
  • 网络UN Women
  1. 然而,这一消息的宣布导致联合国妇女署官网崩溃。

    The announcement drew enough web traffic to crash the UN Women website .

  2. 被邀请担任联合国妇女署亲善大使真的让我受宠若惊。

    Being asked to serve as UN Women 's Goodwill Ambassador is truly humbling .

  3. 周一,联合国妇女署宣布沃特森被指派为亲善大使。

    On Monday , UN Women and Watson announced that she had been appointed as a celebrity Goodwill Ambassador .

  4. 联合国妇女署发起的HeForShe运动旨在让10万名男士和男孩加入到争取性别平等的活动中。

    The UN Women HeForShe campaign aims to get100000 men and boys involved in the fight to achieve gender equality .

  5. 2014年,艾玛被任命为联合国妇女署亲善大使,帮助发起活动他为了她,旨在呼吁男性站出来,宣传性别平等。是官方,正式的任命为某个职务

    In 2014 , Emma Watson was appointed as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassadorand helped launch the UN Women campaign HeForShe , which calls for men to advocate gender equality Be appointed as

  6. 毕业后,她被任命为联合国妇女署亲善大使。联合国秘书长潘基文曾开玩笑说,希望沃森能用她的魔杖消除所有女性暴力。

    After her graduation , the actress was appointed as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon joked that he hopes Watson uses her magic wand to end violence against women .

  7. 日前,著名女演员艾玛·沃特森和英国一广播节目的主持人开撕,事件的起因是联合国妇女署亲善大使沃特森穿了一件过于暴露的博柏利白色针织披肩。

    Actor Emma Watson and a British broadcaster are on opposite sides of that debate after Watson -- a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador -- posed in a white Burberry top that revealed much of her breasts .

  8. 同时她也将支持联合国妇女署有关年轻女性战略支柱的相关工作,包括经济赋权、抵制妇女暴力、政治参与权、和平及安全等方面。

    According to Nyamayaro , Watson is particularly excited about working with HeForShe , and will also support the work of young women across UN Women 's strategic pillars , including economic empowerment , ending violence against women , political participation , and peace and security .

  9. 为在全球范围内提高妇女和女孩的权利,联合国创建了一个新的机构联合国妇女署。

    Promoting the interests of women and girls across the globe , the UN created a new entity for Gender Equality , called UN WOMEN .

  10. 尊敬的各位阁下,联合国秘书长,联合国大会主席,联合国妇女权能署执行董事以及各位贵宾们。

    Your excellencies , UN Secretary-General , President of the General Assembly , executive director of UN Women , and distinguished guests .

  11. 赫敏担任联合国亲善大使:电影《哈利·波特》主角艾玛·沃特森担任联合国妇女署亲善大使,发表演讲时表示自己8岁时就遭遇到性别歧视。

    Hermione the humanitarian : Harry Potterstar Emma Watson says she 's experienced sexism since she was eight in speech asUN Women Goodwill Ambassador