
sǎn wén shī
  • prose poem
散文诗 [sǎn wén shī]
  • [prose poem] 兼有散文和诗的特点的文体,写法像散文,不押韵,但注重节奏

  1. 20年来,《散文诗》成功地探索了纯文学期刊的生存发展之路。

    Prose Poem has explored successfully the way of existence and development for pure literary periodical for twenty years .

  2. 因此称赋为散文诗或译赋为poeticalessay都是不准确的。

    Therefore , it is inappropriate to call fu prose poem or translate fu into poetical essay .

  3. 赋即散文诗辩&由欧美学者译赋为poeticalessay等谈起

    A Refutation on " FU is a Type of Prose Poem " & Based on Western Scholars ' Translation of FU into Poetical Essay etc

  4. 散文诗是一种特殊的文学体裁。

    Poem prose is a special literature style in the world .

  5. 鲁迅的散文诗《死后》新解

    A New Interpretation of Lu Xun 's Prose Poem After Death

  6. 论新生代散文诗作家的创新意识

    On the Artistic Innovation of the New-born Writers of Prose Poems

  7. 泰戈尔散文诗的特色和中国品质

    Tagore 's Prose Poetry : Its Artistic Features and Chinese Qualities

  8. 我爱好古典音乐、散文诗以及艺术。

    I love classical music , prose poetry and art .

  9. 试论世纪之交散文诗的三股新生潜流

    On the Three Rebirth Undercurrent of Prose Poem during Cross-century

  10. 散文诗与杂文异同论

    On the Similarities and Differences between Prose Poem and Essay

  11. 20世纪中国散文诗是中外文化契合的产物。

    Chinese prose poetry is the product of foreign and Chinese culture .

  12. 讽刺诗,抒情诗,寓言诗和散文诗;

    Satirical Poetry , Lyric Poetry , Verse Fable and Prose Poetry .

  13. 心灵化的艺术世界&简论散文诗的审美特征

    The Aristic World of Soul & About the Aesthetic Characteristic of Poems

  14. 散文诗既非自由分行新诗,又非现代散文。

    Prose poetry means neither line-by-line new poems , nor modern prose .

  15. 散文诗在法国生成与发展的文化研究

    A Cultural Study on the Prose Poem Developed in France

  16. 论世界散文诗的文体演变

    On the style evolution of poem prose in the world

  17. 否则,离开&鲁迅散文诗《墓碣文》破解

    Otherwise , Get away & Interpreting Lu Xun 's Prose Poem Tombstone Inscription

  18. 论散文诗文体归类的混乱与后果

    On the Confusion of the Classification of the Lyric and its Corresponding Results

  19. 论中国散文诗文体形态的基本生成

    On the Building and the Character of the Style of Chinese Prose Poetry

  20. 散文诗的文类批评一类数的整除特征

    On the Generic Criticism of Prose Poem The Characteristic of A Class Number

  21. 把生活提升到理想&屠格涅夫《散文诗》美学思想浅论

    Raising Life up to Ideal On Aesthetic Ideology of Turgenev 's Prosaic Poems

  22. 文体学视野中的散文诗的文体源流

    On the history of style of prose poetry at the view of stylistics

  23. 当下散文诗的悲哀,是真情的缺席。

    The absence of true feelings makes the prose poetry nowadays nowadays invalid .

  24. 这是一首散文诗。

    This is a piece of prose poetry .

  25. 泰戈尔散文诗的创作和理论(上)&以中国宋代诗学为参照系的印度诗学比较研究

    Tagore 's Prose Poetry and Relative Theories Examined from the Angle of Comparative Literature

  26. 他的散文诗充满叛逆性和探索精神,其成就不亚于小说的成就。

    His poems in prose are imbued with the spirit of rebellion and exploration .

  27. 鲁迅的散文诗《风筝》的精神内核是忏悔意识。

    The spiritual core of Lu Xun 's prose poem Kite is repenting consciousness .

  28. 在现代哲学的观照下开拓散文诗审美表现疆域。

    Explore new expression field of beauty appreciation under the guide of modern philosophy .

  29. 论散文诗文体生成的三种形态

    On the Three Styles of Prose Poetry

  30. 散文诗的文类批评

    On the Generic Criticism of Prose Poem