
  • 网络coldplay;Viva la Vida;Yellow
  1. 其他艺人如酷玩乐队则获得七项提名,而Jay-Z,Ne-Yo和KaneWest各获得六项提名。

    Other leading artists are Coldplay , who earned seven nominations , and Jay-Z , Ne-Yo and Kane West , who each scored six .

  2. 名列前十的还有加拿大说唱歌手德雷克、葡萄牙足球明星克里斯蒂安诺·罗纳尔多、加拿大歌手TheWeekend、美国电视明星霍华德·斯特恩、英国酷玩乐队、美国作家詹姆斯·帕特森以及美国篮球明星勒布朗·詹姆斯。

    Rounding out the top ten are rapper Drake ( Canada ) , footballer Christiano Ronaldo ( Portugal ) , musician The Weekend ( Canada ) , radio personality Howard Stern ( USA ) , band Coldplay ( UK ) , author James Patterson ( USA ) , and basketball star LeBron James ( USA ) .

  3. 酷玩乐队知道如何去创造一首歌,能够用简单的卡拉OK节奏把你吸引住。

    Coldplay knows how to build a song that draws you in with easy , karaoke-ready moves .

  4. U2乐队、酷玩乐队、艾德·希兰,以及足坛巨星里奥·梅西和克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多也进入了榜单前十。

    U2 , Coldplay and Ed Sheeran are also included in a top 10 alongside global football stars Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo .

  5. 但问题是酷玩乐队似乎没有如此深度,也没有波诺(Bono)或刀子(theEdge)那样有特色的嗓音,而且U2他们能把吉他演奏得像伴唱。

    The problem is that Coldplay doesn 't seem to have unplumbed depths , or a voice as distinctive as either Bono 's or the Edge 's , whose guitar is U2 " s second vocalist .

  6. 其实这种效果的鼻祖主要是U2,是他们创造了酷玩乐队现在的演奏风格:这种摇滚顾及到了朋克的巨大改革,但仍然追求一种让人心跳加速的,像进行曲那般的效果,正如70年代室内摇滚天王的音乐。

    The main antecedent is U2 , who invented the form that Coldplay works within : rock that respects the sea change of punk but still wants to be as chest-thumping and anthemic as the music of the seventies stadium gods .

  7. 2005年的一期泰晤士报中,乔恩帕雷利斯(JonPareles)把英国摇滚组合酷玩乐队称为“十年内最难以忍受的乐队”,而且归咎于乐队的名誉负责人和歌手马丁,并称他做“消极好斗的吹牛大王”。

    In a 2005 piece in the Times , Jon Pareles called the British rock group Coldplay " the most insufferable band of the decade , " and he placed the blame on the band 's front man and singer , Chris Martin , whom he called a " passive-aggressive blowhard . " Earlier this year ,

  8. 今年早些时候,由连锁酒店Travelodge赞助的一份研究对2248名英国人的睡眠习惯进行了调查,研究表明酷玩乐队名列床头音乐的首位。

    in a study sponsored by the hotel chain Travelodge of the bedtime habits of 2248 people in the U.K. , Coldplay topped a poll of music choices that would help people fall asleep .

  9. 我是酷玩乐队的死忠。

    I am a die hard fan of coldplay .

  10. 喜欢听约翰梅尔和酷玩乐队摇滚、

    who listens to John Mayer and ColdPlay ,

  11. 劳伦斯的前男友包括英国演员尼古拉斯·霍尔特和酷玩乐队主唱克里斯马丁。

    Lawrence was previously linked to British actor Nicholas Hoult and Coldplay frontman Chris Martin .

  12. 酷玩乐队和老鹰乐队各有四项提名在手,克里斯·布朗和里尔·韦恩也各获三项提名。

    Coldplay and the Eagles had four nominations each , while Chris Brown and Lil Wayne received three apiece .

  13. 排在第15名的酷玩乐队在英国入选者中排名最高,主要是因为他们最近推出了新专辑、巡演,并且斩获多项格莱美奖。

    Coldplay are the highest ranked British entries , in15th place thanks to their recent album , tour and multiple Grammy wins .

  14. 我总想出于这一点而去喜欢酷玩乐队:他们是一伙因善良而获得回报的年轻男孩。

    I 've always wanted to like Coldplay for just that attribute . They 're a band of nice young lads being rewarded for niceness .

  15. 同年,他还与美国歌手碧昂斯及英国酷玩乐队在超级碗比赛期间进行中场表演。

    In the same year , he also co-performed with US singer Beyonc é and UK group Coldplay during the iconic Super Bowl halftime show .

  16. 今年八月首次传出这位30岁的歌手将参加超级碗中场秀的消息,《华尔街日报》透露佩里、酷玩乐队和蕾哈娜是这项高调工作的候选人。

    The 30-year-old singer was first rumored for the Super Bowl halftime show back in August when The Wall Street Journal revealed Perry , Coldplay and Rihanna were among finalists for the high-profile job .

  17. 引来批评最多的是因为黄老板饰演这个角色并没有化妆去掩饰自己,相比而言,酷玩乐队的鼓手威尔·查平和雪地巡游者的加里·赖特波迪也客串了,他们却不容易被认出来。

    Much of the criticism was around the fact that there seemed to have been little attempt to disguise his cameo - whilst other artists such as Coldplay drummer Will Champion and Gary Lightbody of Snow Patrol were more difficult to spot in their scenes .

  18. 格温妮丝今年41岁,酷玩乐队主唱克里斯今年37岁,二人育有两个孩子。在他们充满感情而又有些诡异的“理智分居”陈述中,他们承认自己已经花了一年多时间以努力挽救他们的婚姻。

    Gwyneth , 41 , and Coldplay frontman Chris , 37 , have two children , and in their emotional , somewhat bizarrely entitled , statement called ' Conscious Uncoupling ' , they admitted they had spent more than a year battling to save their marriage .

  19. 《滚石》杂志称他们的音乐是“蒙福之子乐队与酷玩乐队的融合体”,其歌曲中器乐的运用深受民谣音乐的影响,作品主题既有焦虑彷徨、也有温暖真情,从生存到人生哲学,均有涉猎。

    Described by Rolling Stone magazine as " a mixture of Mumford & Sons and Coldplay , " the usage of instruments in their songs is strongly influenced by folk music , and the themes they explore range from anxiety and depression to love , survival and philosophy .

  20. 为促使用户体验其新服务,谷歌亦免费提供诸如滚石和酷玩等乐队的部分曲目。

    Google is also offering some songs from bands such as The Rolling Stones and Coldplay free in a bid to get people to try its new service .

  21. 5月,影坛才女格温妮丝-帕特洛和“酷玩”乐队主唱手克里斯-马丁迎来了他们第一个孩子的诞生,夫妇俩给女儿起了个可爱的名字&“苹果”。

    The actress Gwyneth Paltrow and her husband Chris Martin , the Coldplay singer , celebrated the birth of their first daughter , but raised eyebrows by naming her Apple .