
dǎ zì yuán
  • typist;typer
  1. 我被视为是一名能干的速记打字员。

    I was deemed to be a competent shorthand typist .

  2. 他干过很多种工作:打字员、推销员、投递员等。

    He has done many jobs : typist , salesman , deliverer and so forth .

  3. 当两个打字员重新打出文件全文的时候,我们俩就站在旁边。

    The two of us stood by while two typists typed out the whole document again

  4. 他听说这个公司曾登广告再雇一个打字员。

    He had heard that the firm was advertising for another typist .

  5. 恰巧这家银行需要一个打字员。

    It just so happened that the bank was seeking a typist .

  6. 他雇有三个打字员。

    He employs three typists .

  7. 打字员、售票员、银行出纳员和许多生产线上的工作都像织布工一样被替代了。

    Typists , ticket agents , bank tellers and many production-line jobs have been dispensed with , just as the weavers were .

  8. 让这个女孩做打字员吧。

    Place the girl as a typist .

  9. 朋友问你怎么不做打字员的工作了。你说,你烦透了:I'mfedup。

    I 'm fed up with what you 're doing .

  10. Rose问:您需要打字员吗?

    Do you need a typist ? asked Rose .

  11. n.替代人选,替代品我们需要一个人来接替上周离职的打字员。

    We need a replacement for the typist who left last week . conclude

  12. 我当时在一家银行负责信用备咨调查工作,她在一家名叫Hornblower&Weeks的投资公司做一些略高于打字员级别的事情。

    I was investigating credit references at a bank , and she was doing something slightly above the rank of typist for Hornblower & Weeks , the investment firm .

  13. A还听说D正和一个已婚的打字员恋爱,还有G和F关系僵得已经不说话了,而且两人似乎都找不到症结所在。

    A has heard that D is in love with a married typist and that G and F are no longer on speaking terms & no one seems to know why .

  14. 你们公司有打字员空缺吗?

    Have you any vacancies for a typist in your firm ?

  15. 电脑打字员,每月包吃包住800块钱。

    Receptionist , 800 yuan a month includes room and meals .

  16. 德瑞克是我们打字班上技术最熟练的打字员。

    Derrick is the most proficient typist in our typing class .

  17. 那个打字迅速的打字员两天内就可以打一本书。

    The fast typist can type a book in two days .

  18. 部门主任在职员和打字员面前大逞威风。

    The section chief lorded it over the clerks and typists .

  19. 办公室的经理支配他的秘书及打字员。

    The office manager lorded it over the clerks and typists .

  20. 那家公司在报纸上登广告征聘打字员。

    The company is advertising for typists in the newspapers .

  21. 雇个临时打字员有什么用呢?

    What 's the point of hiring a temporary typist ?

  22. 打字员以典型的风格在钢琴上演奏台风。

    The typist plays Typhoon on the piano in a typical style .

  23. 管理部门认为办公室人浮於事,於是裁去了叁名级别低的打字员。

    Management decided the office was overmanned and sacked three junior typists .

  24. 我觉得我很适合做打字员的工作。

    I think I 'm quite fit for a typist 's job .

  25. 她的薪水比打字员的薪水还低。

    Her salary was lower than that of a typist .

  26. 先把原稿仔细检查一遍,然后交给打字员。

    Check the manuscript over carefully before passing it to the typist .

  27. 打字员漏掉了信的最后一行。

    The typist omitted the last line of the letter .

  28. 这两位打字员已经工作一整天了。

    The two typist have already worked away all day .

  29. 打字员就是操作打字机的人。

    A typist is the one who operates a typewriter .

  30. 她在银行当了多年的打字员。

    She served as a typist in the bank for many years .