
  • 网络Veteran's Day;Veteran’s Day;VETERANS’ DAY;veteran day
  1. 提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛,感谢普特众版主的辛苦整理早上好,这里是亚特兰大CNN新闻中心,我是MelissaLong。今天是星期三,11月11日,美国退伍军人节。

    Good morning , I 'm Melissa Long here at the CNN center in Atlanta on this Wednesday morning , the eleventh of November Veteran 's Day .

  2. 在美国,11月11日是退伍军人节。

    In the United States , November eleventh is Veterans Day .

  3. 虽然退伍军人节的核心价值并不是关乎战争。

    At its core , though , Veterans Day isn 't about war .

  4. 11月11日是退伍军人节。

    Commemorating Veterans Day this November 11 .

  5. 今天是退伍军人节,美国停下脚步纪念这些男女将士,以及他们的付出和牺牲。

    Today , Veterans Day , America pauses to honor these men and women , and the values of duty and sacrifice they represent .

  6. 在退伍军人节当天,总统按照传统在华盛顿附近的阿灵顿国家公墓无名烈士的墓前献上花圈。

    On Veterans Day , the president traditionally lays a wreath of flowers next to the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery near Washington .

  7. 今天是退伍军人节,是为了纪念那些冒险或牺牲生命来为国家而战的人。

    Again , today is Veteran 's Day , a day for honoring members of the military who have risked or sacrificed their lives fighting for their country .