
qī zhōnɡ kǎo shì
  • midterm examination
期中考试 [qī zhōng kǎo shì]
  • [midterm;midsemester] 期中进行的考试

  1. 期中考试后我父母和我进行了长谈。

    My parents had a long talk with me after the midterm examination .

  2. 近日,浙江宁波华茂外国语学校的学生参加了一场特殊的期中考试——无监考老师考试。

    A Teacher-free Exam Recently , students at Ningbo Huamao Foreign Language School in Zhejiang took their mid-term exam — a teacher-free exam .

  3. 我们就要期中考试了。

    Our mid-term exam is pending .

  4. (7)goover复习,温�我不得不为明天的期中考试复习笔记。

    I 've have to go over my notes for tomorrow 's midterm .

  5. 与其他许多在线商业课程不同,CORe学员每一门课程的得分取决于测验分数、期中考试成绩和参与程度。

    Unlike many other online business courses , CORe participants are graded in each course based on quizzes , a final exam , and their level of participation .

  6. 由于他期中考试差点不及格,Tom决定期末考要比往常更加倍地用功读书。

    Since he almost failed his mid-term exam , Tom deciede to study much harder than usual in preparation for the final exam .

  7. LH:我不是害怕野营。下星期二要期中考试,你忘啦?

    LL : I still don 't understand why you are afraid to go camping .

  8. 期中考试考得怎么样?不好,得了F。F?

    How was your mid-term ? Didn 't do too well , I got an F. F ? all right , that 's it .

  9. 这门课程的网站包括作业集,一份期中考试的样卷和有关Sipser教授的课本《计算理论入门》的相关资讯。

    This course web site features problem sets , a sample mid-term exam , and information about Professor Sipser 's textbook : Introduction to the Theory of Computation .

  10. 用Piers-Harris儿童自我意识量表测查小学生的自我意识状况,用学生该学期期中考试的成绩来代表学生的学业成绩。结果:(1)小学生自我意识量表总分总体呈负偏态分布。

    We research pupils ' self-awareness condition with Piers-Harris self - awareness scale , and obtain the data of pupils ' academic performance with the mid-term exam achievement . Results : ( 1 ) Pupils self-awareness scale scores shows negatively skewness distribution overall .

  11. 她在期中考试前浏览了一下笔记。

    She looked through her notes before the midterm the English .

  12. 期中考试快要到了,同学们正在为它做准备。

    The mid-exam is coming , and the students are it .

  13. 我遗憾地说,他没有通过这次期中考试。

    I regret say that he can 't pass the mid-tem exam .

  14. 期中考试后,教授叫我去他的办公室。

    After that midterm , the professor called me to his office .

  15. 我也在期中考试期间曾错过一些表演。

    I also missed a couple of performances during my midterm exams .

  16. 整夜未眠准备历史期中考试。

    Was up all night cramming for the history midterm .

  17. 期中考试的成绩与自主学习之间呈正相关性。

    There is positive correlation between achievement and learner autonomy .

  18. 你不是正在期中考试吗?

    Aren 't you in the middle of an exam ?

  19. 我不得不为明天的期中考试复习笔记。

    I have to go over my notes for tomorrow 's midterm .

  20. 大一新生:为自己在微积分期中考试得了A—+而感到自豪。

    Freshman : Is proud of his A + on Calculus midterm .

  21. 我们花了一周的时间准备期中考试。

    It took us a week to prepare for the mid-term examination .

  22. 期中考试以后我们一起上酒吧吧。

    Let us go out clubbing after the mid-term exams .

  23. 还是期中考试以后我们学的知识?

    Or just what we 've been doing since the mid-term exam .

  24. 只要你好好准备,期中考试就会很简单。

    The midterm should be easy as pie if you prepare well .

  25. 我不会让你退出期中考试的。

    I 'm not gonna let you walk out of your mid-term .

  26. 这次的期中考试就是一次检测。

    This is the first detection of mid-term exam .

  27. 她在期中考试以后放松了努力。

    She remitted her efforts after the mid-term test .

  28. 期中考试样题与解答。

    Sample midterm exams and answers are provided here .

  29. 记住,下周三,自愿参加的复习课,下周五,期中考试。

    So , remember : optional class next Wednesday ; midterm , Friday .

  30. 他进步很快,期中考试取得了很好的成绩。

    He made such progress that he did well in the mid-term exam .