
  • 网络Greater London;Great London
  1. 迄今为止,MetroBank已在大伦敦区建立了12家分支机构,预计今年年底还会再开8家。

    So far , Metro Bank has established 12 branches in Greater London , and expects to open eight more by the end of this year .

  2. 目前,中国汽车销售量每年正以26%的速度增长,北京道路上的汽车比大伦敦地区(greaterlondon)还要多。

    Chinese car sales are rising at an annual 26 per cent rate and there are now more vehicles on the roads of Beijing than in Greater London .

  3. 该地区大选候选人、绿党(Greenparty)发言人汤姆•钱斯(TomChance)表示:“布罗姆利区和大伦敦政府应该停止折腾千奇百怪的地产项目,让中融集团卷铺盖走人。”

    Tom Chance , Green party spokesman and general election candidate for the area , said : " Bromley and the GLA need to stop messing around with fantasy projects and send the Zhongrong Group packing . "

  4. 欧洲议会采取PR进行选举,如大伦敦会议等其他新的地区会议也通过直接选举产生市长。

    Forms of PR were introduced for elections to the European Parliament , the new devolved regional assemblies , the Greater London Assembly and for the direct election of those mayors .

  5. 行政参与力度较大;英国大伦敦市政府的组织机构及启示

    The Structure of the Greater London Authority and Its Illumination

  6. 大伦敦政府:治理世界城市的创新

    Greater London Government : the Innovation on World City Regularization

  7. 新区域主义在新大伦敦空间总体规划中的诠释

    Concept of new regionalism in the spatial development strategy for Greater London

  8. 有大伦敦区三倍大于2002年分裂

    three times the size of Greater London , breaking apart in 2002 .

  9. 分析大伦敦治理碎裂化的表现和由此带来的棘手问题。

    Greater London fragmentation of governance and the resulting performance of the thorny issues .

  10. 然而之前大伦敦警察厅下属的一个机构已经认定此举毫无必要。

    Earlier , a body headed by the Metropolitan Police had decided this was unnecessary .

  11. 英国大伦敦城市发展的环境保护战略

    Environment Strategy of Urban Development in London

  12. 大伦敦境内有三十二个享有自治权的市镇,每个市镇都有自己的市长和议会。

    Within its boundaries there are thirty-two London boroughs , each with its own mayor and council .

  13. 伦敦通过直接选举产生市长,另有一批当地官员和大伦敦自治市也是如此。

    London gained a directly elected mayor , as did a clutch of other local authorities and boroughs .

  14. 大伦敦地区规划对长江三角洲的启迪&罗宾·汤普森先生采访录人物访谈

    The Greater London Plan : its Revelation for the Yangtze River Delta & Interview with Mr. Robin Thompson

  15. 大伦敦警察局局长伊恩·布莱尔说诺丁山狂欢节进行得非常顺利。

    Ian Blair , London 's Metropolitan Police commissioner , said the event was going " very well " .

  16. 城市开放空间的保护与再生以新一轮大伦敦空间发展战略的开放空间规划为例

    The city opens the spatial protection and rebirth concept of new regionalism in the spatial development strategy for Greater London

  17. 本文采用实证的方法,选取英国大伦敦地区,以治理碎裂化状态为切入点。

    In this paper using the empirical method , select the UK Greater London to fragmentation of the state of governance as the starting point .

  18. 在1999年,大伦敦管理局法重新确立一个单一的地方的管治机构,大伦敦地区,组成一个民选市长和伦敦大会。

    In1999 the Greater London Authority Act reestablished a single local governing body for the Greater London area , consisting of an elected mayor and the London Assembly .

  19. 而两个问题是“多大了伦敦塔?”

    And question two is " How old is the Tower of London ?"

  20. 在我们的祖国,不管是在偏僻的农村,还是在大城市伦敦或者,当然还有德国、法国、以及令人愉快的意大利,你都会超出他努力所及并且不为他所知晓!

    In our native land , whether in some remote rural village or in vast London - or , surely , in Germany , in France , in pleasant Italy - thou wouldst be beyond his power and knowledge !

  21. 上世纪90年代,华尔街大公司扫荡伦敦金融城,一路收编规模较小的商人银行,如Warburg和施罗德(Schroders)。

    The big Wall Street firms swept through the City of London in the 1990s , picking up smaller merchant banks , such as Warburg and Schroders , on their way .

  22. 大教堂是伦敦最著名的景点参观。

    The cathedral is one of London 's most visited sights .

  23. 那场大瘟疫使伦敦市民损失惨重。

    The great plague took its toll of the citizens of London .

  24. 1929-1933年大萧条与伦敦世界经济会议

    The Great Depression in 1929-1933 and London World Economic Conference

  25. 这并非如此多的乐趣,在大城市如伦敦拜因水质欠佳,我会说!

    It ain 't so much fun , bein'poor in a big city like London , I 'll say !

  26. 什么意思?你大老远从伦敦跑来就是为了教训我?

    So that 's it ? You 've come all the way from London to give me a lecture ?

  27. 让我们把目光转回大托林顿。伦敦奥组委的一位女发言人说:“火炬熄灭是由于燃烧器故障导致的。”

    Back in Great Torrington , a spokeswoman for LOCOG said : " The flame went out due to a malfunctioning burner . "

  28. 竞争对手之间的这种合作行为,也出现在坐落于老街大转盘的伦敦“小硅谷”里新创立的企业群里。

    Such co-operation among rivals is found also in the cluster of start-ups near Old Street junction in London , known as silicon roundabout .

  29. 今年夏天,美国的在线零售巨头亚马逊,正在扩大美国一些大城市以及伦敦的当地商店寄存柜网点数目。

    This summer Amazon , an American online-retail giant , is expanding a network of delivery lockers in local shops in some of America 's biggest cities as well as in London .

  30. 船的龙骨是法国克鲁棱工厂造的,推进器大轴是伦敦朋尼公司制的,船壳的钢铁板是利物浦利亚工厂造的,推进器是格拉斯哥斯各脱工厂制的。

    Its keel was forged by Creusot in France , its propeller shaft by Pen & Co. in London , the sheet-iron plates for its hull by Laird 's in Liverpool , its propeller by Scott 's in Glasgow .