
  • 网络ringed seal;Pusa hispida;Phoca hispida
  1. 一只环斑海豹在浮出水面前扫视周围是否有北极熊。

    A ringed seal scans for polar bears before snatching a breath .

  2. 环斑海豹通常在洞穴的底部生育。

    Ringed seal pups are reared in snow dens .

  3. 环斑海豹是北极熊的猎物之一

    Ringed seals are hunted by polar bears .

  4. 这些北极熊在冬天慢慢地聚集到岸边,因为他们能在寒冷的冰层上猎到自己的美味&环斑海豹。

    The bears are slowly congregating along the coast , anticipating the winter freeze of Hudson Bay when they can get onto the ice and hunt their favorite meal of ringed seal .