
  • 网络FIT;independent traveler;Independent Tour;Full Independent Tour
  1. 山东省国内散客旅游者空间行为研究

    A Study on the Domestic FIT Spatial Behavior in Shandong Province

  2. 中国旅游新趋势&散客旅游

    New Trend of China Tourism & FIT Tourism

  3. 散客旅游与团队旅游的区别是什么?

    What are the differences between F.I.T travel and group travel ?

  4. 旅游集散中心是一种新的散客旅游组织模式。

    Tourist transport center is a new pattern of transferring individual tourists .

  5. 论旅游心理与散客旅游管理策略

    The Psychological Reasons Of Individual Tour And the Countermeasure

  6. 什么是散客旅游服务?

    What is the individual travel services ?

  7. 海南省团队和散客旅游者的生态足迹比较研究

    Comparative Analysis of Tourism Ecological Footprint between Group Tourists and Independent Tourist in Hainan Province

  8. 什么是散客旅游?

    What is the individual tour ?

  9. 散客旅游市场的几个问题

    On Several Problems Concerning FIT Market

  10. 散客旅游服务电子商务解决方案

    E-commerce solution to scattering travel service

  11. 散客旅游市场发展研究

    Research on FIT Market Development

  12. 中国旅游业已经进入转型期,散客旅游蓬勃发展。

    As Chinese tourism industry has been in a reformation period , the individual tourism is experiencing a rapid development .

  13. 散客旅游,又称自助或半自助旅游,在国外称为自主旅游。

    The individual tour is also known as self-help or half self-help tour , it 's called independent travel abroad .

  14. 散客旅游服务就是旅行社按照散客的要求提供各项导游服务,主要有旅游咨询服务、单项委托服务和选择性导游服务。

    Individual travel service is a kind of guide service provided by travel agency that is in accordance with the requirements of individual tourist .

  15. 中国散客旅游团最早将于六月可以赴美旅游,中国国家旅游局副局长张希钦如是说。

    Leisure tour groups from China can travel to the US as early as in June , China National Tourism Bureau deputy director Zhang Xiqin has said .

  16. 然而散客旅游需求相对分散,旅游过程中个性化需求多,传统旅游模式很难统一组织并为其提供相关服务。

    As a result the proportion of scattering travel ascend apparently , the demand of scattering travel is comparatively dispersive and the individual demand in the travelling becomes greater .

  17. 旅游者的自主意识、个性特征、心理成熟度、旅游需求等方面的原因导致散客旅游迅速发展。旅游企业应转变传统旅游经营观念,摆正散客旅游促销的位置;

    The psychological reasons of the rapid development of individual tour are tourists ' self-determination consciousness , individual character , the maturity degree of their psychology and the demand of tourism , etc.

  18. 二十世纪九十年代以来,城市旅游业的巨大发展引起社会各界的高度关注,特别是近年来散客旅游团体,已经逐渐成为上海市旅游业发展的主力军。

    Since the nineties of the twentieth century , the great development of urban tourism aroused great concern . Especially in recent years , individual travel groups have gradually become a major force in the development of tourism in Shanghai .

  19. 与团队旅游者相比,散客旅游者在时间、行程安排、体验活动都具有自主性、灵活性、多样性特征,这就表明散客旅游者对旅游信息具有高度关注性。

    Compared with the team tourists , individual tourists have the characteristics which are autonomy , flexibility , diversity in the time , travel arrangements and experience activities . These indicate that individual tourists are great concern about tour information .

  20. 散客旅游的发展必然以实现旅游业的可持续发展为目的,而优化旅游空间结构和合理规划布局旅游空间是旅游可持续发展的必然要求和重要工具。

    Compared with mass tourism stage , individual tourism requisition is becoming more and more popular today . In order to realize the sustainable development of tourism , we must optimize tourism spatial structure and have rational organization and distribution of tourism industry .

  21. 最初是专门便利城市旅游散客开展旅游的服务平台。

    At first , it is a special service platform to facilitate the individual tourists .

  22. 但是目前该产业也正面临着散客化,旅游需求多样化的大趋势,传统的旅游营销手段在帮助中国的旅游产业解决这些发展中所遇到的新问题时又显得非常力不从心。

    But nowadays Tourism faced the new trend , for example , the decentralization of tourists , the diversification of demand and so on . The traditional marketing ways can not help the industries solve the problems in the new trend .

  23. 纽约一家主要服务于中国高端消费者的营销旅游公司AffinityChina联合创始人兼首席执行长ChristineLu说,吸引散客不同于跟旅游团打交道。

    Attracting independent travelers is different than working with tour groups , says Christine Lu , co-founder and chief executive of Affinity China , a New York-based marketing and travel company that focuses on upscale Chinese shoppers .