
  • 网络environmental objective;Environmental Goal;environmental object;Environmental Target
  1. 制定环境目标、目的,确立环境管理体系,在执行过程中完善体系,力图不断提高。

    Decide the environmental objective , the environment management system , and improve it while carrying it on .

  2. 能源效率目标的实现是欧盟完成能源政策目标和环境目标的重要环节,也是能源政策的基本组成要素之一。

    The realization of the energy efficiency target is a vital link in accomplishing the energy policy target and environmental objective for EU , also one of the basic elements of energy policy .

  3. 该方法检出限大大低于DBP、DOP的环境目标值,结果令人满意。

    The detection limit in this method is lower than the amount of environmental goal of DBP and DOP . The results are satisfying .

  4. 结合修正聚类分析模型及灰色预测GM(1,1)模型,建立了污染物达标浓度阈值计算模型,从而可确定系统内各因子在达标这个环境目标下的浓度临界值,即目标总量控制值。

    Based on both the modified clustering model and GM ( 1,1 ) model , the concentration threshold model of each pollutant is established to calculate the critical value with the environment aim at attaining the standard grade .

  5. 下一个五年计划包含空前全面的环境目标。

    The next five-year plan includes broader environmental goals than ever before .

  6. 在第11个五年计划里有重要的环境目标。

    There are serious environmental targets in the11th five-year plan .

  7. 课堂环境目标影响学生成就目标的实验研究

    The Effects of Classroom Goal Structures on Students'Achievement Goals

  8. 指定具体的员工负责达成具体的环境目标。

    Allocate responsibility for achieving goals to specific employees .

  9. 排放物的环境目标值与污染源评价

    Discharge Multimedia Environmental Goals and Pollution Resource Assessment

  10. 采用不同的绿色设计策略,可以实现不同的产品环境目标。

    Different product environment targets can be attained through adopting different green design strategies .

  11. 多环境目标模糊优化的绿色设计方法研究

    Method of green design in multi-objective fuzzy optimum

  12. 该报告说,这些矛盾妨碍了实现重要的环境目标的工作。

    Those inconsistencies , the report says , stymie attainment of crucial environmental objectives .

  13. 多介质环境目标值的应用

    Application of multimedia environmental goal values

  14. 在制定环境目标和指标时,是否听取了对目标和指标的实现负有责任的员工意见?

    How have the employees responsible for achieving the objectives and targets had input into their development ?

  15. 组织在建立与评审环境目标时,应考虑法律与其他要求。

    When establishing and reviewing its objectives , an organization shall consider the legal and other requirements .

  16. 贵公司是否制定了为达成贵公司的职业健康和安全政策而制定的环境目标,实施计划或方案?

    Does the company establish the improvement objectives and performance plan to meet the occupational health and safety policy ?

  17. 组织应确保在建立环境目标时,对与这些重大影响有关的因素加以考虑。

    The organization shall ensure that the aspects related to these significant impacts are considered in setting its environmental objectives .

  18. 在当代社会人类所面临的所有挑战中,可能没有哪个比协调国际贸易与环境目标间的矛盾更为复杂。

    Of all the challenges facing contemporary societies , perhaps none is more complex than reconciling international trade with environmental goals .

  19. 针对“十一五”火电厂的环境目标,从技术、经济、政策法规等方面分析了目前存在的问题。

    Aimed at " The eleventh five years'plan " of thermal power 's environmental goal , the existing problems were analysed through techonoly , ec .

  20. 针对基于单目视觉的双轮差速移动机器人检测环境目标信息的误差大、波动频繁、有限视角约束且受非完整性约束特点,研究了避障与轨迹跟踪控制器的设计问题。

    An obstacle avoidance and circle trajectory following controller is proposed for differential driving nonholonomic robot with inaccurate insatiable limited feedback information from monocular pan-tilt camera .

  21. 大规模城市项目的实施为政府控制土地来实现社会与环境目标提供了可能性。

    The implementation of large urban projects can provide the possibility for the govern - ment in land use control and in reaching the goal of social and environmental development .

  22. 被试为260名高一学生,对他们施测成就目标量表、环境目标知觉量表、成就动机量表和学习兴趣量表,并收集最近一次的考试成绩。

    260 high school students completed a set of scales assessing achievement , perceived contextual goal instruction , achievement motivation and interest ; and the recent examination score also was collected .

  23. 它服务于环境目标管理的战略决策,受技术、经济条件约束,因各项治理工程的分期建设而有时间性、阶段性,同时也有具体的空间范围;水污染控制措施的分期实施;

    The function area-dividing services for the environment purpose administer and is limited by the technology and economy condition , it is spatio-temporal because the renovating project is constructed by stages .

  24. 但是他告诉英国广播公司,奥巴马政府在短期内准备调整一些环境目标以便敦促美国国会削减温室气体的排放。

    But he told the BBC News the Obama administration would be prepared to temper some of its environmental goals in the short term in order to get some emissions cuts approved by the US Congress .

  25. 工作程序主要为确定发展目标和环境目标、现状调查与评价、识别与筛选、优化方案与综合防治、部门咨询及公众参与、政府决策等。

    The job programme are to ascertain development targets and the environment target , current situation investigation and assessment , distinguishment and selection , optimize the schemes and integrated prevention and cure and branch consults , public participation as well as government decision-making etc.

  26. 将经济目标、环境目标和社会目标纳入统一的跨流域调水水权管理准市场模式目标体系,并明确这一目标体系的核心要素。

    It is necessary to incorporate economic objectives , environmental and social objectives into a coherent target system of quasi-market model for water right management in the field of Chinese interbasin Water Transfer and to make clear the core element of the target system .

  27. 近年来,人们逐渐发现自由贸易和环境目标之间有潜在冲突,倾向于认同贸易限制是应对污染转移的合适工具之一。贸易限制能有效消除经济刺激,因而适合遏制污染转移。

    In recent years , people gradually found that there is potential conflict between free trade and environmental objectives , and tend to agree that trade restriction is an appropriate response to pollution transfer , because the most effective and appropriate way is to eliminate economic incentives .

  28. �制定城市规划,应当确定保护和改善环境的目标和任务。

    The targets and tasks for protecting and improving the environment shall be defined in urban planning .

  29. 基于SAR成像的复杂环境中目标识别

    Simulation of Target Recognition in Complex Environment Based on SAR Imaging

  30. 如果使用这种方式,ScriptedDeployment就可以从构建环境对目标环境执行部署流程,不需要人为干预。

    If you use this approach , a Scripted Deployment can execute processes from the build environment to the target environment ( or environments ) without human intervention .