
zhǎnɡ zǐ jì chénɡ quán
  • birthright;primogeniture;right of primogeniture
  1. 他凭着长子继承权,继承了他父亲的财产。

    He inherited his father by right of his primogeniture .

  2. 这时候,“长子继承权”就成为历史上的难题了。

    Here then emerges the historical difficulty of Primogeniture .

  3. 例如,法国到处都是大型乡村豪宅,而所有者却没什么钱这主要是因为在法国没有长子继承权,而这意味着每一代继承人都必须分割他们继承到的财产。

    France , for example , is littered with huge country estates where the owners have little money left mainly because there is no primogeniture in that country , meaning that heirs have to divide up the inheritance of every generation .

  4. 长子享有财产的继承权。

    The property is the birthright of the eldest child .

  5. 只属于长子一人的继承权。

    Right of inheritance belongs exclusively to the eldest son .