
  • 网络grand canyon;Canyon;the grand canyon national park
  1. 第四天:大峡谷国家公园。拉斯维加斯。

    Day4 : Grand Canyon National Park . Las Vegas .

  2. 你到过美国大峡谷国家公园吗?

    Have you been to American Grand Canyon National Park ?

  3. 图片:It’salongwaydown.万丈悬崖图片:TheGrandCanyonNationalPark.大峡谷国家公园古城马丘比丘在印加古道最高处。印加古道被称为是“死亡路线”。

    The ancient city of Machu Picchu lies at the top of the Inca Trail , which has become known as the " hike of death . "

  4. 每年有近500万人游览大峡谷国家公园。

    Nearly five million people travel to the canyon each year .

  5. 美国大峡谷国家公园

    Grand Canyon National Park

  6. 巡护员们包好了尸体,一架从大峡谷国家公园借来的直升飞机把它运了出去。

    Rangers packaged the body , and a helicopter , borrowed from Grand Canyon National Park , lifted it out .

  7. 我国地质公园地质科技旅游开发研究&美国科罗拉多大峡谷国家公园科技旅游开发之借鉴

    A Research on the Geo-technological Tourism Exploitation of the Geo-parks in China & Drawing Lessons from the Grand Canyon National Park

  8. 科罗拉多河滚滚而过大峡谷国家公园的峭壁悬崖,这张加时曝光的照片模糊了摩卡色的泥浊河水。

    A time-lapse image blurs the silty , mocha-colored waters of the Colorado River as it flows through sheer cliffs in Grand Canyon National Park .

  9. 黄石公园和冰川国家公园,以及约塞米蒂和大峡谷国家公园的附加活动都有望于2016年开放,。

    Additional operations are in Yellowstone and Glacier National Park , with two more - near Yosemite and Grand Canyon - expected to open in 2016 .

  10. 大峡谷国家公园并不提供骡骑到峡谷的底部,科罗拉多河。

    Grand Canyon national park does offer mule ride down to the bottom of the canyon , i. e , all the way to the Colorado River .

  11. 尽管黄石国家公园、大峡谷国家公园和约塞米蒂国家公园比其他的国家公园更受到世人的关注,但在“最令人惊艳”的国家公园排行中,冰河国家公园却名列第一。

    While Yellowstone , Grand Canyon and Yosemite might get more attention than other national parks , Glacier National Park in Montana may take the cake as the most breathtaking .

  12. 科罗拉多大峡谷作为国家公园服务项目中闪耀的明星,每年接待超过500万名的游客。

    The shining star of the National Park Service program in the United States , the Grand Canyon hosts more than 5 million visitors each year .

  13. 其中最为著名的国家公园有大峡谷、约塞米蒂国家公园、黄石公园。

    The Grand Canyon , Yosemite Valley , and Yellowstone are among the more famous national parks .

  14. 在美国,户外度假很受欢迎,例如大峡谷,约塞米蒂国家公园、黄石国家公园或森林都是人们热衷的景点。

    With the US , outdoor vacations are popular , for example at the Grand Canyon or Yosemite or Yellowstone or the national parks or forests .

  15. 近期大香格里拉圈、怒江大峡谷国家公园的建立、新农村的建设战略和基础设施的不断改善都为旅游的发展提供了良好的机遇。

    In recent years , the Great Shangri-la Eco-tourism Circle , national park of the great Nujiang canyon will be established , the new rural construction strategy , and continuous improvement of basic facilities , all of which provide an excellent opportunity for the tourism development .

  16. 软件许可:共享软件这个屏幕保护程序显示大峡谷,瀑布和其他惊人的景色来自大峡谷国家公园的。

    Software description : about Grand Canyon National park , this screen saver displays changing pictures of the canyons , waterfalls and other breathtaking scenery from the Grand Canyon National park .