
tiān jì xiàn
  • Skyline;horizon
  1. 告诉他们天际线只在想象中存在…

    Tell them the horizon is an imaginary line ...

  2. 从城市天际线的概念、天际线美学讨论了在新时期的城市形象建设中,创造城市天际轮廓线的重要性;

    This text discussed the importance of creating the outline of city horizon line from the concept , esthetics of the horizon line in new period of the city image construction .

  3. 当时他正行驶在圣克鲁兹山区的天际线大道上,与他同行的是一个高中朋友,蒂姆*布朗(TimBrown)。

    He was driving on Skyline Boulevard in the Santa Cruz Mountains with a high school friend , Tim Brown ,

  4. Samson和Goliath,两个决定贝尔法斯特天际线的龙门起重机,静静的矗立在那里,时刻提醒着人们这个城市造船业曾经的荣耀。

    SAMSON and Goliath , the two gantry cranes that dominateBelfast 's skyline , stand as reminders of the city 's former shipbuilding glory .

  5. 在纽约,天际线一直由催生了战后经济繁荣期的企业主导:利华大厦(LeverHouse)、西格拉姆大厦(SeagramBuilding)、泛美大楼(PanAmBuilding)以及美国电话电报公司大厦(AT&TTower)。

    In New York the skyline had been dominated by the corporations which fed the economic boom time of the postwar years : Lever House , the Seagram Building , the Pan Am Building , the AT & T Tower .

  6. 据詹姆斯·桑德斯(JamesSanders)的书《电影天际线:纽约与电影》(CelluloidSkyline:NewYorkandtheMovies,克诺夫出版社,2002年)说,海斯当时用的是爱迪生设计的一款用于拍摄户外场景的新摄像机。

    He used a new camera that had been designed by Edison for shooting outdoor scenes , according to " Celluloid Skyline : New York and the Movies , " by James Sanders ( Alfred A. Knopf , 2002 ) .

  7. 往下几层,是另一家空壳公司“哥伦布天际线”(ColumbusSkylineL.L.C.)拥有的三套共管公寓。该公司属于一个名为王文良的中国商人的家族。

    A few floors down are three condos owned by another shell company , Columbus Skyline L.L.C. , which belongs to the family of a Chinese businessman and contractor named Wang Wenliang .

  8. 当一大群中国记者拥在他面前时,林书豪(JeremyLin)短暂地将目光投向远处的曼哈顿天际线。那是“林来疯”(Linsanity)现象的诞生地。

    As a throng of Chinese reporters crowded in front of him , Jeremy Lin briefly cast his eyes toward the distant skyline of Manhattan , the birthplace of Linsanity .

  9. 上个月,本·斯拉必格(BenSchlappig)的Instagram主页上的照片显示他飞离了北京,在德国品尝咖啡和蛋糕,从穆赫兰道(MulhollandDrive)上方惊叹洛杉矶的天际线。

    Last month , Ben Schlappig 's Instagram page showed him jetting out of Beijing , dining on coffee and cake in Germany and marveling at the Los Angeles skyline from the top of Mulholland Drive .

  10. XTEN建筑最近推出一个优雅的螺旋了望塔可以达到令人难以置信的新作除了迪拜的天际线。

    XTEN Architecture recently unveiled an elegantly spiraling observation tower that stands to make an incredible new addition to Dubai 's skyline .

  11. 这使得城市天际线出现了大量奇奇怪怪的轮廓——墨尔本的一家建筑设计公司刚刚公布了一栋68层波浪形公寓和酒店大楼的设计方案,其灵感来自碧昂斯(Beyoncé)视频中穿着紧身衣的舞者。

    This creates plenty of strange shapes on the skyline - a firm of architects in Melbourne has just unveiled plans for an undulating 68-storey apartment and hotel block inspired by the fabric-clad dancers in a Beyonc é video .

  12. 尽管亚特兰大的天际线分散在I-75路,让人很难一下子全部看全。尽管是这样,亚特兰大还是轻松超越了达拉斯。

    Although its skyline is spread out along the I-75 corridor , making it difficult to view all at once , Atlanta handily tops Dallas .

  13. 伦敦金融城的天际线正在涌现不规则的形状,从罗杰斯勋爵的被称为“奶酪刨”(Cheesegrater)的Leadenhall大楼,到维诺里的位于芬丘奇街(FenchurchStreet)20号的“对讲机”(WalkieTalkie)大楼。

    The City of London 's skyline is sprouting unusual shapes , from Lord Rogers " " Cheesegrater " Leadenhall Building to Mr Vi ñ oly 's " Walkie Talkie " at 20 Fenchurch Street .

  14. 无锡传统街区天际线景观特征研究

    Study on the View Characteristic of Skyline of Wuxi Historical Blocks

  15. 芝加哥有世界上最美丽的城市天际线。

    Chicago city has the most beautiful skyline in the world .

  16. 这是我家乡新奥尔兰的天际线,

    This is the skyline of my hometown , New Orleans .

  17. 胜诉的一方可能对外滩的天际线产生重要影响。

    The winner could have an impact on the Bund 's skyline .

  18. 基于天际线识别的无人机实时姿态角估计

    Real-time attitude angle estimation for unmanned aerial vehicle based on skyline detection

  19. 总之,天际线迷人的难以置信,城市街道-却不这样。

    Anyway , skylines are super glamorous , city streets-not so glamorous .

  20. 哥伦布天际线是在纽约州成立的。

    Columbus Skyline was formed in New York State .

  21. 这座魔幻之城的天际线真实可触。

    The Magic City has a true skyline .

  22. 天际线曾经属于上帝。

    The skyline used to belong to God .

  23. 难道是受布法罗城模糊的天际线的诱惑?

    Is it the lure of catching a blurry glimpse of the Buffalo skyline ?

  24. 美国数以百计的天际线给人留下了无法磨灭的印象。

    There are hundreds of skylines in the United States that leave lasting impressions .

  25. 两轴周视光电跟踪天际线焦平面像的解析表达

    Analytic expression of horizon imaging on infrared focal plane array in panoramic electro-optical tracker

  26. 巴黎天际线素来出名,原因竟然是由于人们看不见它的天际线。

    The Paris skyline is famous for its , well , lack of skyline .

  27. 这就是澳大利亚悉尼在大雾中的天际线。

    This is the skyline of Sydney , Australia with one serious layer of fog .

  28. 2012年落成时,该建筑群以未来主义风格的外观,改变了充斥着方形建筑的天际线。

    When it opened in 2012 , its futuristic shape changed an otherwise rectangular skyline .

  29. 首先,寻找一个或天际线全景图片,我发现这一点。

    First , search for a panoramic or skyline picture , I found this one .

  30. 这就是我们的天际线的最近转变有必要引起注意的原因所在。

    That is why the most recent shift in our skylines demands to be noticed .