
  • 网络Federal States;Bundesland
  1. 各个州对此意见并不统一,预算赤字低的联邦州反对任何形式的债务共担。

    There was dissention among the States , as those with smaller budget deficits opposed any form of debt sharing .

  2. 德国有5个联邦州已经签署了购买意向书,从阿尔斯通共计购买60列氢铁。

    Five federal states in Germany have signed a letter of intent to purchase a total of 60 trains from the French firm .

  3. 分拆开来,每个德国联邦州政府的结构性赤字/GDP比例将不能超过0.15%。

    When all split up , the state and local governments in Germany will only be able to run a structural deficit of 0.15 % .

  4. 对于德国很多联邦州来说,特别是那些位于德国西北部的一些联邦州,要执行这样的上限是不可能完成的任务。

    For many of the States , most notably those in the northwest part of the country , adhering to those rules would be impossible .

  5. 德国主要疫区与外国旅客偏好的联邦州的差异可解释为何是次爆发大体上只局限于德国本土。

    The discrepancy between regions heavily affected by the EHEC within Germany and major destinations for visitors may explain the relatively localized pattern in the outbreak .

  6. 可以将德国的联邦州协议为模板,创立一个财政联盟和一个共同的欧洲债务工具(即欧元债券)。

    The state deal could be used as a template for creating a fiscal union and a common European debt instrument , known as a Eurobond .

  7. 即对策的特点解析,分为灵活性和多样性和联邦州地方三方统筹兼顾;关系解析,归纳为连续性、反馈性和扩展性。

    Namely , the characteristics of policy flexibility and diversity and the federal state tripartite overall consideration ,; Relationship : continuity and analytical for feedback and expansibility .

  8. 为保障各联邦州数学教育质量的均衡发展,2003年底德国首次颁布全联邦性数学教育标准。

    In order to ensure the balanced development of the quality of mathematics education in different federal states in Germany , the national mathematics education standard was issued at the end of2003 .

  9. 而和欧元区很多邻国一样,德国一些联邦州发现自己已难以获得足够低的融资利率来填补不断扩大的债务窟窿。

    Like many of the members of the eurozone , some German states have found it difficult to borrow money at low enough interest rates to continue funding their widening debt hole .

  10. 共和党人决定政府的开支不应花在过时的基础设施建设上,这是建造高铁的困难所在,在弗罗里达,威斯康星和俄亥俄州的共和党州长已经拒绝了用联邦州政府的公债基金建设高铁。

    Republicans have decided that government spending , not outdated infrastructure , is the real bogeyman , and Republican governors in Florida , Wisconsin and Ohio have rejected federal money to begin building .

  11. 德国的各个联邦州有很强的预算权力,可以无需获得柏林的批准,随意征税和支出。

    The German states have very strong budgeting powers , giving them the ability to tax and spend as they please , without the need for approval from the federal government in Berlin .

  12. 更糟的是,一旦执行新的欧盟财政契约(明年即将生效),这些联邦州将更难获得融资。

    To make matters worse , complying with the new EU fiscal pact , which is set to go into effect next year , will make it even more difficult for the States to fund themselves .

  13. 除了对英语的理解之外,这还要求考生对一些时事知识的了解。这一位于德国西南部的联邦州约有31000名学生参加了此次英语考试,但上个月发布的请愿书收集到了超过35000个签名。

    That required some current affairs knowledge , besides English comprehension . About 31000 students sat the English exam in the south-west German state but the petition launched last month has collected more than 35000 signatures .

  14. 不幸的是,有许多联邦和州的法律对数量惊人的美国人实施定罪后限制,这些人永远无法完全偿还他们对社会的债务。

    Unfortunately , many federal and state laws impose post-conviction restrictions on a shockingly large number of Americans , who are prevented from ever fully paying their debt to society .

  15. Black说,石油管道行业在足够的联邦和州政府制度的监管下运营。

    Mr. Black says the industry operates under enough federal and state rules .

  16. PatrickMurray:“任何接受联邦或州资金的学校都要求实行共同核心州立标准。”

    PATRICK MURRAY : " Any school that receives federal or state money is going to be required to use the common core standards . "

  17. 联邦和州调查人员发现,2001年1月至2003年7月间,他们共参加了590次由ETS管理的考试。

    Federal and state investigators found that between January 2001 and July 2003 , they sat for a total of 590 exams administered by ETS .

  18. 最高法院的确发现医改法案的一项内容违背了宪法。最高法院说,医改法案扩大了联邦-州医疗补助计划(Medicaid),这样做威胁到了各州现有的资金来源。

    The court did find one part of the law unconstitutional , saying its expansion of the federal-state Medicaid program threatened states ' existing funding .

  19. 你会注意到,从工资总额中扣除的部分包括联邦、州和城市的税收(在凯尔·洛瑞的案例中,加拿大的税收),代理费用(假设为3%)和最高401K的贡献,1.8万美元。

    You 'll notice that deductions from gross salary include federal , state and city taxes ( and in Kyle Lowry 's case , Canadian taxes ) , agent fees ( assumed at 3 percent ) and a maximum 401K contribution of $ 18000 .

  20. 使用新的指导方针,Ullyot说Facebook在2012年下半年接到9千到1万条政府请求,从美国联邦到州及各级地方政府,主题包括失踪儿童调查、逃亡跟踪和恐怖主义威胁。这些资料信息涉及1.8万至1.9万名脸谱用户。

    Using the new guidelines , Ullyot said Facebook received between 9000 and 10000 government requests from all government entities from local to federal in the last six months of 2012 , on topics including missing children investigations , fugitive tracking and terrorist threats . The requests involved the accounts of between 18000 and 19000 Facebook users .

  21. 联邦和州正在对这种化合物进行调查。

    The compound has now subjected to federal and state investigations .

  22. 联邦、州和地方政府的裁员速度开始放缓。

    Federal , state and local government job cutbacks are slowing .

  23. 至少五个联邦,州,以及地方政府

    At least 5 federal , state , and local agencies

  24. 它还发现普遍存在着误解联邦和州的隐私法问题。

    It also found widespread misunderstanding about federal and state privacy laws .

  25. 许多联邦和州机构再也不能免费提供出版物了。

    Many federal and state agencies can no longer provide free publications .

  26. 该法的实施方式是建立在联邦&州合作的基础上。

    The implementation methods are based on the federal & state cooperation relationship .

  27. 污染由联邦和州各种法规控制和强制执行。

    Pollution is legally controlled and enforced through various federal and state laws .

  28. 联邦和州卫生官员目前正警惕着更多病案的发生。

    Federal and state health officials are on the alert for more cases .

  29. 应在所有通往联邦和州公路的路口配备信号员。

    Signal persons shall be provided at junctions to all federal and state roads .

  30. 根椐联邦和州的法律规定,在许多情况下都要求提供环境影响报告书。

    Environmental impact reports are required under many circumstances by federal and state law .