
qī wànɡ lǐ lùn
  • expectancy theory
  1. 关注期望理论留住核心员工

    Pay close attention to expectancy theory and keep key staff

  2. 激励期望理论又是管理学的重要组成部分。

    Expectancy theory of motivation is also important component parts of management .

  3. 作为诸多动机结构和期望理论的核心成分和关键内容的能力自我知觉,是个体对自己完成特定任务之能力的自我评价性判断(Harter,1985a)。

    Self-perceptions of competence , as a key component of various motivation constructs and expectancy theories , are people 's self-evaluative judgments about their ability to accomplish certain tasks ( Harter , 1985a ) .

  4. 论技术创新的动力机制与期望理论

    The discussion about motivational mechanism of technological innovation and expectation theory

  5. 期望理论与高校图书馆员工管理探析

    Analysis of the Expected Value Theory and University Library Staff Management

  6. 简论教师期望理论及其在体育教学中的应用

    The Theory of Teacher Expectations and Its Application in Sports Teaching

  7. 服务补救效果的双期望理论:动态的视角

    A Dual-Expectation Theory about Service Recovery Effects : A Dynamic Perspective

  8. 在英语教学中引入期望理论可以取得良好的效果。

    Introducing expectation theory into English can achieve excellent effect .

  9. 基于期望理论的纳税遵从行为研究

    The Study of Tax Compliance Based on Prospect Theory

  10. 期望理论在班主任工作中的应用

    The Application of The expectation theories in Class Management

  11. 期望理论对促进聘用护士队伍稳定的作用

    Effect of Expectancy Theory to Promote Employed Nurses ' Engagement in Job Security

  12. 解释期望理论与他们的作用在动机上的三个关键联系。

    Explain the three key linkages in expectancy theory and their role in motivation .

  13. 期望理论及价值函数的实证研究

    Empirical research on prospect theory and cost function

  14. 交换不对称被误认为禀赋效应理论和期望理论的证据?

    Exchange Asymmetries Incorrectly Interpreted as Evidence of Endowment Effect Theory and Prospect Theory ?

  15. 最后,指出了基于期望理论的行为金融学对于金融理论发展的深远意义。

    Then , the implication of behavioral finance for finance theory development is discussed .

  16. 期望理论认为人的工作积极性与“效价”和“期望值”成正比。

    Expectation theory believes that people 's initiative positively correlates with their expectation and motivation .

  17. 本研究以心理契约的期望理论和社会交换理论为理论基础,编制了中职教师心理契约问卷。

    This study based on the expectancy theory and social exchange theory of the psychological contract .

  18. 强化理论,期望理论一样,是一种以链接的动机和行为。

    Reinforcement theory , like expectancy theory , is a way to link motivation and behaviors .

  19. 期望理论在大学课程选择中的应用

    Expectancy Theory in College Curriculum Selection

  20. 本文讨论了管理心理学中弗罗姆的期望理论,希望对高校教师管理有所启示。

    H. Froom 's expectation theory concerning management psychology aiming at providing apocalypse to institutional teacher administration .

  21. 行为资产组合理论的基础包括安全第一组合理论和安全、潜力和期望理论。

    The theoretical basis of Behavioral Portfolio Theory includes Safety-First Portfolio Theory and SP / A Theory .

  22. 期望理论述评

    The Theory of Expectancy

  23. 它建立在期望理论基础之上,拓展和延伸了现代财务理论。

    It is built on the base of expectancy theory , expands and extends the modern financing theory .

  24. 对g-框架下的期望理论的有关内容进行了梳理,以使g-框架下的期望理论体系更加条理和完善。

    Relevant content of the expectation theory under g-framework are combed to make the system more structured and complete .

  25. 激励理论主要有需要层次论、双因素理论、需要理论、期望理论及公平理论等。激励理论在图书馆读者管理中的运用

    There some clear stages among inspiration theory . The Application of Inspiration Theory to Managing the Readers in Circulating Library

  26. 羊群效应的不对称性可用行为金融学及其期望理论解释。

    The asymmetric degree of herding in up and down markets could be explained by behavioral finance and its prospect theory .

  27. 基于期望理论的战略地图价值评估:中国环境的实证分析与应用展望

    An Expectancy Theory Based Evaluation of Strategy Map : An Empirical Study on the Map and Its Future Application in China

  28. 论中国企业科技创新人才的激励机制&对弗鲁姆的期望理论的一种实践解读

    Study on the Motivation Mechanism of Innovation Talents of Science and Technology in Chinese Enterprises & Explanation to V.H.Vroom 's Expectancy Theory

  29. 作为研究随机现象的一个基本工具,经典数学期望理论已基本成熟和完善。

    As a basic tool researching random phenomenon , the classic mathematical expectation theory , by and large , has been perfect .

  30. 最后分析了行为金融的几个主要理论模型,分别是期望理论、行为资产定价模型和行为金融组合理论。

    I also analyze some important BF models , which are prospect theory , behavioral asset pricing theory and behavioral portfolio theory .