
  • 网络Mitte
  1. 他的酒店位于柏林米特区,我们坐在酒店的餐厅里勉强交谈,不时有电影节的工作人员、熟人和没完没了的崇拜者来打扰。

    We were sitting in the restaurant of his hotel in Berlin Mitte , trying to have a conversation in the face of frequent interruptions from festival staff , acquaintances and a seemingly never-ending stream of admirers .

  2. 出售都市艺术品的画廊越来越多了,比如神经巨人(Neurotitan)画廊,这家宽敞的店铺位于柏林米特中心区一片蓬乱的小区内,从1996年起就开始展览都市艺术品。

    The number of galleries selling urban art keeps growing : Neurotitan , a sprawling space in a scruffy complex in the central district of Berlin-Mitte , has shown urban art since 1996 ;