
  • 网络MICA;Micah;MEACA;mecor
  1. 她最近工作和生活压力很大,所以米卡偏头痛发作的次数比平时要多。

    They can last for a couple of days . She 's been under a lot stress at work and in her personal life lately , so Mika 's been getting more migraines than usual .

  2. 在前任总理、亿万富翁萨阿德·哈里里(SaadHariri)领导的民族团结政府解体后,米卡提于今年1月被提名为总理,并开始着手组建新一届政府。

    Mikati was selected to form a new cabinet in January , after the government of his predecessor Saad Hariri , also a billionaire , collapsed .

  3. 因为他夸张的舞台表演风格,一直有谣传米卡很可能是同性恋。

    Because of his flamboyant stage persona , there have been rumours that Mika might be gay .

  4. 后卫斯莫林替换受伤的曼城后卫米卡。理查兹出场后接过了队长袖标。

    Reds defender Chris Smalling took over the skipper 's armband when Manchester City 's Micah Richards was taken off on a stretcher early on .

  5. 当我告诉科琳娜我邀请了米卡去我们家时,她立刻就火了,因为她不太想见艾嘉,而我当时却没有想到这点。

    When I told Corinna she went mad because she and erja don 't see nose to nose and I was not aware of this .

  6. 无视命令她优越,瑞安马斯洛(本英里),米卡挖掘到的绝密档案机构,以了解真相背后的谋杀案。

    Defying the orders of her superior , Ryan Maslow ( Ben Miles ), Mika digs into top secret agency files to learn the truth behind the murders .

  7. 在这部歌剧中,比才塑造了一个个栩栩如生的人物形象,如:男女主角卡门与唐·何塞,以及米卡埃拉、斗牛士等。

    In this opera , Bizet created one after another lifelike characters , such as , Carmen and Don Jose , the hero and the heroine , Micaela , Matador , etc. .

  8. 美国全国广播公司工作日早间节目《早安,乔伊》的搭档主持米卡•布热津斯基在广播中宣称这种封面是没有意义的煽情。她说:“我会告诉你们为什么我讨厌它,因为这是在说比尔-西尔斯!”

    Mika Brzezisnki , co-host of MSNBC 's weekday morning program " Morning Joe , " suggested on the air that the cover was needlessly sensational : " I 'll tell you why it bothers me - because it 's a profile of Bill Sears ! "