
tuì wèi
  • back space;give up the throne;abdicate;resign
退位 [tuì wèi]
  • (1) [abdicate;give up the throne]∶最高统治者让出统治地位

  • 光绪皇帝被迫退位了

  • (2) [resign]∶泛指退出原有的职位或地位

  • 老部长退位了,新部长还没到任

退位[tuì wèi]
  1. 这样的举动在现代可谓史无前例:上一位退位的天皇是于1817年退位的光格天皇(EmperorKokaku)。

    No modern emperor has done so : The last emperor to abdicate was Emperor Kokaku , in 1817 .

  2. 是退位,提倡、废除还是裁决?

    Is it abdicate , advocate , abrogate or adjudicate ?

  3. 英王爱德华八世于1936年退位。

    King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936 .

  4. 美国的退位将使苏联想要填补每一个真空。

    American abdication would tempt Soviet tendencies toward filling every vacuum .

  5. 他被阉,紧接着皇帝退位。

    He was castrated , then the emperor abdicated .

  6. 皇帝自愿退位,由他的儿子登基。

    The emperor abdicated in favor of his son .

  7. 稍后皇帝在枫丹白露退位了。

    A little later at Fontainebleau the emperor abdicated .

  8. 总统签署了退位的文告。

    The president signed the instrument of abdication .

  9. dethroned:废君考虑退位吧。B女王。

    Consider yourself dethroned , Queen B.

  10. vi退位;逊位国王爱德华八世于1936年退位与一个平民结婚。

    King Edward Ⅷ in 1936 to marry a commoner .

  11. 荷兰女王贝娅特丽克丝(QueenBeatrix)在位33年,现在宣布退位。

    After 33 years on the throne , Queen Beatrix has abdicated .

  12. 近日,民众广泛预测英国石油公司CEO托尼·海沃德(TonyHayward)将退位。英国石油公司董事会现在已经确认了这种预测。

    BP 's board also confirmed what had been widely ed in recent days , company 's CEO Tony Hayward is .

  13. 根据NHK的报道,在2003年和2012年分别接受前列腺癌治疗和心脏手术的明仁天皇,计划不久将正式宣布退位。

    According to NHK , Akihito , who was treated for prostate cancer in 2003 and underwent heart surgery in 2012 , plans to make a formal announcement shortly .

  14. “我认为退位是不用讨论,这个之类的问题女王也不会去考虑”,皇室家族的书籍的一个作者兼记者,RobertJobson说道。

    " Abdication I don 't think is an issue , or something that 's even in consideration to the Queen ," said Robert Jobson , a journalist and author of books on the royal family .

  15. 然而,在NHK的报道出来后,左倾报纸《朝日新闻》报道,宫内厅(ImperialHouseholdAgency)次长山本信一郎(ShinichiroYamamoto)否认了天皇要退位的报道,称他“没有这样的打算”。

    After the NHK report , however , the Asahi Shimbun , a left-leaning newspaper , reported that Shinichiro Yamamoto , deputy director of the Imperial Household Agency , denied the abdication report , saying that the emperor had " no such intention . "

  16. 就好像历史上的乔治六世和他的弟弟爱德华八世,后者为了傲慢的美国新娘WallisSimpson而不惜退位,这点另他的嫂嫂,也就是后来的伊丽莎白女王很厌恶——现在这样的戏码又上演了。

    It 's as if the painful history of George VI and his brother , Edward VIII - who abdicated for the love of his brash US bride , Wallis Simpson , to the disgust of his sister-in-law , later Queen Elizabeth - is being played out all over again .

  17. Slidell于1845年12月到达墨西哥城,这时的墨西哥政府更加衰微,Herrera担心如果会见美国外交官,他将被迫退位。

    Slidell arrived in Mexico City in December , eighteen hundred forty-five . The Mexican government had grown even weaker . And Herrera was afraid he would be forced from power if he met with the American diplomat .

  18. 她即使因暴力而受非难,也不肯退位。

    She yields to no one in her condemnation of violence .

  19. 国王爱德华八世于1936年退位与一个平民结婚。

    King Edward ⅷ abdicated in 1936 to marry a commoner .

  20. 阿萨德的亲信们拒绝考虑让阿萨德退位。

    The circle around Mr Assad refuses to contemplate his exit .

  21. 英王爱德华八世娶了离异的辛普森夫人后退位。

    King Edward VIII abdicated when he married the divorced Mrs simpson .

  22. 当国王从他的王座退位以后,他的兄弟继承了他。

    When the king abdicated his throne , his brother succeeded him .

  23. 清帝退位记

    Notes on the abdication of the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty

  24. 她哥哥退位后她被加冕。

    She was crowned after the resigning of his brother .

  25. 到了四川之后,玄宗退位,传位给了他的儿子。

    After reaching Sichuan , Xuanzong abdicated in favor of his son .

  26. 我对爱德华八世的退位感到遗憾。

    I am sorry that Edward VIII has been bounced into abdicating .

  27. 1948年,荷兰威廉敏娜女王因健康问题退位。

    In 1948 , Queen Wilhelmina abdicated the Dutch throne for health reasons .

  28. 总统的退位以一个特殊仪式纪念。

    The president 's departure from office was marked by a special ceremony .

  29. 女王贝娅特丽克丝宣布退位,其大儿子威廉·亚历山大接位成为新任国王。

    Queen Beatrix abdicated her throne and her eldest son Willem-Alexander became king .

  30. 官员们谴责他荒废国事,并迫使他退位。

    They accused him of neglecting his duty and forced him to abdicate .