
  • Michele;Michelle Obama;Mitchell
  1. 华盛顿工业家米歇尔·P·拉莱斯(MitchellP.Rales)和他的妻子艾米莉(Emily);

    Mitchell P. Rales , the Washington industrialist , and his wife , Emily ;

  2. 此举“可能消除了雅虎出售阿里巴巴股份的顾忌”,高盛(GoldmanSachs)分析师詹姆斯•米歇尔(JamesMitchell)在一份研究报告中表示。

    This was " likely to remove any stigma associated with Yahoo selling shares in Alibaba . com , " said James Mitchell , an analyst at Goldman Sachs , in a research note .

  3. 我一直都穿着米歇尔那件黑色和金色相间的衬衫。

    I 'd been wearing Michel 's black and gold shirt .

  4. 米歇尔先生说,13%的美国家庭符合贫困家庭的标准。

    13 percent of American households qualify as poor , says Mr. Mishel

  5. 米歇尔睡着了,头靠在他的肩上。

    Michelle had fallen asleep with her head against his shoulder

  6. 我住在圣·米歇尔教堂的传道会里。

    I reside at the mission at St Michael 's.

  7. 米歇尔也会按顾客的要求为其纺羊毛呢,每盎司收费2.25美元。

    Michelle will also spin a customer 's wool fleece to specification at a cost of $ 2.25 an ounce .

  8. 在封面照上,米歇尔身穿一袭由设计师吴季刚为其设计的绛红色紧身丝质裙装。她在奥巴马就职典礼上所穿的礼服就出自吴季刚之手。

    She appears wearing a magenta silk sheath dress by Jason wu , who also designed her inaugural gown .

  9. 该州的政务客户至上办公室正在审查外包的可行性,在该办公室的一份电子邮件声明中,发言人米歇尔·R·马丁表示,政府官员仍在努力分析来自高等教育监管会的数据。

    In an email statement from the state 's Office of Customer Focused Government , which is examining the possibility of outsourcing , spokeswoman Michelle R. Martin said officials were still working to analyze the data from the Board of Regents .

  10. 例句:我脚踝骨折时,米歇尔在医院陪我。

    Michelle stayed with me in the hospital when I broke my ankle .

  11. 我和米歇尔真为你们骄傲。

    Michelle and I are so proud of you .

  12. 米歇尔没来参加大会。

    Michelle didn 't come to the conference .

  13. 米歇尔没有弄丢她的手提包,她只是把它落在办公室了。

    Michelle didn 't lose her handbag , she just left it at work .

  14. 研究人员米歇尔发现,她所在的大学,90%的本科生都曾经经历过震动错觉。

    Researcher Michelle Drouin found that almost 9 of 10 undergraduates at her college experienced phantom vibrations .

  15. 那牧师对米歇尔讲的脏话置之不理,因为他知道这与他的身份不相符。

    e.g. The vicar turned a deaf ear to Michelle 's bad language because he knew it was out of character .

  16. 就在我要步上红毯嫁给她儿子之前,我婆婆对我说:“米歇尔,如果一个男人不会给自己做三明治,那他就活该饿死。”

    Right before I walked down the aisle to marry her son , my mother-in-law told me , " Michelle , if a man can 't make himself a sandwich , he should starve . "

  17. 据说,当年OBAMA也是在同样简陋的房子里向当时的女朋友米歇尔求婚的。

    This is the same collection of humble homes in which Barack proposed to his then girlfriend Michelle .

  18. 上周二,米歇尔在康涅狄格州的威廉姆·W·巴克斯医院产下一名重14镑13盎司(约13斤5两)的男婴。

    Michel gave birth to a14-pound , 13-ounce boy last Tuesday at William W.Backus Hospital , Connecticut .

  19. 米歇尔.赖特,CNN学生新闻:现在是抢答时间。

    MICHELLE WRIGHT , CNN STUDENT NEWS : Time for the Shoutout !

  20. MAD受到了很多国际关注,其中就包括2010年时美国第一夫人米歇尔的来访!

    MAD has gotten a lot of international attention including a visit from American First Lady Michelle Obama in 2010 !

  21. 卡尼本来可以与米歇尔•奥巴马(MichelleObama)对一对口径。今年1月份米歇尔制作了一段配合OFA成立的视频。

    Mr Carney could have checked with Michelle Obama , who made a video to accompany its launch in January .

  22. τ衰变中米歇尔(Michel)参数的测量

    Measurement of Michel Parameter in τ Decay

  23. 据NPR新闻的米歇尔·克莱门报道,美国表示俄罗斯还有其他的方法。

    NPR 's Michele Kelemen reports the US says Russia has another way out .

  24. 那天,电话另一头那位女士的应答是:查号台,米歇尔(Michelle)为您服务。

    On that particular day , the woman at the other end answered the phone with : Directories , Michelle speaking .

  25. 被广泛提及的潜在继任者之一是米歇尔•弗卢努瓦(MichèleFlournoy)。

    One widely mentioned potential successor is Mich è le Flournoy .

  26. 米歇尔•李是纽约市普华永道会计师事务所(PwC)的税务合伙人。

    Michelle Lee , a tax partner at PwC in New York City , has a bucket list .

  27. 那天,电话另一头那位女士的应答是:“查号台,米歇尔(Michelle)为您服务。”

    On that particular day , the woman at the other end answered the phone with : " Directories , Michelle speaking . "

  28. 多数为《Vogue》拍摄封面照的模特都是编辑为他们挑选服装,或者至少做个参谋,但米歇尔则不同。

    Most cover models have their clothes chosen for them by Vogue , or at least editors work as advisers . Not this time .

  29. Trace的主管米歇尔•加文(MichelleGavin)表示:最重要的想法之一是,这是私营领域的一个风险管理工具。

    One of the most important ideas is that it 's a risk-management tool for the private sector , says Michelle Gavin , director of Trace .

  30. 米歇尔是由法国葡萄酒厂LaGuyennoise。生产和瓶装的。

    Cuv é e Michel is a wine produced and bottled by french winery La Guyennoise .