作正常。

    China 's Tianwen 1 Mars probe had traveled 300 million kilometers as of Tuesday morning , according to the China National Space Administration . The administration said in a statement that the spacecraft was in good condition .

  27. 国家航天局3月4日发布3幅由天问一号探测器拍摄的高清火星影像图,包括2幅全色图像和1幅彩色图像。

    The China National Space Administration ( CNSA ) on Thursday published three high-resolution images of Mars captured by the country 's Tianwen-1 probe . These images include two panchromatic images and one color image , said CNSA .

  28. 2020年7月23日,长征五号重型运载火箭在海南省文昌航天发射中心成功发射了我国首个独立火星探测任务“天问一号”,开启了我国行星探测计划的序幕。

    Tianwen-1 , the country 's first independent Mars mission , was launched by a Long March 5 heavy-lift carrier rocket on July 23 from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province , kicking off the nation 's planetary exploration program .

  29. 7月23日,我国在海南文昌航天发射场,用“长征五号”重型运载火箭成功发射我国首次独立火星探测任务“天问一号”探测器,开启了我国行星探测的序幕。

    Tianwen 1 , the country 's first independent Mars mission , was launched by a Long March 5 heavy-lift carrier rocket on July 23 at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in South China 's Hainan province , opening the nation 's planetary exploration program .