
lián sài
  • league matches
联赛 [lián sài]
  • [league matches; league tournament] 多个同级球队之间所进行的比赛

  1. 我们队由于三分之一的队员在度假因而在联赛上落后了。

    Our team dropped behind in the league matches when a third of the players went on holiday .

  2. 同时,CUBA应该根据现状协调好与外部环境的关系,以利提高联赛的整体水平。

    Meanwhile , CUBA should improve the whole level of the league matches .

  3. 他们打完这个赛季之后积分高居联赛的榜首。

    They finished the season at the top of the league .

  4. 赛季结束时他们在联赛中排名榜首。

    They finished the season at the head of their league .

  5. 下周我们要和联赛冠军队比赛。

    We 're playing against the league champions next week .

  6. 这个队正争取保住它在联赛中的位置。

    The team is bidding to retain its place in the league .

  7. 联队是上个赛季的联赛冠军。

    United were league champions last season .

  8. 他们是联赛的领头羊。

    They 're top of the league .

  9. 那不勒斯队追平了AC米兰队,并列意大利联赛排行榜的榜首。

    Napoli have drawn level with AC Milan at the top of the Italian league .

  10. 开播于1991年的付费电视频道premiere实况转播两大顶级足球联赛的赛事。

    Premiere , a subscription channel which began in 1991 , shows live football covering the top two divisions

  11. 希伯尼安队以2比0战胜汉密尔顿队,夺得了甲级联赛的冠军。

    Hibernian clinched the First Division title when they beat Hamilton 2-0

  12. 球队适应了英式橄榄球甲级联赛的节奏。

    The team has accustomed itself to the pace of first division rugby

  13. 这支球队快跌至联赛末席了。

    The team is close to bottom of the League .

  14. 克纳汉因为扭伤脖子而错过了联赛。

    Kernaghan missed the United game after he ricked his neck

  15. 他花了很长时间才在顶级足球联赛站稳脚跟。

    He took a long time to settle in to big-time football .

  16. 英国在联赛中的排名从第二位降到了第三位。

    Britain has dropped from second to third place in the league .

  17. 北卡罗来纳大学在美国大学篮球联赛中夺魁。

    The NCAA basketball championship was won by North Carolina .

  18. 维拉队刚刚从甲级联赛中降级。

    Villa had just been relegated from the First Division .

  19. 苏格兰足球将被纳入某个英国足球联赛。

    Scottish football would be subsumed by a British League .

  20. 阿斯顿维拉队上一次赢得联赛冠军是在1990年3月。

    Aston Villa last led the League in March 1990 .

  21. 这只会更加坚定我们赢得联赛的决心。

    This merely strengthens our resolve to win the league

  22. 他们没有在联赛中垫底。

    They didn 't come last in their league .

  23. 他们贿赂对方队员,在联赛对阵瓦朗谢讷队的一场决定性比赛中作弊。

    They offered opposing players bribes to fix a decisive league match against Valenciennes

  24. 北安普敦在联赛中名列第三。

    Northampton were third in the League placings .

  25. 他是唯一在衣服外面穿护胸的全国联赛裁判。

    He was the only National League umpire to wear an outside chest protector .

  26. 我们是联赛的最后一名,所以我们必须拼命赶超。

    We 're bottom of the league and we have to get stuck in .

  27. 他在一两支联赛队伍中做过外援。

    He guested for one or two League sides

  28. 伍德福德格林队赢得了乙级联赛的冠军,成功升甲。

    Woodford Green won the Second Division title and are promoted to the First Division .

  29. 在苏格兰足球联赛中,亚伯丁队比排在首位的流浪者队落后9分。

    Aberdeen are nine points adrift of Rangers at the top of the Scottish League .

  30. 他们准备全力以赴,夺取下赛季的超级联赛冠军。

    They 're ready to go all out for the Premier League title next season .